The Obsession by Nora Roberts

April 12th, 2016 Kimberly Review 71 Comments

12th Apr
The Obsession by Nora Roberts
The Obsession
by Nora Roberts
Genres: Romantic Suspense
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne Flame

Naomi Bowes lost her innocence the night she followed her father into the woods. In freeing the girl trapped in the root cellar, Naomi revealed the horrible extent of her father’s crimes and made him infamous. Now a successful photographer living under the name Naomi Carson, she has found a place that calls to her, thousands of miles away from everything she’s ever known. Naomi wants to embrace the solitude, but the residents of Sunrise Cove keep forcing her to open up—especially the determined Xander Keaton. Naomi can feel her defenses failing, and knows that the connection her new life offers is something she’s always secretly craved. But as she’s learned time and again, her past is never more than a nightmare away.


It is no secret that I am a Nora Roberts fan. The Obsession her newest romantic suspense standalone encompasses all the things that make her a New York Times bestselling author. A strong suspenseful story nestled around a swoon-worthy romance with characters you will want to call friends. Brilliant from begin to end The Obsession was addictive.

Five Caffeinated reasons to read The Obsession

  • The Obsession was riveting from the very first pages as eleven-year-old Naomi Bowes follows her father into the woods and discovers a young woman trapped in a root cellar. Naomi unwittingly saves the young woman and reveals to the world one of the most notorious serial killers of our era. The story follows Naomi and her family as they grow up under the shadow of their now famous father. The first part of the book focuses on life growing up in the shadow of their father and Roberts really allows us to get to know Naomi, her brother Mason and her Uncles. I loved the depth Roberts put into the story and the characters making the story very surreal.
  • Roberts gave us such a strong, talent and resilient heroine. Naomi is flawed and fears being discovered. This has caused her to wander, and until now she has never called a place home or had a serious relationship. While taking photos in Sunrise Cove, she stumbles across a rundown house overlooking the bay and surprises herself when she buys it. She does not expect to stay, and I loved watching her befriend townsfolk and unknowingly begin to grow roots.
  • The romance is slow building and incredibly hot despite being closed-door.  Our hero Xander Keaton is sure to curl your toes. Xander is a sweetie, and not the outwardly romantic type. Which just makes it even sexier when he does something swoon-worthy. He does not have a clue how romantic he can be, and I found it refreshing. The man is yummy to look at and can fix your car too. I loved the chemistry and “tug and pull” of their relationship. Naomi is skittish, and Xander determined to create a wonderful, genuine romance that felt like the forever kind.
  • Since the first part of the book dealt with Naomi’s dad, I was not sure how the suspense angle was going to play out, but we soon have a threat in Sunrise Cove. Roberts skillfully created a tension-filled suspense, and I loved that moment when the past threaded with the present. The plot felt very plausible; I enjoyed the way secondary characters, Naomi, and her past tied into this suspenseful murder-mystery.
  • I feel in love with the characters in The Obsession, and despite what happened I would love to visit Sunrise Cove and these characters again. Roberts made them all very real to me, even the secondary characters. I became emotionally connected and found myself laughing aloud, swooning, biting my nails and holding my breath. Well-paced with an ending that left me in my happy place, The Obsession is a book I will recommend to all.

The Obsession will no doubt make my favorites list in 2016. Fans of romantic suspense and well-developed characters will find this tale rewarding. Psst..and for all you pet lovers..there is a thread that will make you grin from ear to ear!

Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

71 Responses to “The Obsession by Nora Roberts”

  1. MarthaE

    So glad that you liked this. I will keep it in mind down the road when I have time to fit in another book. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  2. Dani Chapman

    Wow! Sounds like this one is a winner. I used to read Nora Roberts all the time. Not sure why I haven’t in the past couple of years but it sounds like I need to get a hold of this book. Thanks for the awesome review!

  3. Kay

    I have this on hold at the library and I can’t wait to read it and meet this Xander! I enjoy Nora Roberts a great deal, but for whatever reason never got around to reading her last couple standalone romance mysteries. I am so pumped for this one! I’m glad to hear you loved it!

  4. Lark

    Great review, Kimba! I’ve become quite a Nora Roberts fan over the last four years or so. Despite my usual aversion to serial killers, I’m really looking forward to reading this one. I’m already on the hold list at the library… but I have to wait for 36 other people to finish it first. At least the library system bought 16 copies!

  5. Cindy

    I am a huge Nora Roberts fan! I can’t wait to read this one. Great review, thanks for sharing.

  6. Deborah

    Kimberly I enjoyed this book but I LOVED the first third – during Naomi’s childhood. It reminded me how great Roberts can be!

  7. Katiria Rodriguez

    Amazing review as always Kim! I absolutely love suspense and murder mystery books and this one has been on my radar for quite some time now since I first heard about it a couple of weeks ago. Now I must check it out and see if I like it or not. Thank you for your awesome post Kim!

  8. Lisa (Lost in Lit)

    I’ve never read a Nora Roberts book before. Why?!?!? I honestly have no idea!!! But I do NEED this book in my life. This sounds FANTASTIC!!! Thanks for bringing it to my attention! 🙂

  9. ailyn

    I used to read Nora Roberts, haven’t been reading her for a while in favor of other authors, I should try going back to her .

  10. Katherine

    I’m so glad you enjoyed this! I have always loved Nora Roberts – she was one of the first romance authors I ever read – but I went through a spell where she was a bit hit or miss. I loved the last two books and it sounds like the streak of winners is continuing. I can’t wait to read it.

  11. Lekeisha

    I haven’t read a Nora book in a long time. It’s good to know that she’s still got it. I will have to borrow this from my library when it becomes available. Great review!

  12. Tanya

    I have read a few of her books and really like her. I’ll have to add this to my kindle this weekend 🙂 Great review

  13. Michele & Mckenzie

    We’re so glad you enjoyed this! I (Michele) have several Roberts books on my shelf waiting to be read — sounds like I need to get to them sooner rather than later. Thanks for the review!

    ~Michele & Mckenzie

  14. Lorna

    Oooh I love her standalones! and of course her J.D. Robbs as well. I am going to have to read this one-or better yet listen maybe. Your review made it sound so so good!

  15. Heidi

    I am really starting to love Nora as well. I need to read this if it is going to be on your best of 2016 list. I was supposed to get a copy, but I didn’t I am not sure what happened. Now I need to follow up because I want this now.

  16. AngelErin

    Great review! This sounds really good. Can you believe I have only read one Nora Roberts novel? Maybe two… I’m not sure. 😛

  17. Trish

    5 very compelling reasons to read this one Kim. I’m fascinating by the family background and I can imagine just much this affects the heroines life. Sounds great, definitely one for the wishlist.

  18. Laurel-Rain Snow

    I love NR’s romantic suspense books, so I’ve been “obsessing” about The Obsession. And yay! Today was my first chance to download it, since I hadn’t received it as an ARC.

    I love the romantic hero who is subtle, like this one sounds…and I am always eager for a plot line involving a run-down house to restore. Thanks for sharing! Can’t wait to read it.

  19. Daniela Ark

    I’m not a romantic suspense reader Kim but you make it sound so good I’ll have to read this one! especially if you were biting your nails and the characters had you swooning, breathless, and laughing aloud, 🙂 Thanks for the recommendation!

  20. Sophia Rose

    Definitely want to read this one. Whew, love how you describe the romance and the suspense. And how could I resist a heroine whose the daughter of a killer.

  21. Debbie Haupt

    Great review Kim, I’m glad Nora found her mojo again. There for a while a few years ago I felt like her characters were pretty interchangeable but her last few have been fantastic. Can’t wait to get my hands on this one!

  22. Rita

    5 cups– a winner! Yes, I do want this one very badly and will definitely be reading it at some point. So far, any thoughts on it have been very positive but even if they weren’t I would read this one. I just love that blurb, how mysterious and suspenseful!

  23. Leona

    I was curious about the new books coming out for Nora Roberts. I honestly can’t wait to listen to this.

  24. Bookworm Brandee

    Okay, my first thought was “Whoa! 5 Cups! This must be an amazing one!” And judging by your review, it *is* amazing and one I want to read. I’ve only read one book from Nora Roberts, Kimberly. *hangs head* I can’t even remember the title – the heroine is a musician who comes home to find out her dad had a boy arrested to keep them apart so she’d pursue her music career? Anyway, I think I’ll give this one a go. I really do love romantic suspense and don’t read near enough of it. 🙂 Glad this was such a hit for you!

  25. Jenny

    Oh this sounds good Kim! I’ve only read Nora Roberts as JD Robb with her In Death series, but the mysteries in that series are always so well done too, so I’m really looking forward to giving this one a try!

  26. Quinn's Book Nook

    I’ve been re-reading a lot of Nora Roberts’ books lately. I just binged on her Stanislaski series, and yesterday I re-read Night Shadows. I’m glad that you loved this one. I’ve heard great things. It sort of reminds me of the I Hunt Killer series by Barry Lyga.

  27. Tyler H. Jolley

    I think I’d really like this. I’m a bigger fan of implied romances versus the graphic telling, and the premise is so believable. Thanks for the review, Kimba.

  28. Angela

    Ooh, I’ve been wondering about this one. The cover and description drew me in but your review sold me.

  29. Kim

    You just sold me, lol. I’ve been wanting to get back to a Nora Roberts book and this sounds amazing and as a standalone I’m jumping in. Thanks! 🙂

  30. Kathy

    It’s been a while since I read a Nora Roberts book, and I always loved what I read in the past. I’ll definitely be on the lookout for this one at the library. Great review, as always, Kimberly!