I will never tire of reading the Hollows. Demons of Good and Evil by Kim Harrison is the seventeenth novel in the Hollows series and it was so addictive. Non-stop action, beloved characters, traveling the ley lines and witchy problems kept me reading into the wee hours.

by Kim Harrison
Series: The Hollows #17
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate

Rachel Morgan will learn that the price of loyalty is blood...
Rachel Morgan, witch-born demon, suspected that protecting the paranormal citizens of Cincinnati as the demon subrosa would be trouble. But it’s rapidly becoming way more trouble than even she could have imagined.
While Rachel and her friends may have vanquished the trickster demon Hodin, his mysterious associate known only as “The Mage” is eager to finish what Hodin started, beginning with taking down Rachel’s power structure piece by piece.
When he frames Rachel for the death of a powerful coven member and the vampire leaders in DC threaten to send a new master vampire to take the city in hand, Rachel’s friends Ivy and Pike are forced into hiding, and even her lover, Trent, finds himself under fire. With her world falling apart, Rachel desperately needs help. But with all of her supporters under attack, her only hope is to make a deal with the unlikeliest of allies...
After the events of Trouble with the Cursed, Rachel is still having troubles with jumping ley lines. She has a mouse living in her church and cannot access Holden’s quarters. However, all of this will pale in comparison when wolves and a Mage come into town. She’ll have to save her spelled friend, unlock a curse and stop the Mage from framing her before the DC vampires come to reclaim the city.
Poor Rach. Never a dull moment for this witchy demon. As always, I slipped right into the story and was delighted to see Trent, Jenks, Al, Ivy, and all the characters I love in this series. For new readers, I recommend starting from the beginning. After all, you’ll want to know about the tomatoes, the relationships, Rachel and more. Not to mention a bombshell that was dropped at the end of the book.
Harrison gave us quite the tale and tied it to previous characters and circumstances. We’ll learn a little more about Rachel and Trent’s childhood, enjoy some tender moments, and kick some ass. It was bliss!
The world and characters are fantastic. The pacing and build up make it unputdownable. You’ll see some new tricks, worry about Al and see growth in Rachel. I am curious about the changes that occurred, and the reveals. Once again, Harrison has me drooling for the next book.
I’ve left this spoiler free and if you haven’t read the series, I highly encourage you to do so. You’ll carry these characters with you, and quote them. I’ve laughed, cried, gotten angry and called out sick on release day.

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Ahh… I love Kim Harrison and Rachel & Jenx & Ivy. I’m a little behind. But I can’t wait to see more. The Hollows and the Anita Blake series r my two favs since I was a kid!
Have fun catching up Amanda!
Rolé @ Hooked By That Book
I’m always a little surprised by how much I enjoy these books. I shouldn’t be by now. Looking forward to this one.
It was so good!
sherry fundin
Cool cover. I am so behind reading her books. Guess a trip to the library is in the offing, once I get my review books under control. lol
LOL, my tbr pile is always a little out of control.
Anne - Books of My Heart
I enjoyed this one too. I was worried a bit about Ivy being back in town but that is going ok. I love how supportive Trent was here and in the more recent books. I wish they could figure it out together but the world is complex. I have mixed feelings about the bombshell.
Yep…that bombshell left me reeling.
Rachel @Waves of Fiction
I’ve heard I should go to the very beginning for the full effect. I’ll try to see if they have the audios at my library.
Mary Kirkland
I need to get back into reading this author because I’ve liked her books in the past.
Oh man I didn’t even know she was still writing this series. I think I had to leave it early because of all the reviews I was doing at the time so it might be time to pick up where I left off or better yet start over. Thanks Kim I can always depend on you to break my pocketbook 😉
Well, it ended….and then it came back!🤣
Seventeen books and I have yet to start this series. Glad to know it is still going strong.
Oh my goodness….I love this series. First book was ok, but after that …total fandom.
You are in for a treat!!
Jessica @ a GREAT read
Ooh nice! I can’t wait to read this one! I sadly didn’t have time for the ARC when it was offered. So alas I’m waiting on my copy to arrive to me now! I love this series and cannot wait to read it! Nice review!
Enjoy. I devoured and will probably read it again before the next release.