Marrow by Tarryn Fisher

August 22nd, 2016 Kimberly Review 57 Comments

22nd Aug
Marrow by Tarryn Fisher
by Tarryn Fisher
Genres: Thriller
Source: Purchase
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

In the Bone there is a house. In the house there is a girl. In the girl there is a darkness.Margo is not like other girls. She lives in a derelict neighborhood called the Bone, in a cursed house, with her cursed mother, who hasn’t spoken to her in over two years. She lives her days feeling invisible. It’s not until she develops a friendship with her wheelchair-bound neighbor, Judah Grant, that things begin to change. When a neighborhood girl, seven-year-old Neveah Anthony, goes missing, Judah sets out to help Margo uncover what happened to her. What Margo finds changes her, and with a new perspective on life, she’s determined to find evil and punish it–targeting rapists and child molesters, one by one. But hunting evil is dangerous, and Margo risks losing everything, including her own soul.


Marrow by Tarryn Fisher with its clever cover and tempting synopsis found its way into my TBR pile. A recent blogger review bumped it up my pile and I devoured it during the March Take Control of Your TBR Challenge.  Twisted, addictive, dark, brilliant and gritty I devoured Marrow.

Five reasons to grab Marrow and unplug

  •  Marrow offers a strong protagonists and well developed storylines that pull you in from the opening pages. If you want a dark thriller with a bit of mystery and plenty of mind-twisting fuckery this book is for you. A few scenes go very dark and as the book progresses they become more detailed. Be warned there are a few triggers in this story. View Spoiler »
  • Tarryn Fisher has a wonderful flow to her writing and I quickly slipped in. The author allowed me to identify with Margo, and feel the despair in Bone. Margo lives in the Bone, a very depressed area of the city where folks struggle to makes ends meet and crack babies thrive . Fisher’s description of Margo’s home, “the food house” and secondary characters brought life to this tale.
  • You like superheroes, vigilantes and Jessica Jones. Margo’s friendship with Judah and the catalyst that transforms her were brilliantly told allowing the reader to experience a plefora of emotions.
  • You like the idea of strong friendships with a hint of romance, but do not require the swoon. This leans heavily on darker aspects as Margo escapes Bone and evolves. Her friendship with Judah hints at romance but stays firmly in the friendship zone.
  • Marrow was well paced and for once, a plot twist took me by surprise. It occurs around the seventy-six percent mark. What? OMG! I was holding my breath and murmuring. It was such a rush. I love a killer twist or reveal and Fisher nailed it. The final chapters were gritty, dark, twisted and addictive.

Original and captivating Marrow gave me one heck of a ride. Marrow is a standalone novel but I discovered afterwards that there is a tie in to characters/reveals found in Mud Vein. It sounds twisted! Recommended for fans of You and Dexter.

Dark, twisted and addictive Marrow by Tarryn Fisher pulls the reader in and never let's go. Share on X
Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

57 Responses to “Marrow by Tarryn Fisher”

  1. Eva

    Great review! I love Tarryn and this book is so unique!! Totally agree with you re: the tone and twist of this book. So happy you liked this!

  2. Cynthia

    I am so glad you loved this one! I bought this one for my Kindle a month or so ago because it was on sale. I honestly forgot the premise; I just remembered people raving about it. Now I’m super excited to read it.

  3. Lorna

    Oh, you tempt me so much. But to be honest,a couple of the spoilers that you mention would turn me off this-one of them in particular. I am glad this was such a good read for you though!

  4. Braine

    I love the cover arts of this series but never really knew what it’s about. I love Jessica JOnes, this will definitely make it’s way to my TBR for sure.

  5. Leona

    Everything written by the author has found its way on my TBR and taken off and then put back on. I have so many conflicting emotions on this author’s stories that I need to gone ahead and read them so that I can know for myself whether my gut feeling about this author’s writing is right or way off.

  6. Sophia Rose

    So with the tie-in to the other book, would that one be best read first or doesn’t matter?

    Wowsers! This sound dark and chilling and a good fall read. Thanks for the great review, Kimberly!

  7. Melissa (Books and Things)

    GAH! Another one you have me curious about. I already know I’d be pissed at one time or another in the book (the trigger warnings) but this sounds so twisted that I think I’d still like it. Yep… twisted got me. LOL

  8. Angela

    Ooh, the cover is tempting but your review sold me on this one. I’m adding this one my TBR pile.

  9. Katherine

    This sounds intense. I like friendships and don’t require swooning if there’s a strong mystery element to the story which seems like the case in this one. I’ve just started watching The Blindspot and this reminds me a little of that one. I’m adding it to my TBR.

  10. Genesis

    A while back Lisa from Lost in Lit reviewed this book and it got me so beyond interested in it that I bought it. Sadly, I never read it but obviously this needs to be fixed. I’ve only seen positive reviews for it! I didn’t know it tied with Mud Vein so I’ll have to purchase that one as well. Great review!

  11. Laurel-Rain Snow

    I love a freaky book now and then, especially if it’s a thriller. This one grabbed me…and now I am definitely curious. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Kristin

    This sort of reminds me of one of my favorite movies of all time, Unbreakable, where the “hero” finds their superpower within themselves and helps right the wrongs, but with a huge twist at the end (insert evil cackle). I’m adding this book to my wishlist today!!! (crap, another book!!!) Awesome share/review!!!

  13. Quinn's Book Nook

    I’ve heard really good things about Tarryn Fisher’s books, but I’ve never read any of them. I’m not sure they are for me. These days I like very happy books. 🙂

  14. kindlemom1

    This wasn’t my favorite from her but I still loved her, all her reads are amazing. Glad you enjoyed it so much!

  15. Verushka

    You had me at Jessica Jones (not that I didn’t get excited but the rest of your review). Nods. RIght there, is a great reason to read this.

  16. Rosa

    This sounds like a great read. I’m a fan of You and Dexter., so I guess I will love this book!

  17. Maureen Beatrice

    This sounds like a great read Kimberly. I never heard about it before. But that cover really grabs your attention. I definitely need to put this one on my TBR!