Golden Son by Pierce Brown

January 5th, 2015 Kimberly Review 57 Comments

5th Jan
Golden Son by Pierce Brown
Golden Son
by Pierce Brown
Series: Red Rising #2
Genres: Dystopian, Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Debut author Pierce Brown’s genre-defying epic Red Rising hit the ground running and wasted no time becoming a sensation. Golden Son continues the stunning saga of Darrow, a rebel forged by tragedy, battling to lead his oppressed people to freedom from the overlords of a brutal elitist future built on lies. Now fully embedded among the Gold ruling class, Darrow continues his work to bring down Society from within. A life-or-death tale of vengeance with an unforgettable hero at its heart,Golden Son guarantees Pierce Brown’s continuing status as one of fiction’s most exciting new voices.

2015 FAV BOOKLOVE dystopian fantasy Young Adult

“It’s not victory that makes a man. It’s his defeats.”

As many of you know, Red Rising by Pierce Brown made my top ten list for 2014. Pierce blew me away with his masterful dynamic storytelling and descriptive world building. It was with trepidation that I began the second book, Golden Son. Could Brown continue to hold me captive in this brilliant world? The answer my friends is yes! Golden Son was stunning as Darrow and his motley crew of colors moved closer to freeing society from its chains. The story was intense, with panoramic views and a flawed hero worthy to be King.

Brown drops us right back into this strategic game of Chess and deceit. Our hero Darrow struggles in the first part of the book making me a tad nervous that my hero had lost his mojo. Thankfully,  we witness his rebirth as he seeks alliances, ferrets out the truth and finds the power from within as he sets his eyes on the prize. Golden Son the second in the Red Rising Trilogy is brilliant in its own right and has a different feel than its predecessor. Second book syndrome is not a part of Brown’s vocabulary as he continues to flesh out the world and the characters.

Golden Son, raises questions as we navigate political strategies, begin to understand the different colors and learn that even a bad idea can come from the best intentions. Through Darrow, we learn more about the complexities of this world and its people. Brown will make you question how the oppressed can be happy and why those in power are never satisfied. Darrow’s inner circle is among my favorite. They are unique individuals with their own personal scars and unwavering loyalty to him. I grew attached to them, felt their sorrow and joy. Brown ripped some of them away from us, reminding us that war is ugly and requires sacrifice.


Darrow is such an impressive hero. Brown shares his inner struggles as he moves his pawn forward; eyes forever on the prize. Darrow mourns every life lost and has this unique ability to understand his enemy. We see tremendous growth in him as he allows those loyal to him within his confidence. His treatment of the colors was brilliantly portrayed. There were moments of greatness, for example when they gained control of an enemy ship. His speech to the crew made the hairs on my arms raise as I watched him go from warrior to a man who could lead them all.

“For seven hundred years, my people have been enslaved without a voice, without hope. Now I am their sword. And I do not forgive. I do not forget. So let him lead me onto his shuttle. Let him think he owns me. Let him welcome me into his house, so I might burn it down.”

What makes this trilogy stand out in the science-fiction fantasy genre is the incredible dystopian setting and unique cast of characters. Brown’s vivid descriptions and perfectly paced story captivate the reader allowing the rest of the world to slip away. When I can close my eyes and see both the world and the characters, I obtain this euphoric book high that makes me want to demand everyone read and experience it. Marketed in the young adult genre the Red Rising trilogy will appeal to the masses. Epic battles, complex relationships, deceit, alliances and secondary characters will have you enthralled. Darrow is a hero we can all relate to as he strives to do what is right, even as it hurts him. A climatic ending will leave the reader eager for the final installment.

I cannot stress enough how brilliant this trilogy is. Golden Son was breathtaking and one heck of a ride. Brown has endeared me to this world and its characters.

Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

57 Responses to “Golden Son by Pierce Brown”

  1. Jennifer

    I grabbed the 1st book for my Nook when it went on sale and because Jonetta loved it and she reads even less YA than I do. I’m thinking of giving it a go on audio though. LOL

    • kimbacaffeinate

      :snort: I bought the audio version too Jennifer after I read it. I am hoping to get my hands on signed hard copies of both books

  2. Tressa

    Well, I didn’t read Red Rising because there were some mixed reviews although they all said there was huge potential. I decided to wait to see how the next book would go and now I know that I’ll just have to add this series to my list. 🙂 I’m glad you loved this one!

  3. Bookworm Brandee

    I’m glad to see you enjoyed this second installment, Kimba. Lexxie put this series on my radar…I’m thinking I need to snatch up Red Rising! A wonderfully built world and a brilliant cast of characters sound good to me!

  4. Olivia

    Oh man, this sounds like such a good series. And everyone seems to love this second book more than the first! Gah, can’t wait to get my hands on it!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Yes…you need to read it *mentally sends vibes for you to one-clicky Red Rising*

  5. Candace

    He’s signing here tomorrow and it would be nice to go but I have a client signing the next day and two in a row won’t work for me. I know I need to get the first book, everyone raves about it!

    Okay- just bought it on kindle. Thanks for sharing the sale!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Wahoo..glad you nabbed the deal. I would sell my soul for signed copies.

  6. Nicci

    I just rec’d a notice from Amazon, my copy is on its way to my grabby hands. Yes! Meantime, I trying to finish up reading Andromeda’s Fall. I can’t wait to read Golden Son.

  7. Lauren

    Ooh a five cup read?! *happy dance* I’m SO excited to read this now – can’t wait! Lovely review 🙂

  8. Christy

    Meh, it was alright, I guess. -snort- Yeah, right … this was AMAZING x10! Yes, yes, yes to everything you said. I would be willing to do very unsavory things to get the next book as soon as possible.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Hmm, we should start planning a break in at Random-Penguin

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Ooo yes…a must read Debbie:) Hope your holidays were wonderful. I know you don’t hop around on weekends..but please do check out my recent Sunday Post and the announcement I made..squee

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Oh I do think you would love the world and Darrow…hehe I would love to read a review from you about it.

  9. Lupdilup

    I can’t wait Kimba!!! I’m triple excited…Wow! I can’t even imagine, this book made in my top five, but sadly the narration didn’t 🙁 and that’s because it took me a little to get used to the narrator’s style, but by the end I still love the book…So I think it’s going to be a different story when it comes to the narration for The Golden Son 🙂 I feel it’s going to be Aces all around!
    Wonderful review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      So the narration gets better? Because I friggin love this series so hard.

      • Lupdilup

        He’s a very experienced narrator, and a very good one, it’s a matter of getting used his style, which oddly enough I did by listening to another Fantasy book narrated by him. I just think he didn’t sound like a sixteen year old (to-me) so I was a little disappointed at that. But he’s got plenty of 5 stars on audible for Red Rising, so it could be just me. The book still made my top 5, and I think I”m going to be more than fine with The Golden Son. Just a few hours!..LOL

  10. Lily

    It seems that everyone’s reviewed this one today! I still haven’t started the Red Rising trilogy but I’ve been meaning to get my hands on it. I love that this sequel didn’t suffer form second book syndrome and that the significant time jump worked for you. I promise to read this one soon!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Tomorrow is release day…this series is amazingballs Lily!

  11. Nick

    Ahhhh! This is such a great review, Kim! It has me all excited to start Red Rising soon. Darrow sounds like he’s a badass and like I would enjoy this book a lot. I can’t wait!
    Lovely review, Kim!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Oh Nick If I could I would come watch you read them..enjoy.

  12. Tammy

    Yes, I loved this as well! A wonderful second book that really stands up to the brilliance of Red Rising:-)

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I was so worried..but it was bloodydamn brilliant 🙂

  13. Braine Talk Supe

    Alright, alright, alright! I’m caving in, I’m getting book 1 for my dad and son. Good lord! So much gushing it’s so irresistible!

  14. Carmel

    I only skimmed your review because I’ve officially decided to listen to this series ‘just for me’ once my Audible credits have been replenished (thanks in large part to you, and Loupe). As you know, YA isn’t really my thing; however if it falls on the dystopian side of the genre spectrum, I actually don’t mind it.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Wahoo! To be honest when I read Red Rising..I classified it as adult, and was shocked it was listed as YA. The audio version is amazing too

  15. kindlemom1

    I am jumping up and down right now Kim! Yay! Wasn’t this just mind blowing? That ending was brutal and I am dying for book three now. I can’t believe how much this series has blown me away and taken me by surprise with how much I love it. It is definitely a series that I want everyone I know to read.

  16. Lexxie

    Amazing review, Kim! And I agree with every single word you said! Red Rising was one of my top favorites of 2014, and Golden Son more than lived up to my high expectations. The writing is so beautiful, and as you said, the characters and the whole universe they evolve in is very well done
    Happy reading 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Wahoo! I am so glad you love them as much as I do Lexxie. Aaaaand now we wait for book three *le sigh*

      • Lexxie

        I know, that makes me so sad! A whole year *cries* I wish I could live inside Brown’s brain for a while… because that ending :O

  17. nj

    The book sounds good but I might not read it because its a series and I am reading too many series at the moment

  18. Silvia

    I’ve been hearing a lot about this Trilogy and it seems like many are really into it. I must admit that it sounds breathtakingly wonderful, so I’ll probably get to it at some point as well!
    Thanks for reviewing, Kimberly 🙂

  19. Melliane

    wow it sounds so good! I know I need to try this series mainly after all the wonderful reviews I saw and I don’t know why it’s not done yet but I hope so that I’ll be able to do that soon…. so many books… arrghhh. Great reviews!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Yes..yes you need to read these..if you don’t love them I shall give up coffee for a week.

  20. Alreem

    wow sound like a great book, i have not read the first book yet 🙂 byt i will soon,, lovely review

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Enjoy and I hope it gives you all the book highs I experienced.