Cold Burn of Magic by Jennifer Estep

May 15th, 2015 Kimberly Review 71 Comments

15th May
Cold Burn of Magic by Jennifer Estep
Cold Burn of Magic
by Jennifer Estep
Series: Black Blade #1
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

There Be Monsters Here. . .It's not as great as you'd think, living in a tourist town that's known as "the most magical place in America." Same boring high school, just twice as many monsters under the bridges and rival Families killing each other for power. I try to keep out of it. I've got my mom's bloodiron sword and my slightly illegal home in the basement of the municipal library. And a couple of Talents I try to keep quiet, including very light fingers and a way with a lock pick. But then some nasty characters bring their Family feud into my friend's pawn shop, and I have to make a call--get involved, or watch a cute guy die because I didn't. I guess I made the wrong choice, because now I'm stuck putting everything on the line for Devon Sinclair. My mom was murdered because of the Families, and it looks like I'm going to end up just like her. . .

Young Adult urban magical 2015 FAV

Did you ever start a book and know within moments that you were going to become swept up in the characters and world? This is exactly what happened with Cold Burn of Magic, the first in Jenifer Estep’s new Black Blade urban fantasy series. I devoured this tale, found a new author to love and added another urban fantasy to my must read list.

I went into this blind concerning Estep even though, I have book one and two of the Elemental series gracing my bookshelf as well as the first book in the Mythos Academy series on audio. What I do know is that she is wildly popular and has loyal fans who read both her adult and young adult series. I love seeing action packed, fleshed out urban fantasy series in the young adult genre and Estep’s writing style allows the reader to slip in and connect.

Five Caffeinated reasons to drop what you are doing and read Cold Burn of Magic

  • Our protagonist, Lila Merriweather is a kick-ass, orphaned thief who makes her home in the basement of a library in a town filled with magic. The story takes place in Cloudburst Falls, West Virginia where tourists come from all around to see pixies, Fae and monsters. Rich families who are constantly feuding run the town. Estep brought the world to life in vivid three-D imagery from the troll on the bridge to the pixies preparing meals.
  • The characters were unique from zany Mo to the cold and manipulative mother of Devon. Lila is a colorful heroine who I quickly warmed up to. Lila is young and has some baggage but she is also street smart and in some ways wise beyond her seventeen years. Fiercely loyal she has several talents. She is content attending high school by day and thieving by night but she unwittingly finds herself involved in protecting one of the “royal” families’ sons after intervening in a deadly fight. A certain grumpy pixie about stole my heart and the attention to detail with this secondary character was amazing.
  • The story Estep weaves is magical, filled with action and growth for Lila. I would love to see this made into a Disney movie. I can just see the Sinclair mansion on the big screen. Weapons, spider spun jackets and rare talents amped my enjoyment of the world. I have a feeling with the right narrator this would be an amazing listen on audio. Estep weaves in several storylines from the feuding families to Lila’s own past. She satisfied my need to know while leaving room for more details as the story progresses. Villains, a mysterious stranger and betrayal added danger.
  • While there are hints of a budding romance, Estep did not bog this tale down with unnecessary drama, insta-love or triangles. Instead, she hinted at a slow-burning romance.  This added a few swoony moments and left us with the possibility of a future romance. I l found it to be refreshing. The tale wraps up nicely, giving us closure but also an idea of what is to come leaving the reader satisfied.
  • Others suggest a similarity to Estep’s other series but as a newbie, I cannot say. However I will tell you I found it to be fresh and exciting. I am eager to read the Mythos and Elemental series to explore their similarities. The next Black Blade novel, Dark Heart of Magic is coming in October of 2015 and I for one will be waiting.
Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

71 Responses to “Cold Burn of Magic by Jennifer Estep”

  1. Aurian

    Great review Kimba, thank you! It is on my wishlist for sure (waiting for a price drop).

  2. Kay

    Cold Burn of Magic sounds like it has a million awesome different little quirks. I am always look for a new unique book with magic in it. I think I will be giving this one a try!

  3. Candace

    I’m not caught up on her other series but I love them and I bet I’ll love this too! I’ve only heard good things so far!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I am looking forward to reading them Candace

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I have the first Mythos on audio and hope to listen this summer 🙂

  4. MIchelle

    I just started this one. and like you, I have a few of Estep’s other books (her mythos academy has been on my TBR pile since 2011….ekk!!) But i haven’t read them yet. I am excited to get swept up in this tale 🙂

    Great review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Enjoy Michelle, I am glad I made the decision to read this first

  5. Melanie Simmons

    I don’t read much YA, but I think I’m going to give this one a try. I heard Jennifer Estep talk about it several times while at RT. She has me very intrigued, not to mention, I keep hearing all these great reviews.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      It doesn’t read like typical YA and I tend to stay in the UF, Fantasy and dystopian realm of YA

  6. Jeann

    Yup, urban fantasy is still my favourite genre! The characters all sound like they have vibrant personalities and the mansion setting so visceral! Lovely review Kimba.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      The castle would translate well to the big screen Jeann. I can just see the pixies whizzing around the kitchen preparing meals.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      This was a good one to try and it’s book

  7. Faye

    Eep! I remember my co-blogger, reviewing this on her blog at Deadly Darlings and loving it a lot! I trust her insights so much and yours as well so I’ll be giving this one a big try soon. Plus, the name Lili Merriweather sounds cool 😛

  8. Christy

    Damn. A lot of people are really loving this. I’ve only read the first two books in her Elemental series, but haven’t been wow’d by it yet. Maybe I should just read this now instead of waiting for more books in the series.

  9. Lindy

    Cold Burn sounds so good! I love a story that has a kick-butt heroine, unique characters, and is filled with magic! Slow burning romance is the best, and I love a story that is balanced. I love romance, but a book is even better, when it has more to it 🙂 Lovely Review Kim!

  10. Kim { Book Swoon }

    Yay, I loved this one too, Kimba!! And, a grumpy pixie about stole my heart as well. This was my first Estep read, but I’m looking forward to more in this fun world. I thought Lila Merriweather was pretty kick-ass and a great new heroine to follow.
    Wonderful review, Kimba : )

  11. Cyn

    Ooh this sounds like an awesome series! I like the sounds of Lila Merriweather, and the fact that the romance isn’t insta-love or love triangle. Thanks for the awesome review, Kim!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I was really glad the romance was only hinted at.

  12. Jennifer

    I really enjoyed this one too. It was like Gin (Elemental Assassin series) the teenage years. LOL

  13. Sophia Rose

    Oh, I do love that heady feeling of knowing that I’ve got ahold of a good one when it grabs me right from the start. This sounds really good and moreso since its a beginning. Nice review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I m glad..and hope to start Elemental soon

  14. Katherine

    Oh this sounds fun! When my daughter was younger she enjoyed a MG series called Sister’s Grimm that was great and reminds me a bit of this one. I’ll have to look for this one and this author in general.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Oh, then maybe she will like this one as well.

  15. Christy

    I love Jennifer Estep! I’ve read and LOVED her Elemental Assassin series and I loved Cold Burn of Magic too. I do see a resemblance in the MC of both of these series in the fact that they are both strong and badass. I still need to read her other YA series 😀

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Thanks for giving me an assessment. I must admit I was curious ..and hello bad-ass similarities are a-ok with me!!

  16. Lanie

    O.O *drops book* *picks it back up* OH GOD IT WAS A LIBRARY BOOK!!! Lol, great review! I’ll have to bump this one up.

  17. Ramona

    I can’t wait to read this! The buzz seems to be unanimously positive 🙂 Lots of people have fallen in love with Lila Merriweather and I’ve got a feeling I will too. I love the idea of a budding romance, hints and moments sound perfect to me. Dazzling review, as usual 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I hope you do Ramona, I had a blast meeting her

  18. Paij Slater

    Wonderful review Kim! This book sounds fantastic. I love it when you pick up a book and instantly know you’re going to love it! Makes my reading experience so much more 🙂

  19. Jennifer Bielman

    I keep forgetting you haven’t read her yet. I wonder how good this book is compared to her other series. I need to try it soon. So happy you are on the Estep train now.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Well if this is sub-par I am freakin’ going to love the Elemental series

  20. Maja (The Nocturnal Library)

    The romance part (or the no romance part), free of drama and other unnecessary distractions, made me very happy too. But the rest seemed too similar to her other books so I wasn’t too thrilled with this one. I’ll still be reading the next book, though. Hopefully, it’ll find its way.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I had nothing to reference, but hope to decide soon

  21. Stormi

    I thought this one was okay. I am also a newbie to Estep and have the first to her elemental series on my TBR I thought parts were a tad boring but she was a cool heroine…I am curious to see what happens next.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      That is a shame happens though. Hopefully the next book will win you over completely

  22. Lola

    I love Jennifer Estep her books, I recently finished her Mythos Academy series and am hoping to catch up on Elemental Assassin series soon. My copy of Cold Burn of Magic arrived last week and after reading your review I am even more excited to read it! The characters in this book are well done and I like slow building romances! Great review Kimba and I hope I can make time to read this one soon!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Ooo enjoy! I will be curious to see if you feel it’s too similar

  23. Jenny

    YEAH KIM!!!!!! So glad Jennifer has found another fan in you! She’s an all time favorite author of mine, I’ve loved everything of hers I’ve read. I think you’ll really enjoy the Mythos books and the Elemental Assassin books, both series got better as they went for me. I have a feeling this one will be the same, though I of course loved this first book:)

  24. Sophia

    I know I have Mythos academy on to-read list, and yes, I definitely know the feeling. ^^ I usually have this weird feeling from early on in the book if it’s going to be good, bad, or in the middle.

    I do love me some slow-burning romance – glad you really enjoyed the book, Kimba! 😀

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I hope you decide to try this series Sophia!

  25. Debbie Haupt

    OMG Kim, I LOVE Jennifer’s Elemental Assassin series, her Mythos is okay but then I’m not a big fan of YA. But I have not read book one in this new series and I’m going to fix that right now. I wonder if The Spider is finally retiring from the Assassin biz?
    Thanks for the great review

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I am determined to start the Elemental series

  26. kindlemom1

    So glad that you tried this Kim and liked it! Estep really can do no wrong in any genre that she writes.

    I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I am glad to hear that, and guess I will be starting the Elemental series sooner rather then later.

  27. Mary

    I really liked this one, too! It was a quick, easy read with interesting worldbuilding and enough action and intrigue that it just swept me up in the story!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      It was an easy read. I like when you can just slip in and look up hours later:)

  28. Red Iza

    Haven’t read her yet but I do want to, great review 😉

  29. Silvia

    She’s an author I still have to try and it’s good to hear such good thoughts on this book, I may decide to start with it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Kimberly!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I am glad I decided to, since the other series are so far into it.

  30. Melliane

    Oh yes I also really enjoyed this one. I’ve finished it a few days ago and I was conquered by the story. It was nice to discover more about Lila and all. Great review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I am excited and we don’t have long to wait for the next book..