Rating System
= Did not like
= It was ok
= I liked it
= Really liked it
= Loved it
Flame Rating
*indicates level of steam, smooching and sexy time*
= smooching
=smooching and closed door sexy-time
=we are invited in, but it’s not overly detailed
=detailed sexy time
=word porn
1 cup= Did not like
2 cups = It was ok
3 cups = I liked it
4 cups = Really liked it
5 cups = Loved it
I always begin a new narration at normal speed. Then I increase the speed until I find a comfortable listening speed.
Audio Apps used at Caffeinated : Audible, Smart Audiobook Player for Android, Libby, Libro.frm, Google Play, Chirp, Downpour
Read about listening speeds: What is Your “X” Rating?