Narrated by a full cast featuring Julia Whelan, Brian Nishii, Keisuke Hoashi, MacLeod Andrews, Jeanne Sakata, Greg Watanabe, Kurt Kanazawa, Matthew Bridges, Kotaro Watanabe, Brianna Ishibashi, Joe Knezevitch, Micky Shiloah, Stephanie Komure, and Jason Culp, How High We Go in the Dark by Sequoia Nagamatsu delivers a science fiction dystopian that will haunt you long after you’ve finished.
Yinka, Where Is Your Huzband? By Lizzie Damilola Blackburn
Sophia Rose is here with a women’s fiction review of Yinka, Where Is Your Huzband? By Lizzie Damilola Blackburn. Check out her thoughts on this story filled with humor, family, culture, and self-discovery.
Lightning in a Mirror by Jayne Ann Krentz
Lightning in a Mirror by Jayne Ann Krentz is the third novel in the Fogg Lake paranormal romantic suspense series and with it comes answers about the mysterious Vortex Lab. While this is the end of the series, there is more to learn in the Arcane world Krentz has created and more artifacts to be discovered.
🎧 The Purveli by Dianne Duvall
The Purveli by Dianne Duvall is the third audiobook in the science fiction romance series the Aldebarian Alliance. Narrated by Kristen Potter. Duvall delivers another suspenseful tale filled with danger, uncharted planets and undeniable romance.
The Paris Bookseller by Kerri Maher
I love historical fiction steeped in history, so how could I resist, The Paris Bookseller by Kerri Maher. The author shares a peek into the life of American Sylvia Beach, who opened a bookstore/lending library called Shakespeare and Company on a quiet street in Paris. Famous authors, lovers and one woman’s efforts to see a banned book published. Grab a cuppa and see why book lovers need to add this to their bookshelf.