City Under One Roof by Iris Yamashita

March 1st, 2023 Kimberly Guest Post, Review 20 Comments

1st Mar

Sophia Rose will discuss her thoughts on the thriller set in a small, remote town in Alaska with a murderer. Grab some hot chocolate and check out City Under One Roof by Iris Yamashita.

City Under One Roof by Iris Yamashita
City Under One Roof
by Iris Yamashita
Genres: Thriller
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

A stranded detective tries to solve a murder in a tiny Alaskan town where everyone lives in a single high-rise building, in this gripping debut by an Academy Award–nominated screenwriter.

When a local teenager discovers a severed hand and foot washed up on the shore of the small town of Point Mettier, Alaska, Cara Kennedy is on the case. A detective from Anchorage, she has her own motives for investigating the possible murder in this isolated place, which can be accessed only by a tunnel.

After a blizzard causes the tunnel to close indefinitely, Cara is stuck among the odd and suspicious residents of the town—all 205 of whom live in the same high-rise building and are as icy as the weather. Cara teams up with Point Mettier police officer Joe Barkowski, but before long the investigation is upended by fearsome gang members from a nearby native village.

Haunted by her past, Cara soon discovers that everyone in this town has something to hide. Will she be able to unravel their secrets before she unravels?"

Sophia Rose’s Review

An isolated little town on the edge of Alaska has a killer in their mix.  Some mystery scenarios just lend themselves to an uptick in the fear factor and the forced isolation with a murder is one of them.  I took one look at the title and blurb and couldn’t help the build of anticipation that reading City Under One Roof did not diminish.

In this standalone, but also fabulous series starter read, police detective on leave Cara Kennedy stirs up a murder mystery that had been safely tucked away as just one of the many deaths that happen frequently in rural Alaska.  Her investigation is personal because she suspects the dismembered body found at Point Mettier might have ties to the disappearance and deaths of her husband and son.  But, she is well and truly off balance when she ends up isolated due to storms at Point Mettier and staying in the “DaveCo” with the quirky, secretive 209 residences of the ‘City Under One Roof’. 

People don’t end up in Point Mettier without a thing or two in their pasts as young teen resident, Amy, can attest.  She might have stumbled across the body parts and reported them, but she has her secrets and wants nothing to do with the ‘otter’ police woman and Officer JB’s investigation.  Yet, she keeps ending up closeby when events happen.

Third female narrator of the story is unreliable as can be as a woman who was institutionalized after seeing her mom’s boyfriend beat her to death.  Lonnie likes her routines and loves her pet moose, Benny.  She doesn’t like being stared at or hearing the voices talking about her and she really doesn’t like the questions the poky police woman is asking.

A thrilling and suspenseful mystery that taps into the remote and culturally diverse Alaskan setting and the perspectives of three divergent female characters, this debut novel kept me flipping pages rapidly to get to the heart-stopping finish and denouement that has me eager for the next book.  Definitely recommend to mystery fans!

Amazon | Audible

About Iris Yamashita

Iris Yamashita

Iris is the Academy Award nominated writer for the movie LETTERS FROM IWO JIMA, directed by Clint Eastwood. The film received a Golden Globe award for “Best Foreign Language Film” and was nominated for 4 Oscars®, including Best Original Screenplay. Her debut novel, CITY UNDER ONE ROOF, the first in a mystery series, will be released by Berkley Group in January, 2023.

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About Sophia Rose

Sophia Rose

Sophia is a quiet though curious gal who dabbles in cooking, book reviewing, and gardening. Encouraged and supported by an incredible man and loving family. A Northern Californian transplant to the Great Lakes Region of the US. Lover of Jane Austen, Baseball, Cats, Scooby Doo, and Chocolate.

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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

20 Responses to “City Under One Roof by Iris Yamashita”

    • Sophia Rose

      In your snowbound isolation, this one would really give you the shivers, Rachel. Haha! Hope you get your turn soon.

    • Sophia Rose

      Oh yeah, this was a really interesting one with all the cultural and rural life details. Only one of the three women feels like the unreliable narrator type so you get some solid observations from the narrators for the most part.

  1. Katherine

    I absolutely love the premise for this one! So glad the execution lived up to the concept. This is definitely one on my TBR.

  2. Wendy

    Lovely review, Sophia. I love the setting of this one. I hope to get to Alaska someday