The Reaper Follows is the fourth novel in the romantic suspense series, Amy Larson & Hunter Forrest FBI by Heather Graham, and the story of the final horsemen. With a cultlike following, the danger increases for Amy and Hunter as they close in on the mastermind.
The Taken Ones by Jess Lourey
In The Taken Ones by Jess Lourey, a detective and forensic scientist investigate a creepy murder case that combines the past and present. First in series, The Taken Ones is a must listen for fans of crime thrillers.
Secrets in the Dark by Heather Graham
We are back with the international Krewe team known as Blackbird in Secrets in the Dark by Heather Graham. This is the second volume in the Blackbird Trilogy. The tale continues as this special group of FBI Agents, Interpol and local police hunt down a modern day Jack the Ripper.
Miami Ripper by Stacy M. Jones
I’ve been on a suspense murder-mystery kick and dove into the second FBI Kate Walsh audiobook. Miami Ripper, by Stacy M. Jones, takes us to Miami Beach, where someone is killing and mutilating women. Narrated by Claire Duncan, Agents Walsh and James must catch a killer before he chooses his next victim….
Small Bones by Kerry Buchanan
Small Bones by Kerry Buchanan is the second audiobook in the Harvey and Birch Irish crime thriller series. The cover boasts that it’s utterly addictive and I would have to agree. Narrated by Esther Wane, I could not set this one down….