Tricked by Kevin Hearne

February 9th, 2018 Kimberly Review 47 Comments

9th Feb
Tricked by Kevin Hearne
by Kevin Hearne
Series: Iron Druid Chronicles #4
Narrator: Luke Daniels
Length: 10 hours and 41 minutes
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Purchase
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration: 5 cups

Druid Atticus O’Sullivan hasn’t stayed alive for more than two millennia without a fair bit of Celtic cunning. So when vengeful thunder gods come Norse by Southwest looking for payback, Atticus, with a little help from the Navajo trickster god Coyote, lets them think that they’ve chopped up his body in the Arizona desert.

But the mischievous Coyote is not above a little sleight of paw, and Atticus soon finds that he’s been duped into battling bloodthirsty desert shapeshifters called skinwalkers. Just when the Druid thinks he’s got a handle on all the duplicity, betrayal comes from an unlikely source. If Atticus survives this time, he vows he won’t be fooled again. Famous last words.

urban magical Humor Mythology

I am continuing to devour the Iron Druid Chronicles, even as I kick myself for having delayed listening to them for so long. Tricked was a transition novel after the events of Hammered, but still packed a punch as new friends were made, relationships were severed and characters faced down death.

Hammered was brutal and Tricked has our favorite druid cutting ties to his previous home and name thanks to a slew of ancient gods wanting him dead. After Coyote helps him, he is indebted to him and finds himself on an Arizona reservation with Oberon and his apprentice Granuaile.

Coyote is an interesting character and one I have encountered in other novels. He is immortal, and a known trickster. Hearne kept me guessing about his true intentions. This kept me on edge and I wavered back and forth in worrying about Atticus.  Thanks to a warning from the Morrigan, Atticus keeps a close eye on Coyote too but even he is unsure.

What I loved most about Tricked was the depth the author brought to Atticus. Despite his intelligence, kickassery, and magical knowledge we really catch a glimpse of what it truly means to be over two thousand years old. I felt Atticus’s weariness at starting over and felt some sarcastic undertones particularly with some associates/friends. His love for Oberon and life, earth and those close to him, not to mention the weight of responsibility he feels all endeared me to him further.

Despite some protests, the relationship between Atticus and Granuaile intrigues me. We do see some attraction and the foundation for a possible romance, but as I have said before, it isn’t a necessary component in urban fantasy for me.

Skinwalkers, Hell, and vampires provided the action scenes and storyline in Tricked. Hearne is a masterful storyteller and I loved the details and worldbuilding he brought to the story. I held my breath each time we faced a battle and one, in particular, left me quite upset. The final encounter with the skinwalkers offered squeamish moments, quick thinking and hilarious moments even as I thanked the Nore Gods I wasn’t Atticus. Eep!

Luke Daniels continues to narrate and is such a joy to listen to. He is fast becoming one of my favorites!

While things wrapped up well in this installment, that didn’t stop me from immediately downloading Trapped the next audio.

The Iron Druid Chronicles is a #mustlisten for fans of urban fantasy. Tricked by Kevin Hearne takes us to Arizona where we face skinwalkers, hell, and vampires. #iloveaudiobooks Share on X


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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

47 Responses to “Tricked by Kevin Hearne”

  1. Jennifer

    There’s something to be said to coming to a series late. Especially when it’s ending and you get to binge it and not wait a year or two for the next book.

  2. Christy LoveOfBooks

    Yay! I know you’ve read them all but I love seeing these posts. Hopefully, more people will read/listen when they see it! I forgot who was lost in this one …

  3. Kristin @ Addicted to HEA

    This one KILLED me!!! I was so freaking bummed about alkjlkdkjflakkdjflkaljdlkfj!!!! And it’s funny you mention about reading the Coyote character in other stories (Mercedes, maybe?). THIS was my first intro to Coyote 🙂

    Thanks, again, for the revisit to the story <3

    • Kimberly

      Hahaha yes…I am still mad about alkjlkdkjflakkdjflkaljdlkfj. Yes, Mercedes and another paranormal book I read years ago.

  4. Evie

    It sounds like you’re really head over heels with this series. Your review makes me want to check them out!

  5. Tanya @ Rantings of a Reading Addict

    That you are loving this series has me SO excited to get to it! I wish I could do more than one thing at a time so I could do my blog stuff and listen at the same time. I fail as a multi tasker! LOL I’m interested to see how I do with a lack of romance. Normally I lose interest fairly quickly if the action isn’t constant and there is no hint of romance. I can’t wait to see how I feel about these!

  6. Daniela Ark

    oh you are making me crave this series so much Kim with your great reviews! I love the fact they show how a a millennial character must feel like. They don;t do that in books as often as they should! Hope you are feeling better now!

  7. Melanie Simmons

    I really felt bad for Atticus in this book. I can’t imagine having to completely reinvent yourself as many times as he has. I think it would be fun at first and get tiresome as time goes on. I’m so glad that he has Oberon to help him with these transitions. I’m not a big fan of the relationship with Granuaile either. Luckily, romance is never a big part of this series. I really enjoy revisiting this series through your reviews.

    • Kimberly

      Having moved 6 times in my adult life, I felt for him too. Granuaile pisses me off a time a two but the overall series is da bomb.

  8. ShootingStarsMag

    Sounds like another good addition to the series. I love that the MC is male – you don’t get that a lot in UF, etc. I need to read these!


  9. Mary

    I love the idea of a Druid book. I have to read this. I am a fan of World or Warcraft and know about those types of druids it would be totally cool to read about a druid!
    Great review!

  10. Heidi

    I love Coyote. I thought this was a nice reprieve after the sadness of Hammered. I also loved the whole discussion on how much a crap ton of nails was. It still makes me giggle and I read this five years ago.

    • Kimberly

      Hehe. This series is awesome. As you probably have guessed I have devoured everything including all of the novellas and Oberon mysteries. I will weep right along with you when we listen to the final audiobook.

  11. Sophia Rose

    I’ve only progressed as far as book three so I’m glad to see that Tricked was just as fabulous as the others. Looking forward to encountering Coyote again.

  12. kindlemom1

    I really do want to read more of these this year too and try to get caught up. I really did like the first two I tried and the novellas.

  13. RO

    Sounds like you really enjoyed this one! Hope you’re feeling much better these days. Hugs…RO

    • Kimberly

      Yes, while I am still tired and have a little congestion left, I am starting to think I might yet live to read all of my books 🙂