The Unlikeable Demon Hunter by Deborah Wilde

October 10th, 2017 Kimberly Review 49 Comments

10th Oct
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter by Deborah Wilde
The Unlikeable Demon Hunter
by Deborah Wilde
Series: Nava Katz #1
Narrator: Hollie Jackson
Length: 9 hours and 10 minutes
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne FlameOne Flame
Narration: 3.5 cups

Bridesmaids meets Buffy with a dash of the seven deadly sins.

The age-old story of what happens when a foul-mouthed, romance impaired heroine with no edit button and a predilection for hot sex is faced with her worst nightmare–a purpose.

Ari Katz is intelligent, driven, and will make an excellent demon hunter once initiated into the Brotherhood of David. However, this book is about his twin Nava: a smart-ass, self-cultivated hot mess, who is thrilled her brother is stuck with all the chosen one crap.

When Nava half-drunkenly interrupts Ari’s induction ceremony, she expects to be chastised. What she doesn’t expect is to take her brother’s place among the–until now–all-male demon hunters. Even worse? Her infuriating leader is former rock star Rohan Mitra.

Too bad Rohan’s exactly what Nava’s always wanted: the perfect bad boy fling with no strings attached, because he may also be the one to bring down her carefully erected emotional shields. That’s as dangerous as all the evil fiends vying for the bragging rights of killing the only female ever chosen for Demon Club.

Odds of survival: eh.

Odds of having a very good time with Rohan before she bites it: much better.

snarky SEXY urban Kick Ass Heroine

Ths synopsis for The Unlikeable Demon Hunter by Deborah Wilde appealed to me. I had a feeling this would be action-packed and fun. A  secret Jewish organization of demon hunters, an unexpected recruit, and demons..spells fun, character growth and an interesting start to the Nava Katz.

We meet loud, unlikable Nava Kantz as she arrives home, hungover and late for her twin brother’s initiation into the Brotherhood of David. After embarrassing herself and her family, the ceremony begins. Ari, her brother, has been preparing for this since birth and will receive his special powers. Things go wrong, and Nava gains powers, making her the first-ever demon hunter.

Nava is young and snarky, but as the story unfolds, I found myself feeling sorry for her. Imagine being second fiddle all your life to your twin brother. It explains some of her behavior. As the story progressed we began to see some of her better qualities and the makings of a quick-thinking kick-ass demon hunter. Granted, she isn’t at all happy with the situation and is more concerned about her next O, then fighting demons.

The girl marches to her own drum, which causes some friction between her and her leader; former rock star Rohan Mitra. Too bad, Rohan is just the kind of bad boy she has dreamt about. I enjoyed watching them interact from their wicked banter to snarky one-liners. Nava tests and questions giving poor Rohan no reprieve.  The developing relationship between them worked seamlessly against the action-packed storyline and Wilde has me wanting more.

The story is fast-paced with plenty of demon killing action. We see threats against Ari and Nava as well as the Brotherhood. Apparently, some demons want bragging rights for executing the first female demon slayer. What took me by surprise was the emotions I felt in the second half. I started out tolerating Nava and ended up rooting for her. Wilde did an excellent job of fleshing her out and allowing me to see what she is capable of. The story ends on a high note and sets us up for the next story.

Hollie Jackson narrated the Unlikeable Demon Hunter and did a fantastic job. It was a little weird hearing the voices of characters from the Witchless in Seattle series by Dakota Cassidy. Winterbottom’s as Rohan, and Nava as Stevie. However, as the story progressed their personalities and differences shone through.  At least there was no Belfrey.

The Unlikeable Demon Hunter was a fun start to the Nava Katz series. I look forward to seeing more of this kick-ass demon hunter and zany cast of characters.

The Unlikeable Demon Hunter by Deborah Wilde- snark, humor and a kick-arse demon hunter. #audio Click To Tweet



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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

49 Responses to “The Unlikeable Demon Hunter by Deborah Wilde”

  1. Bookworm Brandee

    This one does sound like a lot of fun! I like the Jewish demon hunting organization element. I also think Nava is a heroine I’d enjoy watching grow and come into her own. 🙂
    I know what you’re saying about the narration – it is weird to hear a narrator you’ve heard do other series using the same voices for a new one. :/ But I’m happy you enjoyed it anyway!

  2. Wattle

    I like the sound of this one, just the title caught my interest, and then I read the rest of the post! Will definitely have to add this to my UF list!

  3. Jessica

    This sounds FUN. Like, crazy fun. You genuinely had me at, “A secret Jewish organization of demon hunters, an unexpected recruit, and demons…” I MEAN ???? Sign me up, right? Haha

  4. Suzanne

    A Jewish demon hunter? This sounds wild! The title made me chuckle as soon as I read it and I do love a snarky, kickass main character. Think this one is going to have to go on my TBR. Great review!

  5. Nadene

    This sounds like an awesome story. However, I am going to pretend I never saw it as my TBR cannot take anymore books.:)

  6. Lorna

    I’ve had this book in my tbr pile even longer than when Rabid Reads featured it in August. I know this because I went to buy it and already had it. Sounds like I need to read it sooner than later. Glad you liked it!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Thanks, Alex. I hope you decide to try it. If you enter your URL in the box provided, then click on the link below it to display your most recent post.

  7. Tyler H. Jolley

    Oh man, I could feel the snark just in the blurb. I like it. Thanks for sharing, Kimba.

  8. Rowena

    This sounds like a lot of fun. On my wish list it goes. Thanks for always supplying such awesome commentary on the books you’re reading, Kim.

  9. Geybie's Book Blog

    I only listen to one audiobook (novels) so far but I think It might be tricky to listen to an author who narrates more than one book, especially when the previous books were so memorable. I could see myself imagining the previous characters instead. I hope you’ll write some tips and tricks relating to audiobooks.

  10. Angela

    Great review. I liked the start of this series and how emotionally attached you get to Nava. I had fun with the first book. Hope you continue to enjoy the series.

  11. Stormi Johnson

    That is the bad thing sometimes when you listen to the same narrators for a different book as they sound the same. I have this one to listen too, so I am glad you liked it.

  12. ShootingStarsMag

    That’s great the book made you really care for the MC as you kept reading; I always appreciate that. Thanks for sharing – I’d never heard of this one.

  13. Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight

    Oh I’ve heard about this one. Just the title alone makes it sound like it’ll be fun UF! The MC does sound like just the right combination of being unlikeable but still someone you sympathize with. I’m going to have to consider reading this one!