Gray Days by Hailey Edwards

May 23rd, 2024 Kimberly Review 7 Comments

23rd May
Gray Days by Hailey Edwards

Gray Days by Hailey Edwards is the ninth audiobook in the Black Hat Bureau fantasy series. The Black Hat compound is in ruins and someone has declared open season on agents. Rue has to deal with a surprise visit all while putting out fires and proving herself. Plenty of twists kept me listening.

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Gray Seas by Hailey Edwards

April 18th, 2024 Kimberly Review 9 Comments

18th Apr
Gray Seas by Hailey Edwards

I thoroughly enjoyed being back in the world of the Black Hat Bureau with the eighth audiobook, Grey Seas by Hailey Edwards. In this humorous installment, our motley crew encounters all sorts of trouble while searching for Rue’s grandmother.

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Dead as a Dodo by Hailey Edwards

February 12th, 2024 Kimberly Review 3 Comments

12th Feb
Dead as a Dodo by Hailey Edwards

Narrated by Stephanie Richardson, Dead as A Dodo by Hailey Edwards, is the second audiobook in the Yard Birds series. Elle has her handsful investigating shifter attacks and her marriage is going all to hell thanks to a curse. Adventure, family, snark, and danger await you in this quirky cozy.

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Gray Court by Hailey Edwards

September 22nd, 2023 Kimberly Review 7 Comments

22nd Sep
Gray Court by Hailey Edwards

Gray Court, narrated by Stephanie Richardson, is the seventh audiobook in the Black Hat Bureau. This cozy, urban fantasy series written by Hailey Edwards is a blast. The Maudit Grimoire is affecting Rue and worse, it is leaking into her familiar bond with Coby. The tale that unfolds will keep you listening….

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