by Darynda Jones
Series: Charley Davidson #11
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate

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A typical day in the life of Charley Davidson involves cheating husbands, missing people, errant wives, philandering business owners, and oh yeah...demons, hell hounds, evil gods, and dead people. Lots and lots of dead people. As a part time Private Investigator and full-time Grim Reaper, Charley has to balance the good, the bad, the undead, and those who want her dead. In this eleventh installment, Charley is learning to make peace with the fact that she is a goddess with all kinds of power and that her own daughter has been born to save the world from total destruction. But the forces of hell are determined to see Charley banished forever to the darkest corners of another dimension. With the son of Satan himself as her husband and world-rocking lover, maybe Charley can find a way to have her happily ever after after all.
The Charley Davidson urban fantasy series is one whose books I completely devour. I love Charley, melt over Reyes and adore the secondary characters from demons to besties. Eleventh Grave in Moonlight brings us one step closer to the conclusion of this series and with it comes revelations, turmoil and a cliffhanger ending that has left me anxious for book twelve.
At this stage of the game, it is seriously hard to keep this spoiler free for those not caught up in the series. However, I have made every effort to do so. If you haven’t read this series, go directly to your bookstore, library, online retailer or audio store and pick up First Grave of Right. I own the series in hardcover but plan to do a complete re-read on audio.
In Eleventh Grave in Moonlight, Charley is worried about keeping Uncle Bob alive, investigating the Fosters, handling a stalker case, and dealing with a God. In other words, things are perfectly normal. Just add coffee and the sizzling hot son of Satan.
Unlike the turmoil in Curse of Tenth Grave, things felt a little more mellow. Say hello to snuggle time with Reyes and some traveling. Jones used these moments as a lesson for both Charley and the reader. We gain a better understanding of the true scope of Charley’s powers. These scenes fed my inner nerd, but there was also an incredible intimacy. It captures the trust and love between Reyes and Charley. It was both beautiful and mind-blowingly hot! While miscommunication still dogs this couple, we see them make some strides here.
Some of the threads in the last few novels were closed and with them came intense action scenes and high body counts. We also gained more knowledge and had questions answered. Of course, Jones also succeeding in providing more questions that I need answers to now! I thought the thread and closure to the Foster case reached a satisfactory conclusion. The case involving the stalker was an interesting one, and we got to see Charley test some of the lessons she learned. Dealings with the God were hard on Charley, but oh momma did we learn things. Like how Charley became a reaper! Yep, you need to bump this up your reading list!
With everything that is happening, Charley is still Charley, and we do get moments of laughter and snark. I continue to love the quotes and memes at the beginning of each chapter and Charley’s quirky way of naming body parts and inanimate objects.
For me, Eleventh Grave in Moonlight was brilliantly paced and showcases the many sides of Charley. I enjoyed the wealth of information and closure of threads. You can feel Jones moving us to the final book(s). It has me both ecstatic and nervous. Jones always ends her books with something jaw-dropping or with a one-line zinger that has you screaming what?!? All I can say is I cannot wait until The Trouble With Twelfth Grave release October 31, 2017. (Psstt. Don’t read the synopsis of 12 until you read 11..it will spoil it for you)
Eleventh Grave in Moonlight by Darynda Jones was unputdownable and brilliant Share on X

I tried not to read much because I’m on book 2 and just reading the blurb spoiled a few things for me but I’m glad to know the series continue to be so good!
Oh yes, avoid them. I try to go into these cold,
I am in LOVE with this series! Is it true there will only be 12 books? How is this even possible? Hurry October.
I think there are 2 more. Eep…but then we get Beep’s series 🙂
Melanie Simmons
I’m listening to this book now. I just finished up at the food court. I already know that I will be very eager for the next book.
Oh…yep. The wait is painful!
Dani Chapman
This is one of the best series out there. So enjoyable, I also recommend it to everyone!
My sentiments exactly Dani!
Debbie Haupt
I have one thing to say Kim THANK YOU for turning me on to this series, I’m only on book three but with all the drama going on now I’m kind of glad I can read knowing that if i HAVE to read the next book ASAP I can 😉
Great review and you did a good job of keeping it spoiler free!
I am so happy you are loving them.
I need the next book now. That cliffhanger made me scream!
YES….it was killer!
Christy LoveOfBooks
Yeah, it did feel more mellow, but maybe that’s jut because of what happened in the last book. Ooo I need to read the synopsis for the next book!
You may be right.
The Bibliophile Babe
I cannot wait for this one!
Laura Thomas
I added this to my must read list recently. So glad you loved it. Sorry I didn’t read your review as I’ve yet to read the book.
No worries, I kept it spoiler free if you were up to speed. Happy reading!
Ahh, I’ve been meaning to start these for forever! So glad they continue to be awesome, even this far into the series 🙂
Ooo….they are on sale for eBook. (at least I think they still are)
Thanks for the heads up not to read the blurb for 12 since I am not quite finished with 11! One of my favorite series too.
You are welcome.
Sophia Rose
Yes, I thought this one felt a bit more mellow too. Made me nervous because I knew it wouldn’t last and wow, that finish showed that I was right. 🙂
Right…like the calm before the storm.
I really need to get on this series ASAP! You know it’s good when book 11 is still a 5 star read! Sounds like a good time to binge read if the series might be ending soon. Great review, Kim!
Yes, the last couple were fours for me, but this was fantastic.
Tyler H. Jolley
I’m glad you loved it. Thanks for the review!
One of my favorite urban fantasy series…
A White Chocolate Mocha with one shot of Raspberry review!!!!! PERFECT!!! Mine is going up tomorrow and I think I need to add the disclaimer about book 12’s synopsis to my review. Hopefully you won’t mind if I copy that 😉
You’re absolutely right about being lured into the nice and fuzzies and then BOOM! Shit gets real. Darynda is really good at that 🙂
Copy away. It is a spoiler for those who aren’t caught up
Angela Adams
Cool Title! 5 cups always puts a book on my TBR list!! Thanks for the post.
Love this series. Thanks Angela
I’m seeing reviews on this book all over the place. I’m really missing out. Thanks for another fabulous review, Kim!
What?!? You haven’t tried this series? Go, go Rowena and grab book one!
I’ve had the first book sitting on my shelf for ages and then my library just uploaded the audio to their digital site so I think I’m going to go that route because I might get to it faster. This is not a book I want to miss! Any series that’s this much fun at book 11 is one I need to read soon!
The audio series is fantastic. I have OCD, and since I started reading the series I need to finish it that way…I’ve already got their voices in my head..LOL However, I have been picking them on audio and will re-read them that way.
Stormi Johnson
I am just getting to know Charley, and I really enjoy it. I am on book three so way behind. 🙂
I am glad you are. Are you listening? I intend to listen to the whole series when its done.
Stormi Johnson
Yes, I am listening so I get one when I have a credit to do so with so it’s slow going cause it’s hard to decide what series gets my credit when I have one….lol.
I feel you. I keep buying 3 extra credits all the time. I should do 2 credits a month, but doing 1 and buying some on sale makes me feel more in control!
I have yet to try this series! I have the first three books and need to start on it!
AH…go read book one now!
OMG, the end had me screaming. I wanted more! So much new information is coming out and I have questions. So many questions!
YES Tanya. It makes me want to scream and laugh nervously all at the same time!
Oh that Charley
Yes….she is an original.
I don’t see a lot of 5 cups from you Kim but I have come to expect 5 cups whenever one of Darynda Jones comes out – I have heard wonderful things about the series. Glad to see you enjoyed this book as well.
The last few books were only fours for me, so I was excited to get a fiver this time 🙂
Bookworm Brandee
I’m thrilled you were so thrilled with this installment, Kimberly. This is a series I intend to keep on top of – which shouldn’t be difficult considering there’s 10 out that I haven’t read…no waiting. 🙂
You are going to love them!
I have been meaning to read this series since FOREVER. Perhaps now is the time. 🙂 Have you ever tried any of them on audio?
I have listened to a sample and wholly intend to listen to the entire series when this ends. The reason I haven’t is that once I begin reading I have created the voices in my head, and switching to audio made me nervous.
I love that this series just continues to impress, Kim! It sounds like it was a whole lot of fun. Glad you enjoyed it! Maybe someday I’ll catch up lol!
I hope you do Nick. 🙂
Quinn's Book Nook
I skipped your review because I haven’t read this one yet. Well, actually I’ve only read the first book, but I loved it and need to read more. I’m glad to see you’re still loving the series.
I am excited you have started them! Happy reading.
Everyone seems to be reading this one right now. I’m glad you’re all still enjoying it this many books in.
Karen @For What It’s Worth
Thanks Karen, it is one of my favorite series
This is such a cool concept! I love the idea of an investigator with supernatural elements. It kind of reminds me of Dean Koontz’s Odd Thomas series.
This series is fantastic Ethan.
Woot! this really was fabulous, they all are. That ending though might be the death of me, I want more!
It was and heck yes that ending about killed me!
I had the book a few days ago but I still need to read it so I confess that I skipped your review but I’m curious!
No worries, I kept it spoiler free but understand. Enjoy!
I’m so excited to listen to this one. I read a pre-arc back in October… Darynda told us not to read it because it was going to be REALLY different, but I told her I couldn’t not read it. I could promise I would do a reread of the new one though. I’m so anxious to see what’s changed. Based on your comments, I have a feeling that the killer of a cliffhanger stuck! Great review 🙂
Killer ending to be sure! Enjoy my friend.
I’m really happy you loved it SO much! I’ve only read the first two books, but I already have up until number nine, so I just need to find the time, sit and enjoy the read! Preferably with a cup of coffee 😉
So if you go missing for a few weeks we will know you’ve finally started them? LOL
Haha, exactly! 😉
Haha, love those little icons you’ve got for the contents of the book 🙂 best idea ever.
Thanks. I love the icons too. Each icon links to all the books I have given that label 🙂
That’s a really great idea. I should do something like that. Well, one day 🙂