by Patricia Briggs
Series: Alpha & Omega #5
Narrator: Holter Graham
Length: 9 hours and 47 minutes
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate
Narration: 5 cups
Mated werewolves Charles Cornick and Anna Latham face a threat like no other--one that lurks too close to home...
They are the wild and the broken. The werewolves too damaged to live safely among their own kind. For their own good, they have been exiled to the outskirts of Aspen Creek, Montana. Close enough to the Marrok's pack to have its support; far enough away to not cause any harm.
With their Alpha out of the country, Charles and Anna are on call when an SOS comes in from the fae mate of one such wildling. Heading into the mountainous wilderness, they interrupt the abduction of the wolf--but can't stop blood from being shed. Now Charles and Anna must use their skills--his as enforcer, hers as peacemaker--to track down the attackers, reopening a painful chapter in the past that springs from the darkest magic of the witchborn...
While I adore Mercy Thompson, the Alpha & Omega series is my favorite series by Briggs. Burn Bright by Patricia Briggs is the fifth book in the Alpha & Omega series and take place in the same world as the Mercy Thompson series. Burn Bright packed a wallop and kept me on edge. I lost myself in the story and devoured it in one sitting.
Brilliant, suspenseful and filled with characters that make made me laugh, pull my hair out in frustration and admire the heck out of them. I adore Charles Cornick and Anna Latham. The two have great chemistry and work together perfectly. She is the yin to his yang. Bran has left Charles in charge of his pack and has specifically requested he and Anna stay in his home. Of course, Charles and Anna would prefer to be in their quiet cabin far away from Leah…LOL
When Charles answers Brans’ phone he receives a panicked message from one of the Wildlings. The Wildlings are broken or damaged werewolves who live in the mountains of Aspen Creek, Montana. They are close enough for Bran for him to keep an eye on them and provide aid when needed, but a safe distance from the pack and humanity. The tale that unfolds was action-packed and filled with magic as Charles soon discovers the reason for Bran’s absence.
Burn Bright delivered tidbits and history as it gave us a closer look at some key characters. Leah had a strong presence and dare I say I warmed up to her? How is that even possible? The Wildlings are an interesting bunch and the murder-mystery that developed was captivating and suspenseful. While the immediate case wrapped up it presented us with a new threat and I am anxious for the next installment. The last few lines of the story left me humming with curiosity. The book also sparked an interest in rereading the Mercy Thompson series as I am curious to see if I pick up on things I hadn’t noticed before.
Witchy things, lies, betrayals, ties to main characters’ pasts and so much more await you in this addictive tale. Briggs is brilliant and sets the bar high when it comes to urban fantasy. She wears her crown well. Now hurry up and read it, so we can chat. There is so much I want to discuss, but ya know spoilers, darling!
After reading the ARC of Burn Bright, I listened to the audio version, because I love the narrations of Holter Graham. Graham is perfect for this series and brings another level of enjoyment to the story. If you haven’t begun the series, I recommend listening.
Wowzers - Burn Bright by Patricia Briggs delivered a brilliant, entertaining and engaging installment in the Alpha & Omega series. #mustlisten #NewRelease Click To Tweet
This series looks good! A mix of danger and mystery. Would you recommend reading from book 1?
Yes Michelle, With Urban Fantasy it is best to start at the beginning, even if each book revolves around a mystery or issue. There are overall ARC threads.
I have picked up book one. Glad you are enjoying the series. Always nice to have series we can count on.
Yes. I will be sad when they end.
I love Patricia Briggs’ writing, both the Mercy series and Alpha & Omega! I just did a re-read, actually re-listen, of the Alpha & Omega before picking this one up and fell in love all over again. Burn Bright was another great story! I felt the same way about Leah with this installment, a softening toward her, to the point I didn’t want to kill her, at least, lol! Surprising insight into, Bran, right? Didn’t know he felt that way towards Mercy! Glad you loved this, too, Kimberly. I’m going to pick up the audio version soon for a re-read. 🙂
I would love a series dedicated just to Bran’s story.
Naomi Hop
Argh! This sounds fantastic too! And I don’t know why I haven’t read anything by Patricia Briggs yet either? I need to fix that!
Oh my yes, you need to read her Naomi!
Jenea’s Book Onsession
I want to read this so badly, hopefully if my tbr ever gets under control I’ll be able to.
I will hope it does so 🙂
Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books
Wasn’t this good?! I loved it so much and plan to start my audio re-read of the series sometime this year so I am happy to hear that you also liked the audio.
Yes! I am doing that with the Charley Davidson series
Mary @StackingMyBookShelves!
I would love to get my hands on one of her books. I am going to get an audiobook. I am really enjoying them lately and this would be a good one. Great review!
Sweet. The audios are awesome Mary.
Bookworm Brandee
You know I’m a fan of Charles and Anna – even if I feel like I’m stepping out on Mercy and Adam – but I cannot wait to read this one!! Of course I have to get Dead Heat read first… 😉 I’m so happy this one is a winner!
Ooo have fun catching up!
Aleen @ Lampshade Reader
I’ve seen this one around and it looked good. I like the sound of it making me laugh and frustrating me. LOL. Great review.
LOL. I hope you try the series Aleen
Tyler H. Jolley
It’s been a minute since I read a werewolf book. I hope this is a resurgence in the genre.
Briggs is the Queen, perhaps you’ve heard of her Mercedes Thompson series?
Tyler H. Jolley
That does ring a bell, but I kinda forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me.
Angela Adams
Awesome series! Thanks for the post.
Agreed. Thanks Angela
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
I absolutely love Alpha & Omega, too! As this is on my TBR still, I didn’t fully read your review, but I really look forward to more Charles 😉
Hope you enjoy it, the audio is fantastic!
I need to try this series. Charles was always a mysterious figure in the Mercy one.
I think sock blockers are neat too. I wish sometimes mine had places cut out all over for more air flow but on a hot day, socks dry fast. After I finish these other books of Beverly Cleary I’d like to listen to the Ramona series. I really liked the movie Selena Gomez was in for Beezus and Ramona too.
I read the Ramona with my kids. I hope you try this series, Stefanie.
Oh yes, I read way more than my GR Challenge last year b/c of audiobooks. I’m listening to the Cleary collection while knitting a cabled baby hat or while knitting my Harry socks. I sit on the couch and do these two things while the youngest plays on the laptop.
It is on its way 😀
I have the ebook, but I am impatiently holding out for the audiobook version as I love Graham Holter. I need this now.
I adore him too Heidi. I love his work with Steven King and this series just comes to life with his narration.
Angie @ Ba_BAMB
I read the prequel to this series and loved it, but the first book just didn’t grab me. I did like the first Mercy Thompson but never stuck with it. I think after my re-read of Kate Daniels, I will give this one another go. This installment sounds exciting!
Great review.
That is what got me hooked. Of course, I went with the audio, so that make factor into it.
Stormi Johnson
Another series I have meant to try but haven’t yet. I have heard a lot of people say this was their favorite series. I have only tried one from the Mercy Thompson series and I liked it but just never continued, I do that a lot…lol.
Go audio Stormi!
Debbie Haupt
Oh a lot of my blogger friends are really enjoying this. Thanks Kim
I am so excited to hear that the response has been favorable
I WILL pick up a Briggs’ book this year. This series and her Mercy Thompson series sound right up my alley. I’m glad you’re having with them!
You haven’t read Briggs yet? Oh my, yes you need to go forth and try!
I have been hearing so many great things a bout this series. I dealt need to give it a try. I need to get my reading mojo soon though.
I hope you find your mojo Nadene.
I’ve been reading a lot of great review about this series and my! It makes me want to start reading it now! Need to check out my Kindle for the book 1, hehe
Sweet! Happy reading Vanessa.
So glad you loved this as much as I did Kim! It was so much fun to learn more about Bran and Charles and Anna too. I love this bunch of weres!
I would love a series just on Bran!
I’m not at all surprised, just bummed that I’ve fallen so behind on the series. Such a great series, along with Mercy of course. You and Melanie both gave it a rave review, so I need to just hurry up and catch up! Maybe that will be my March reading goal…
Yay glad others are loving it too Berls. Sounds like the perfect March read!
I only tried he first 2 books but I wasn’t a big fan. I liked them but I prefered Mercy so I stopped. Maybe I should try again
I am so sorry to hear this, but I do hope you try again.
You have me wanting to read every book in this series! What a great review and thanks for sharing.
My job here is done. Lol