by Pierce Brown
Series: Red Rising #3
Source: Purchase
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate

Darrow would have lived in peace, but his enemies brought him war. The Gold overlords demanded his obedience, hanged his wife, and enslaved his people. But Darrow is determined to fight back. Risking everything to transform himself and breach Gold society, Darrow has battled to survive the cutthroat rivalries that breed Society's mightiest warriors, climbed the ranks, and waited patiently to unleash the revolution that will tear the hierarchy apart from within. Finally, the time has come. But devotion to honor and hunger for vengeance run deep on both sides. Darrow and his comrades-in-arms face powerful enemies without scruple or mercy. Among them are some Darrow once considered friends. To win, Darrow will need to inspire those shackled in darkness to break their chains, unmake the world their cruel masters have built, and claim a destiny too long denied - and too glorious to surrender.
Morning Star by Pierce Brown was a book I approached with trepidation. My love for this series knows no bounds and I worried that the last book would leave me wanting. Pierce Brown delivered in his darkest book to date as he brilliantly shared this thought-provoking tale of war, friendship and love. Morning Star took a piece of my soul and I gave it gladly.
“Break the chains”
The Red Rising trilogy by Pierce Brown is a personal favorite. This is a science fiction fantasy series that I purchase for friends and family. I find myself recommending it to young and old almost weekly. Skillfully written, with unique, troubled and complex characters I fell on Mars and never looked back.
“So let him do his worst. I am the Reaper. I know how to suffer. I know the darkness. This is not how it ends.”
Morning Star for me was darker than its predecessors and Brown begins by taking our hero to a very dark place. He strips away the “god” we cheered for in Golden Son and reveals the raw man beneath. Morning Star is not about our hero its focus is the rising and those who are part of it. Fear not for Darrow certainly holds the stage as Brown moves us into the final battles between the Rising and the Golds.
“Absent love, fear will do nicely in a pinch.”
At first, I was shaken by the darkness and Darrow’s humanization, but as the story progressed, I devoured the brilliantly woven tale that lay before me. Brown’s complex, controlled world and the unique characters, caste system and politics have long impressed me but with Morning Star, he brought the war into perspective. He shared its costs, the impact on Darrow, his friends and the universe he has so lovingly created.
“And when all that remains of us is our steel monuments and plastic idols, her winds will whisper, her sands will shift, and she will spin on and on, forgetting about the bold, hairless apes who thought they deserved immortality.”
I thoroughly enjoyed both old and new characters. Brown peeled back the layers on some of my favorite characters, allowing us to gain insight. We faced down enemies who were once adversaries and we mourned some. Brown made us feel even for our enemies and once again, we saw and understood the wisdom of Darrow’s words.
“Government is never the solution, but it is almost always the problem.”
At over five hundred pages, Morning Star held me captive and led me on an emotional rollercoaster. I found myself angry, exhilarated and heartbroken. I shook my fist at ruthless villains and yelled in rage for those lost. I became a Howler and shouted, “Break the chains.” I was shocked at the violence and decisions made for the greater good. I shameless screamed for victory when an opponent fell and surprised myself by weeping.
“But they shared a dream. One of a free world. Not built on corpses, but on hope. On the love that binds us, not the hate that divides. We have lost many. But we are not broken. We are not defeated. We fight on. But we do not fight for revenge for those who have died. We fight for each other. We fight for those who live. We fight for those who don’t yet live.”
Brown’s characters leapt to life within the pages of the Red Rising series, but none more so than in Morning Star. They became my friends and some my enemies. I laughed with Servo, wept with Darrow and plotted against the Jackal. It was brilliant and every gorydamn word Brown put to paper held weight.
“I used to think the life strands of my friends frayed around me, because mine was too strong. Now I realize that when we are wound together, we make something unbreakable. Something that lasts long after this life ends.
Morning Star brought intense battles, gore and violence as Brown held nothing back. He introduced conflict, fear, and political maneuvering even among his own. Despite how intense the story became, he gave us moments of laughter, love and friendship. I loved the banter between this motley crew and the incredible stunts they pulled. Of course, I also wept, and screamed out as Brown threw in plot twists, and unexpected loss, encounters and secrets.
“Today I feel the silent screams of a civilization that has been stepped on for hundreds of years.”
Morning Star and the Red Rising trilogy is a story for young and old alike. The world will set your imagination on fire and you fall for these unique characters. Pierce Brown takes us into the heart of the uprising allowing readers to feel the passion, sacrifice and fear that embarking on this journey brings. I was very excited to read the announcement that we will be revisiting this world again. Brown is set to release the Iron Gold trilogy, beginning with Iron Gold in 2017. This new trilogy takes place after the end of Morning Star and will focus on the rebuilding of their world.
“Honor is not what you say. It is not what you read.” Romulus thumps his chest. “Honor is what you do.”

Tyler H. Jolley
What a great review, Kim! I’m so glad you had a fantastic ending to the series. For me, it’s like eating a delicious meal and feeling perfectly satisfied.
Yes, have you read them Tyler? I am over the moon about the newest trilogy and his plans for it.
La La in the Library
Red Rising and Golden Son are still sitting on my Kindle, UNREAD! I only have one ARC for July, and I am going to try and keep it that way so I can get this trilogy read. Thanks for the review. 🙂
Oh July is going to be a wonderful month for you!!
Fantastic review! I loved this series, and I agree with everything you said about it. I never thought he could top Red Rising, but he did. Morning Star made me want to fly by the pages, all the while dreading the end. I’m so happy he’s not done with this world. I can’t wait for the spin-off series. Brava!
All three books were superb. Morning Star was dark and my emotions were all over 🙂 I am so glad you are a fan as well!
Awesome review, Kim! It does have everything in many ways, the world building, the characters, the politics, the action, the friendships, the love. It’s a lot like real life – albeit in a bad time period – and I think that’s part of what makes it so appealing.
I frequently recommend the series to people as well, and I really hope one of my students will pick it up – I’d love to hear what he thinks of it.
I always feel inadequate when trying to explain how brilliant and fleshed out his world is. Glad you loved it too.
I know that everyone loves this trilogy- mostly. I just don’t think this is a book I would like. However, I am glad it was a great read for you 🙂
Thanks Lorna. It is one of my favorites.
When book one came out, I read it, reviewed it and only gave it 3/5 stars. Why? The emotional place I was in that year. I am very moody and have needs for different genres, and wasn’t feeling this one completely. Fast forward to 2016 and I definitely want to reread the first book and then go on in this series. I need to give it another chance with fresh eyes because it sounds so good!
I hope that you do reread Red Rising and hope that you enjoy it more.
Jonetta (Ejaygirl)
Still scared to read the final book but you’ve made my day about him releasing a new trilogy that’s connected!
I suffer from last book fear too Jonetta and in fact have a Caffeinated Confession coming up about just that.
I’m glad to see it was a wonderful last book, I’m always so anxious! I need to try the series one day!
I hope you do and love it even a tenth of what I do!!
Mary Kirkland
Oh nice! I love how you dded the quotes from the book in there.
The books are riddled with quotable quotes 🙂
Yay for Iron Gold!! I love it when good things keep on happening 🙂 Morning Star is next on my list, and I can’t wait! I hope your weekend is going well, Kimba. Happy reading!
Hearing about Iron Gold removed the mourning element I would have experienced had this been the last visit to Mars. So excited! Enjoy!
The Bibliophile Babe
I must start this! SO glad you enjoyed it!
Yes, yes you must!!!
Melissa (Books and Things)
I have yet to start this trilogy but have it high on my list. BTW, weeping? NO! I hate to cry! Still… darn it… you have me wanting to read this since the ending book is so good. Usually those are my least fave in a series or trilogy.
Yes, I felt for these characters and there were tears of sadness and joy.
I’m waiting for summer to listen to this series. I started the first and it was just so dark and I was already depressed. So hopefully when I try it when I’m less depressed I’ll get into it more and not mind how dark it is.
Yes summer is perfect, you can read the entire trilogy
Great review! I loved the first one so much and I can’t wait to finish the series soon. Glad to know you really liked this one!
Eeep! I am jealous you get to experience Golden Son for the first time!
I’ve been hearing a lot about this Trilogy lately and, although I don’t read much sci-fi fiction, I confess I’m quite curious and knowing you loved it so much definitely pushes me in the right direction 😉
It is always nice to explore different genres, and you cannot go wrong with this trilogy.
sherry fundin
Fantastic review and now I want to read the series. I really like the simple cover that tells of things to come. I love when emotions take over as I read. Not enough books do that for me and glad to hear this is one that meets the challenge. 🙂
I hope you try them Sherry!
Lisa (Lost in Lit)
I never thought Red Rising would be my kind of book… but after all of these reviews lately, I’m starting to rethink that. I’m definitely considering giving this series a try now. Glad to hear you enjoyed it so much! 🙂
Oh I hope you give it a go Lisa.
Grace MyBookSnack
I tried listening to the first book, but found I need to be in the mood to listen to sci-fi fantasy, which is not happening at the moment. On hold for now, but this series I also want to get through sometime in the future as I’m so curious about these books!
When the mood hits dive in!
I’ve been holding off on reading this but dang it, I’m going to have to break down and by it. Lovely review Kim, I’m so excited to see how this all ends.
Yes, and don’t let there size intimidate you…once I started reading none were long enough!!
I tried the first one but got bored, probably before the good stuff happens. I am listening to it on audio, so I might go back and give it another try but I have a love/hate relationship with dystopian novels.
Really, I am sorry I slipped right into Red Rising.
I’m a little nervous about the darkness of this one Kim, but this series gets such rave reviews that I can’t pass on it! Super exciting that we’ll get more from this world too, that’s always a comfort when you reach the last page of a beloved series! So glad this was a win for you:)
It’s war Jenny and realistic but the series has dark tones throughout. It was well done, and gave me all of the feels and more.
Sophia Rose
Fantastic to see your much anticipated book paid off in spades. They go by so fast.
I was thrilled Sophia. I am still riding the book high 🙂
Great review! Can’t wait to get caught up, to read this.
Happy reading 🙂
Bookworm Brandee
Oh-hoho…5 Cups! Wow! I’m thrilled that this trilogy wrapped up so nicely for you, Kimberly. I’m going to be starting it in the next few weeks. And I can’t wait. I’ve put it off long enough, yeah? 😉 Lovely, lovely review, my friend. Happy Friday!
I really hope you love it as much as I have Brandee
Hillary Roberts
I love the sound of this book. I added it to my TBR
One of my favorite trilogies. I hope you enjoy them Hillary!
Phew… you survived the finale 🙂 Awesome review *round of applause* I’m wondering how his world building is going to be in the next series: A world built on the Red Rising world or only slightly built on it? Hmmmm…. I’d like to see something different from Mr. Brown, to see what he can do 🙂 I’m such a task master….
The Iron Gold trilogy will be on the rebuild. Yes, I am excited for different things from him too 🙂 I have a feeling whatever he brings he will deliver 🙂
Loved the quotes you added! Is this going to be a thing now in your review? 😀
I add them frequently, but approach each book differently.
I told Carole we should do a discussion about book 1 in March. 😉
Ooo yes…I like your discussion posts.