Fair Market Value by Hailey Edwards is the first audiobook in her newest series, The Body Shop. Narrated by Candace Joice, I was immediately drawn to the body shop and necromancer, Mary Frances Talbot, aka Frankie. Dead vampires and an ex boyfriend turned police delivered an intense first listen.

by Hailey Edwards
Series: The Body Shop #1
Narrator: Candace Joice
Length: 8 hours and 44 minutes
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate

Narration: 4.5 cups Speed: 1.5x
Forgot to feed your goldfish before your untimely demise? Need to jot down a will? Say a goodbye? See the Grand Canyon? Then come visit us at The Body Shop, where unfinished business is our business.
Mary Frances Talbot—Frankie—is a necromancer, probably. Hard to say since she never met her parents. She can see the dead, talk to the dead, and a few other things that aren’t strictly legal. It’s fine. No worries. As long as she doesn’t get caught.
The whole not getting caught thing was going well until Samuel Harrow blew back into town wearing a Savannah Police Department uniform. He might be a witch, but he hates magic. He’s not a fan of Frankie either. Which explains why he’s her ex.
When Frankie’s less than legal side gigs result in dead vampires, she knows she’s in trouble. Big trouble. And that’s before Harrow offers to help. With him waving a Get Out of Jail Free card in her face, Frankie doesn’t have much choice but to accept.
But that doesn’t mean she has to forgive. She’ll certainly never forget him breaking her heart or turning her over to the police or... Yeah. They were doomed from the start. Something tells her this investigation will be too.
I first read The Beginner’s Guide to Necromancy series by Edwards, so I was delighted to discover the Body Shop series is set in the same world. However, you do not need to have read that series to appreciate the world-building and mythology in this one.
Mary Frances Talbot, aka Frankie, runs the Body Shop and takes care of her siblings. Frankie is a necromancer. At least she thinks so. She can communicate and see the dead and manipulate spirits. Her body shop offers the dearly departed a chance to tie up loose ends, but borrowing a body. Is it legal? Not totally, which is why things go sideways when a vampire is killed by a departed in one of her rentals. When she becomes a suspect, things become complicated. Her ex-boyfriend is back and part of the Savannah police department. Will he turn her in? He seems to ask for her assistance. But can he be trusted? The tale that unfolds hooked me.
I adored Frankie, who seems to carry all the responsibility on her shoulders. She desperately wants to clear her name and find the killer. Frankie’s siblings, Matty and Josie, also have unique talents. They were both likeable and the family unit felt genuine. I look forward to learning more. Hailey did a great job of filling in backstory and introducing the secondary characters and their connections to us.
We also meet Carter, who is quite the character. Frankie connects with him, creating a little triangle vibe in the romance department. We shall see. It is clear there is something between her and her annoying ex-Harrow. I have a feeling we don’t know his full story.
The mystery was interesting with spooky moments, gods and more. Edwards is a master storyteller, and this did not disappoint. The next audiobook, Amber Gambler, releases in March but is available in ebook now. Edwards mixes heartfelt moments, snark and humor into her stories to balance out the darker aspects, allowing me to connect with the world and characters.
Candance Joice narrates this series and offered a wide range of male and female voices that suited the characters and enhanced the overall story. I recommend listening and plan to continue the series on audio.

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Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)
I’ve been seeing lots of reviews for this one. I’ll need to check it out at this point I think. Great review!
Jen Twimom
I really enjoyed this one and appreciate that it’s standalone when compared to the earlier series since I only read a couple of those.
This looks good.
Rachel @Waves of Fiction
I am listening to this one right now and it took me a little bit to sort out the world since I hadn’t read the previous series, but I’m settling in now and liking it. Not sure I could forgive Harrow if I were Frankie. There better be a good reason!
Anne - Books of My Heart
I enjoyed this one too.
Angela (Angel's Book Nook)
Wonderful review. I just finished listening to this one from my library. It was a lot of fun. I enjoy Edwards. Now I need to try her Yard Birds series. ^_^
Sophia Rose
Another of her series off to a fab start. It really sounds like my kind of UF. Great review, Kimberly!
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
I like the sound of this series, adding it to my TBR
I am glad. I highly recommend this author.