Bright Blaze of Magic is the last book in Jennifer Estep’s urban fantasy trilogy Black Blade. Action packed; with intense struggles over evil, our heroine leads the charge in restoring order to Cloudburst Falls.

Black Blade
Dark Heart of Magic by Jennifer Estep
19th Oct
Dark Heart of Magic is the second novel in Jennifer Estep’s Black Blade trilogy. This young adult fantasy offers spectacular world building and an engaging cast of characters that will have you singing the mantra, “just one more chapter”.
Cold Burn of Magic by Jennifer Estep
15th May
Did you ever start a book and know within moments that you were going to become swept up in the characters and world? This is what happened with Cold Burn of Magic the first in Jenifer Estep’s new Black Blade urban fantasy series. I devoured this tale, found a new author to love and added another urban fantasy to my must read list.