Magic Tides by Ilona Andrews takes us back to the Kate Daniels world and is the first in the Kate Daniels: Wilmington Years. This novella served up a spectacular experience, encompassing everything I adore from this realm, characters and authors. Grab a cuppa and see why I recommend it.

by Ilona Andrews
Series: Kate Daniels: Wilmington Years #1
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Purchase
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate

Ilona Andrews invites you back to the #1 New York Times bestselling Kate Daniels series in this exciting new long novella featuring Kate, Curran and Conlan, some familiar faces, some new friends, and all the special brand of chaos they create!
Kate, Curran and their son, Conlan have left Atlanta, vowing to keep a low profile, and are settling into a new city and new house…but some things never change! Magical mayhem is about to erupt when Kate undertakes the rescue of a kidnapped youth, while Curran guards the homefront.
It should be a simple retrieval, but with monsters on land and sea, Kate’s got her work cut out for her. Still, she's never let her blade dull or her purpose falter. And that low profile? It’s about to wash away with the raging tides!
I may have heard Renee Raudman in my head as I read Magic Life. It was so wonderful to be back in this world. To be honest, we just could have sat in their living room and chatted… but of course the Andrews delivered with battles, gods, snark and humor. It made me all warm and fuzzy, but left me craving more stories.
“Red Horn kills people,” Thomas said behind my back. “Your wife…” “Will enjoy the exercise,” my husband said. “You know what they say. Happy wife, happy life.”
Kate, Curran and their son are settling into their home in Wilmington. Lots of remodeling and dealing with a new school for Conlan. When Conlan invites one of the layman’s children in for some food, he casually mentions to Kate that the boy’s cousin has been kidnapped. Kate has questions and before you know it, she along with the boy’s father are traveling to retrieve the boy. What they find soon has Kate’s hackles up- human trafficking.
The tale that unfolds has everything from sea monsters to gods. I loved every minute. We spend time with Kate as she hunts down her suspect, deals with the Order and kicks some arse. Meanwhile, Curran, Conlan and the boy’s family work to fortify the homestead because an angry mob is headed their way. It was epic. We get a brief look at Conlan’s magic and see some old friends.
Thank you Ilona Andrews. May I please have another? I am hoping this eventually makes its way to audio, but I am also looking forward to more stories.
Fans of urban fantasy, snark, outstanding characters and monster battles will want to grab this and the other Kate Daniels books.
Update: Magic Claims book two releases June 13, 2023. Still no news on the audiobook(s).

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Rachel @Waves of Fiction
Loved this one too and I’m so happy we’re getting another book in June!
I want to read some books by Ilona Andrews, I keep hearing how good she is, and it seems like she writes books I would enjoy
Ailyn Koay
you certainly picked a good excerpt. I can only imagine what Kate has in mind for ‘exercise’
Rolé @ Hooked By That Book
This was a wonderful little story, too bad it was over so soon. Can’t wait for more either.
Angela (Angel's Guilty Pleasures)
Loved this book, love the series,& love the characters. Great review.
I’m excited for June. Can’t wait.
Sophia Rose
Oh yes! More please. I’m so glad they have the second one coming in June. 🙂
Great quote pick. I cracked up when I read that.
Anne – Books of My Heart
I loved this SO much!!!!! They are just my favorites. I’ve already pre-ordered for June. Excellent review lets me have the feels all over again
Lover of Romance
Great review you have there. It looks like this book really delivered on Curran and Kate comback. Very interested for sure especially in seeing Conlan again. 🙂
Another series by this amazing duo that I need to start. Great review, Kim.
Kate Daniels world is always fabtabulous…. Looking for Urban Fantasy and a kiss arse female. She is most certainly one of the ways to go. And you get an entire world of great characters with more.