Free as a Bird by Hailey Edwards

September 24th, 2024 Kimberly Review 3 Comments

24th Sep

Free As A Bird by Hailey Edwards is the third audiobook in The Yard Birds series, a hilarious urban fantasy with witches, supernatural creatures, magic and mystery. Narrated by Stephanie Richardson, I gobbled this up in one sitting.

Free as a Bird by Hailey Edwards
Free As A Bird
by Hailey Edwards
Series: Yard Birds #3
Narrator: Stephanie Richardson
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration: 5 cups Speed: 1.5x

When an old friend reaches out to Ellie, asking for help locating her missing coven members, she’s ready for her big comeback. Witchlight is financing the op, and it feels damn good to be official again.

But when her friend’s lies begin to unravel, Ellie realizes she’s let her ego lead her into a trap. And she’s brought her coven down with her. With the girls’ lives on the line, Ellie has to decide what’s more important—reliving her glory days or saving her best friends from a permanent retirement.

Humor magical mystery urban

I think this is the last book in the Yard Bird series, but I do hope we get more adventures with Elle and her coven. As with most urban fantasy, I recommend listening in the order of their release.

An old friend of Elle’s reaches out concerned about a missing coven member, and Elle and her coven answer the call. All is not as it seems and the more they investigate, the greater the danger becomes. Elle realizes her coven and nephews are in great danger.

This delivered an intriguing mystery, and Elle finds herself at a crossroads. The story held me captive, made me laugh aloud and smile. If this was the end, it was a good one. Edwards has created memorable characters with Elle, her husband, the coven and her mischievous nephews, the townsfolk and extended family. Elle is a hoot, and I loved spending time with them all.

Stephanie Richardson narrates the series and brought Elle and the other characters to life. I highly recommend listening. Each book is under four hours and is perfect for a trip, or rainy afternoon.

Amazon* | Audible


About Hailey Edwards

Hailey Edwards

Hailey Edwards writes about questionable applications of otherwise perfectly good magic, the transformative power of love, the family you choose for yourself, and blowing stuff up. Not necessarily all at once. That could get messy. She lives in Alabama with her husband, their daughter, and a herd of dachshunds.

About Stephanie Richardson

Stephanie Richardson

Stephanie Richardson records audiobooks from her professional home studio near the mountains in Utah. She places a special emphasis on bringing positive and wholesome content in the world and records work in a variety of nonfiction and fiction genres, including self-development, memoir, children's and young adult, and cozy mystery. She has trained with award-winning narrators PJ Ochlan and Sean Pratt and was awarded the ABR award for best mystery in 2020. While not enjoying a book, she can be found playing zoo-keeper to her four rambunctious children, playing nerdy board games, or talking to her plants.

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Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

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