Moonstruck by Dannika Dark

June 25th, 2019 Kimberly Review 17 Comments

25th Jun
Moonstruck by Dannika Dark
by Dannika Dark
Series: Crossbreed #7
Narrator: Nicole Poole
Length: 11 hours and 18 minutes
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Narration: 5 cups Speed: 1.2x

Transporting goods is part of the job, but when Keystone accepts the daunting task of moving precious cargo, the team splits up. Raven has orders to follow, but Christian's seductive ways draw out her violent soul. Their journey is dangerous, their enemies ruthless, and one misstep could prove fatal. When one team member mysteriously vanishes, the rest must choose between cutting their losses in the face of chaos or seeing it through to the bitter end. Will Keystone have the fortitude to complete the mission, or will they fall like dominoes? Evil forces are at play in this spellbinding continuation of the Crossbreed series.

urban magical ROMANCE SUSPENSE

Moonstruck by Dannika Dark is the seventh novel in the Crossbreed series. Once again I listened to the narration by Nicole Poole. For days after, the voices in my head spoke in Christian Poe’s voice, “for feck’s sake.” ? I was amused!

Keystone is tasked with moving precious cargo and part of the team will remain at the compound giving us two action-packed threads that will leave you sitting on edge, laughing, weeping and wanting to kick some mercenary arse.

I read the synopsis after listening and man it’s vague..which I think it a good thing, but since I try not to mention anything not mentioned there, it leaves me feeling tongue tied. I love going into the audiobooks blind. Dark is an auto-buy for me. I’ve listened to all her books and devour as soon as they upload.

Rave, Christian, Blue, Sheppard, Claude, and Viktor are transporting the precious cargo. They will encounter local yokels, dangerous beasts in the woods and will need to use their wits to complete the mission. 

I loved seeing Raven and Christian together. His love for her undoes me. *swoons* Raven is embracing and learn her vampire side. Something strange happens to her Mage light and oh man do I need answers.

We learned some interesting things about one of the Keystone members sitting around a campfire. It was a touching story about family and breed upbringing. It added depth to an already intriguing character and brought me closer to them. Secondary characters, some old and some new added interest and kept things interesting.

Gem, Wyatt, Nicco and Hunter, Sheppard’s son along with his new guardian and teacher are at the compound. One will be kidnapped and the events that unfold will blow your mind. I laughed at the back and forth between Wyatt and the new teacher. I wept, cried, help my breath and sat stunned over the suspenseful thread here. Holy mageballs!

Apart of me wishes that Dark had broken the threads into two books. The stories were there. If only to prolong my time with the Crossbreeds series. I am not sure how many more books Dark intends but I know I am not eager for the series to end. On the other hand, I wonder if the second thread would have worked if the team was all together. Ugh… I love these characters and cannot wait to see what happens next.

Moonstruck wrapped up fairly well, leaving just enough dangling threads to keep me counting the days until the next releases, but feeling good about Raven, Poe and the Keystone group.

Cancel your plans, you'll want to devour Moonstruck by Dannika Dark narrated by Nicole Poole. #UrbanFantasy #MustListen #Poe Click To Tweet
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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

17 Responses to “Moonstruck by Dannika Dark”

  1. Mary @StackingMyBookShelves!

    Do you think it takes away anything from the book if you speed up the narration? I find that sometimes the reading is just so slow that I have to speed it up or I will either lose interest or can’t follow along as I am already on to something else and then remember that I have a audio on.

  2. Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    Raven and Christian sound like they had a very swoon-worthy romance! The Keystone members sound fascinating. I like that the characters had depth, and you got a lot of suspense in this segment! Wonderful Review Kim 🙂

  3. Olivia Roach

    Sometimes we want the series to continue and when the last book could’ve been written in two, it makes the ending all the more bittersweet. If you’re still thinking and hearing the narration in your head days after the book is done, that’s how you know it’s a good one!

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  4. kindlemom1

    I don’t think I have ever tried this author Kim but it sounds like I need to find book one and try it! I know so many people love this author but I had no idea this series was so good. I will definitely look up book one and see if I can’t find it at the library.

  5. Lorna

    I’m reading it right now. I am sure I will be buying the audio soon as well as I love Nicole Poole’s narration too. These books should be a must read for any urban fantasy/paranormal romance readers!

  6. Tracy Terry

    Not a book that immediately screamed ‘Read Me’ as far as I was concerned and yet reading your thoughts on it I feel myself warming to it.. However I’m not sure I feel that warm about it as to want to buy a copy … maybe if I were to see it in the library.

    Tracy Terry recently posted: SLICK.
  7. Ailyn Koay

    when you say precious cargo i think baby! surely it’s not. But that would be spoiling the story ain’t it