Ice by Lauren Carr

November 13th, 2018 Kimberly Review 36 Comments

13th Nov
Ice by Lauren Carr
by Lauren Carr
Series: A Chris Matheson Cold Case Mystery #1
Genres: Mystery
Source: Purchase
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

When Sandy Lipton and her unborn child disappeared, the court of public opinion found young Chris Matheson guilty. Decades later, the retired FBI agent returns home to discover that the cloud of suspicion cast over him and his family has never lifted.

With the help of a team of fellow retired law enforcement officers, each a specialist in their own field of investigation, Chris Matheson starts chipping away at the ice on this cold case to uncover what had happened to Sandy and her baby and the clues are getting hot!

Law MansBestFriend MURDERMYSTERY Small-town

Ice by Lauren Carr is the first novel in the Chris Matheson Cold Case Mystery series. After reading another blogger’s review, I one-clicked and while looking for books that qualified for the #HoHoHoRAT I discovered it on my Kindle. Murder, cold cases and a secret club of retired law enforcement meeting in the library delivered a stellar story.

To qualify for the readathon the book needed to be a holiday novel or set in winter, with a title like ICE I figured it covered winter and the book is indeed set in winter with an ice storm and lots of snow. What surprised me was how much fun I had with this story. It has a small-town vibe and takes place in rural Virginia.

Our hero, Chris Mattheson retired from the FBI after a serious of unfortunate events.  His father passed, leaving his mother all alone to handle the family farm and someone killed his wife in a terrorist attack leaving him a widowed father. At forty-six he lives at home with his mother and girls.

Ice contains some suspenseful murder-mysteries, two are cold cases and two are current active investigation. We also get to know town folk, see a romance rekindles and get fantastic laughs thanks to a rescue, retired K-9 named Sterling and a giant female rabbit named Thor. I adored Sterling and want to take him home.

Reasons to download ICE today:

  • The Geezer Squad – disguised as a book club who picks apart crime thrillers this group of retired law enforcement investigate cold cases. I loved this motley crew of men and women. They were funny and knowledgeable. From wine critiques to bylaws and secret meetings. I am hoping we solve more cases with them.
  • Matheson left town twenty-some years ago under a cloud of suspicion despite being cleared by the FBI. Some folks still believe he killed a young pregnant woman. This missing person case haunts Chris, and despite being cleared folks in this small-town think his father, then a homicide detective covered up evidence. The storyline was clever, and the outcome felt realistic thanks to the groundwork the author laid.
  • The current murders are eerily similar to a cold case involving a serial killer the Geezer Squad is investigating. Before everything is said and done Chris along with Helen Clark , the current homicide detective will unravel secrets, face danger and deal with a german shepherd who likes to gamble and prefers country music!
  • Secondary characters from members of the Geezer Squad to Doris, Chris’s mother added humor, aid and pulled me further into the story. I loved Doris; the women is not your typical Nonni.
  • We are served a side of “second-chance” romance and see a new budding romance begin.

Ice delivered all the elements I love in a suspenseful thriller mystery, plus bonuses like the squad and small-town cozy mystery feel. Sterling was a hoot and I hope they involve him in the next cold case. This series is available in KU, print, and audio.

A book club that is not a book club, murder, one cunning dog and the geezer squad await you in ICE by Lauren Carr, the first novel in the Chris Matheson Cold Case #Mystery series. #murder #bookclub Click To Tweet
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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

36 Responses to “Ice by Lauren Carr”

  1. Lauren Carr

    Thank you so much, Kimberly, for your wonderful review of ICE. I am so glad you enjoyed and am certain your followers will enjoy it as well!

  2. Carla

    This sounds like a great series. I enjoy cold cases, and The Geezer Squad sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing this one, I must check out the series.

  3. Heidi

    Oh gosh. I love the sound of the Geezer Squad that sounds fun. I also like you thought out of the box for your holiday read. Sorry I have been MIA just was super busy last week. Sorry about Clayton, those casts are awful. My cousin had her 20 month old son in one for two months after he had hip surgery it was terrible. I hope he feels better this week.

    • Kimberly

      Thanks Heidi. yeah, I miss seeing you around the sphere. Clayton is now crawling all over with it. He will be two on Saturday.

  4. Sophia Rose

    I want this. I’m still in a mystery/suspense mood and all the elements you mentioned from the Geezers to Chris’ background and home, to the case. Yep, want!

  5. Anne

    This sounds great – I’m a little underwhelmed by the holiday romance freebies I’ve been reading. I need to get more winter books which are mystery, fantasy or a bit of another genre if I’m doing this next year. I’ve added this to my KU list, right up my lane for sure. Great review. Anne – Books of My Heart

    • Kimberly

      I really try to mix up the gooey goodness and magical snow romances with some murder and mayhem too…hehe. I have a horror-thriller audio and suspense lined up.