Drow Mystery by Martha Carr & Michael Anderle

August 15th, 2024 Kimberly Review 6 Comments

15th Aug

Drow Mystery is the next audiobook in the Chronicles of Shadow Bourne by Martha Carr & Michael Anderle and narrated by Stephanie Savannah. We are thrown right back into the action as Ellis continues to search for her mother, all while trying to get her magic back. Another intense story that brings both answers and questions.

Drow Mystery by Martha Carr & Michael Anderle
Drow Mystery
by Martha Carr, Michael Anderle
Series: Chronicles of Shadow Bourne #3
Narrator: Stephanie Savannah
Length: 5 hours and 21 minutes
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration: 5 cups Speed: 1.5x

Ellis Burton is taking a dangerous chance searching for answers about her mother. The Drow Protector of the City of Angels takes after her mother, looking out for those who roam the streets at night.

But first, Ellis has to regain her shadow magic. That can’t come soon enough. There’s a dangerous mushroom disease that is plunging victims into dark hallucinations, and a friend of her brother’s is missing.

Nothing is ever what it seems in LaLa Land.

Meanwhile, Charlie is determined to find the truth but is drawn to Ellis's mysterious allure. He may be falling down a dangerous path where too many vigilantes and conspiracies intertwine. Can the detective hold them off on his own?

Can Charlie trust Ellis? Maybe not and keep his job as a detective. The way things are going, everything is pointing to a jail cell for Ellis. If they can catch her.

In this thrilling and suspenseful tale of hidden Drows, magic, mushrooms, secrets, and betrayal, Ellis must navigate a treacherous path to find the truth and protect those she loves, or is learning to love.

With her shadow magic powers still elusive, she must rely on her wits and instincts to survive. Will she uncover the truth and find her mother, or will she become entangled in a web of darkness that may consume her?

Kick Ass Heroine magical mystery urban

I am enjoying this series on audio and love how quickly the books are releasing. As with most fantasy, this series is best listened to in the order of their release. Ellis Burton is half-Drow and searching for her human mother in the City of Angels (LaLa Land). While the Drow’s existence remains hidden, Ellis takes up the role of protecting humans on the city’s streets after dark.

In the last installment, Ellis lost her powers and can no longer move in the Shadows. In the meantime, she is dealing with a weird mushroom disease that causes dark hallucinations, and a friend of her brother’s is missing. He asks her to look for him and that search brings trouble. This was an intense installment that kept me listening into the wee hours.

Ellis is growing as a character, but that doesn’t stop her from making serious mistakes and taking risks even if her intentions are good. Thankfully, she has loyal friends and allies.

So much happens as the story takes a dark turn. Who can Ellis trust? Is Charlie someone she can depend on, or will he arrest her? This story has it all and while parts wrap up, we are left hanging and this girl needs answers. I cannot wait to dive into Drow Magic.

Stephanie Savannah continues to narrate the series and does a fantastic job of capturing Ellis and the others. I highly recommend listening to the series as it elevates the story. At just under six hours, these are perfect for a brief road trip or weekend cleaning binge.

Amazon* | Audible


About Martha Carr

Martha Carr

Martha Carr started writing in her 30s with a newborn and a fresh divorce. She had tried everything the way my family wanted me to do it – and saw where that got her. She was a successful stockbroker who dreaded every day of work. She just couldn’t picture herself still in that chair at 60. Well— at 63, boy, is she glad she walked away.

About Michael Anderle

Michael Anderle

Michael Anderle was born in Houston, Tx. A very curious child, he got into trouble - a lot. What to do with an inquisitive mind when he was grounded? Read! That hasn't changed since he was in elementary school. The Kindle was developed with him in mind. In the first 20 years, he mostly read Science Fiction and Fantasy. In the last 10 years he has enjoyed Urban Fantasy and Military Fiction. Using these influences, he has developed The Kurtherian Gambit. A series dedicated to watching how one genetically modified person with an incredible team behind her might be able to change the future, if she can survive along the way.

About Stephanie Savannah

Stephanie Savannah is an experienced narrator, known for her wide-ranging characterizations and intimate delivery. She has been featured on the lauded LitRPG Podcast for her work in Randi Darren's popular Fostering Faust series, and truly loves bringing the written word to life.

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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

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6 Responses to “Drow Mystery by Martha Carr & Michael Anderle”

  1. ER LeVar

    You know, reading this review made me think that there really aren’t enough fantasy series out there that can be read in any order. That’s such a big thing in mystery/thriller; I wonder if anybody has really tried it in spec fic. Or maybe the markets are too different.

    • Kimberly

      I see authors create worlds within the world, so you can dive in at the beginning of a new thread in the same world, but honestly I love the series aspect of urban fantasy and getting to see the characters and world expand.