Her Forever Hero by Melody Anne

March 28th, 2016 Kimberly Review 34 Comments

28th Mar
Her Forever Hero by Melody Anne
Her Forever Hero
by Melody Anne
Series: Unexpected Heroes #3
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne FlameHalf a Flame

Growing up in a big adoptive family, gorgeous small-town attorney Cam has always had a life rich with love. But the one thing he’s missing is the perfect woman to grow old and raise a family with—and send sparks flying on those cold Montana nights! Still, Cam knows if it wasn’t for his caring parents and brothers, he wouldn’t be where he is today, so he tries to pay it forward whenever he can. And if the client happens to be a modern-day damsel in distress, he’ll happily don a suit of shining armor. This time, his sister-in-law’s best friend Grace is in serious trouble, and Cam’s determined to get his smart, beautiful client off the hook. But as attorney-client privilege brings Cam and Grace closer than they ever imagined, the sexual tension heats up. It’s clear before the gavel comes down that the verdict is going to be red hot!


Her Forever Hero by Melody Anne is the third book in her Unexpected Heroes series. I read book one but someone missed book two but decided to jump ahead and read this since it worked for Take Control and fulfilled my Xoxpert read for March. .Her Forever Hero delivered a second chance romance filled with suspense, growing pains, and growth.

Coffee dates with Her Forever Hero:

First date: I was a little thrown because the synopsis indicated Cam accepts Grace’s case as a favor his sister, and that is not quite right. Grace and Cam had a thing in high school, so this is a second chance romance. Grace is not on trial, although if she keeps ignoring what Cam has discovered regarding a non-profit in her name, she may very well faces charges. Grace has recently returned home and has had a troubling time of it. It is clear she is smart but the way she avoided the issue annoyed me. Thankfully, Anne allowed me to understand Grace. Her issues stem from her past, crazy mother, and abandonment issues.. Grace has always loved Cam, but fears letting him in and the dates that follow allow this second chance romances to bloom.

Second date: A suspenseful thread develops that adds interest and allow Cam and Grace to interact. Of course we see some meddling from family and friends. Cam is not perfect, and he has made mistakes but works hard at taking it slow and convincing Grace, he is her forever hero. He is protective and needs to trust Grace a little more. I liked seeing both characters grow and it is so obvious they belong together. Their chemistry is off the charts and we get some teasing, heated moments and lots of laughs. Grace’s mother is vile and I had some seriously bad thoughts about her. At the end of my second date I really want Cam and Grace to work it out. I am considering locking them in a closet.

Third date: Confessions, resolution to their shared past, and threats to Grace push these two together. I had fun watching all the pieces come together. While it was in the background, Grace’s wedding planning business was weaved into the suspense angle. A certain Bridezilla complicated her life and added moments of laughter. Secondary characters added to the tale and we get to see Grace face her past as both characters blossom. I ended this final date with a smile.

Her Forever Hero is a contemporary romantic suspense with depth, character growth and heat. I am looking forward to reading more from this author.

Read an Excerpt

Her brain fuzzy and her vision unfocused, Grace woke up to the smell of fresh coffee, bacon and something delicious that she couldn’t identify. Sage had to be making breakfast. Grace lay there a moment longer, her lips turning up and her stomach growling.
When she took in a big breath of air, she nearly laughed aloud for pure joy when she realized her nose was no longer stuffy. Wiggling her legs, she still felt aches and pains, but they weren’t as debilitating as they’d been the past few days.
Then her eyes snapped back open. Wait a freaking minute. Sage had moved out six months ago. She was married to Spence now — Cam’s brother. Cam! He’d been at her house the night before. Thinking hard, Grace tried to call up the last thing she remembered. The tub!
She’d been in the tub and had obviously fallen asleep. Her hand shot to her chest and touched the silky smoothness of her nightie. Slowly lifting the blanket, she peeked underneath. That nightie was all she had on. Her face went crimson as she realized that Cam must have pulled her from the tub, dried her off, and dressed her.
She racked her brain for any other memories and came up blank. She knew there was no way they’d done anything. As much as she wanted to “monsterize” Cam, he wasn’t a bad guy and he would never take advantage of a sleeping woman, not even if the two of them were in a relationship. So her horror was strictly at knowing he’d seen her naked — again.
Then, with the morning light streaming in through her blinds, she noticed her bedding had been changed. Had he done all of this for her? Why? Since she’d come back to town, not a single conversation had ended without one or both of them either yelling or the one time at her best friend’s wedding with them ripping each other’s clothes off, she thought in shame. So why in the world was he taking care of her now?
“Good morning, Grace. You look much better than you did last night.”
Grace froze as she looked to her doorway and found Cam leaning against the jamb with a cup in his hand, smiling at her.
“What are you doing, Cam?”
She clutched at her comforter, pulling it to her chin as she stared at him. Age had only made him better. He’d been so dang handsome when he was in his late teens and early 20s. She’d been in love with him from the time he was 16 and she was only 12, and he’d thought of her as nothing but a child.
He was all man now, his cheeks still chiseled but filled out nicely, his shoulders wide and making the perfect upside-down A-frame, and his arms… oh, his arms were solid, and looking at them led her gaze down to his stomach and beyond.
Shaking her head, she snapped her eyes back to his, which were, of course, twinkling. “Like the view, darlin’? Need me to turn around?”
Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

34 Responses to “Her Forever Hero by Melody Anne”

  1. Lorna

    Locking them in a closet! lol.. This sounds like a cute read and I liked the excerpt. Glad it was a good read for you 🙂

  2. Sophia Rose

    Glad skipping worked out well. I like that its a second chance with a suspense. Having him make mistakes, but work past them is a good thing. I’ll have to check out book one.

  3. Bookworm Brandee

    This sounds like a great read with the suspense element and, of course, the second chance at romance. It is interesting that the synopsis isn’t quite accurate… Oh well, I’m glad you had a good time with FHH and that it worked without having read book 2. 😀

  4. Braine Talk Supe

    Sounds good, It’s good that this wasn’t too serious, I am a fan of comedy so anytime you can insert some comedic relief, I’m for it. Also it seems like this can be read as standalone?

  5. Katherine

    I’m intrigued! I love all the secrets and the suspense and am curious about just what is going on with that non-profit. Plus I can never resist a 2nd chance romance! Adding to my TBR!

  6. Melissa (Books and Things)

    Oh this sounds like something I would enjoy. I’m glad you got to know the why of Grace. It helps understand their behavior better. I also love that it had some humor with it. Might be a contemp that makes my list to read.

  7. Ramona

    Oh, I love it when an author is able to create a grand picture with all these little so-called random pieces that come together in the end like a puzzle! In my opinion it’s not something easily achievable, so kudos to the author for pulling it off 🙂 Also, second-chance romances… (enough said!) Brilliant review, Kimba. I hope you spent a wonderful Easter with your family.

  8. Candace

    As much as I hate those characters that are just vile I love when they are added because they just add another dimension of feels, even if it is anger. I’m glad you enjoyed this!

  9. Lekeisha

    I still need to read her Surrender that I have on my Kindle. I’ve read great things about her books.