Pirateship Down: Stories from the World of the Sentinels of New Orleans by Suzanne Johnson

November 11th, 2015 Kimberly Review 67 Comments

11th Nov
Pirateship Down: Stories from the World of the Sentinels of New Orleans by Suzanne Johnson
Pirateship Down
by Suzanne Johnson
Series: Sentinels of New Orleans
Genres: Urban Fantasy, Anthologies
Source: Author
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

From award-winning author Suzanne Johnson comes the first story collection set in the Sentinels of New Orleans world, including the all-new novella, Pirateship Down. French pirate Jean Lafitte is tall, cobalt-eyed, broad-shouldered and immortal. What’s not to love? But New Orleans’ most esteemed member of the historical undead is headed for trouble: He’s determined to reclaim Le Diligent, his gold-laden schooner lost at sea in 1814 and recently found at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico near Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana. The U.S. Coast Guard might beg to differ. New Orleans’ wizard sentinel DJ Jaco and her merman friend Rene Delachaise can either lock Lafitte up or save him from himself, joining him on a road trip to Cajun country. Terrebonne Parish—not to mention its jail—might never be the same after the events of the all-new novella Pirateship Down. Wizards and Cajun mermen, sexy shifters and undead French pirates. Welcome to the world of the Sentinels of New Orleans in this first collection of new and revised stories, along with a little Louisiana lagniappe.

ebook urban coverlove howlinggood

I enjoy the urban fantasy series the Sentinels of New Orléans by Suzanne Johnson and was excited by the prospect of short, standalone tales from this world. Pirateship Down is a great introduction to this urban fantasy and the perfect fix for fans anxiously awaiting the release of Pirate’s Alley.

Pirateship Down shares a collection of stories and interesting facts about the world Suzanne Johnson has created in her urban fantasy series the Sentinels of New Orléans. All of the stories while based on the characters within the series are standalone and gives fans of the series a deeper look at favorite characters. I like to know where stories fall within the world, and Johnson begins all the stories with a little insight and places the story within the timeline of the series. It is important to note that some of these appeared on Johnson’s website, as guest posts and in shorts.

  • Talk Like A Pirate – share what happens when a college student finds a summoning book and calls forth the spirit of Jean Lafitte. It was a fun read and gave us a glimpse of DJ’s Uncle, Gerald St. Simon.
  • The Sentinels Multiverse- Johnson then shares a brief introduction into the multiverse of the Sentinels of New Orléans. We learn about the three worlds within New Orléans. Then she shares information on the Wizards, The Elves, The Fae, Shapeshifters, Weres and Vampires. I loved the bit on the Historical Undead and Minor Preternatural creatures we encounter. She explains their abilities, where they reside and their hierarchy. It was all fascinating and while I knew most of it, she did enlighten me with some interesting tidbits.
  • Alex, the Pig– This short tales shows the relationship between DJ and her boyfriend Alexander Warin. Alex is an enforcer and needs to apprehend a wizard for turning a leprechaun into a pig. He leaves said pig with DJ and it was hilarious. I liked the snark. Renee Delachaise our local merman shows up and adds to the humor of the tale.
  • Cat Mon Dieu- This is a hilarious short featuring our beloved pirate shopping in a modern-day grocery store.
  • Jean Lafitte- The Man, The Myth, The Undead Pirate- Johnson shares the history of Jean Lafitte and even recommends some books regarding NOLA’s most famous pirate. I love these tidbits, and Johnson just impressed me with her extensive knowledge of Lafitte, NOLA and their history.
  • Rivalry- This story takes place long before DJ comes to NOLA and shares the childhoods of first cousins Alexander and Jacob Warin. This was such an interesting tale and gave me some perspective on both characters. We learn about Alexander’s first shift and it held me spellbound. Johnson’s firm grasp of her world and its supernatural creatures continues to impress me.
  • Swamp Rats- Is a deleted, modified scene from Elysian Fields and highlights some of the situations DJ faces in her role as the Sentinel of New Orléans. I had to giggle at these feuding supernaturals.
  • Danger: Curves Ahead- What happens when a shapeshifter enforcer and a spunky sentinel place a bet? This was hilarious as we witness Alex paying up after losing a bet with DJ.
  • A Sentinel’s Biography- Here Johnson shares the books and research that influenced the Sentinels series.
  • Intervention- This short features Alex and Jake. It really highlights some of the unusual things that can go down in NOLA when supernaturals are involved. We learn an interesting secret about Alex, that further endeared me to this shifter.
  • Pirateship Down- This is an all-new novella and takes place between Elysian Fields and Pirate’s Alley, which will release in 2016. Pirateship Down involves DJ and Renee as they try to keep Jean Lafitte out of trouble. One of Lafitte ships had been discovered off the coast and Jean is determined to retrieve what is his. Johnson mixed humor and suspense with plenty of complications. *Jean Lafitte*  DJ’s quick thinking skills come into play as these three go on an adventure.

Pirateship Down is the perfect addition to your Sentinels of New Orléans bookshelf. If you haven’t tried the series Pirateship Down is a wonderful introduction to the series and its characters.


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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

67 Responses to “Pirateship Down: Stories from the World of the Sentinels of New Orleans by Suzanne Johnson”

  1. Kristina Applegate

    I love getting lost in a story of a pirate winning over the heart of a lady. It’s so fun to get lost in the stories of rough scary pirates being brought to their knees by a woman and finding love.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Thanks, and guess what if you click them it shows you all of the books I gave that icon too. (well since I started using them. If I have spare time I will do all of my reviews)

  2. Lorna

    I know nothing about this series or author-how does that happen when I read so many paranormal books?? I am not a big short story person but I read a good many novellas-sounds like this would be a good one for me to try!

  3. Candace

    Oh my goodness, I need to read this author. And this series sounds AMAZING. I’ve heard so many great things!

  4. Lexxie

    I haven’t read this series, Kim, but it sounds really good! And to have novellas as a way to introduce characters is a good idea, especially if they have longer stories about them elsewhere in the series.
    I have a question, though… does the French pirate speak French in the book? I tend to get upset if non-English-speaking characters speak a language I know, and they actually don’t speak it correctly… It’s a huge pet-peeve of mine.
    I’m adding this to my TBR, though, because pirates, and also Cat Mon Dieu!

  5. Liz S

    This book is so much fun! It will make you laugh and smile. Hurry get get your copy.

  6. Lily B

    leprechaun into a pig < – lol what now? Now I feel like I am missing out on the series, cause the authors writing looks amazing.

  7. Debbie Haupt

    Kim this is fabulous, what a catchy play on words in the title and in the character names. I love this, I want this. Who needs groceries when you can have books, right!

  8. Sophia Rose

    I read a different story from the Sentinels world early this year and loved it. I need to start this series. The setting and characters are a huge plus and how could I resist the undead Jean LaFitte! 🙂 Glad to know this collection has brief explanations to help sort them to what story thread they belong.

  9. Ksenia

    I haven’t heard about this series. So you think I can start with this collection of stories or better read the series first?

  10. miki

    i’m in love with this series and this was a superb addition, even if i read already “cat mon dieu” it still made me smile and love and Pirateship down was simply hilarious!
    such a wonderful treat Suzanne offered us to wait until Belle Chasse

  11. Melissa (Books and Things)

    I really need to start this series. It is on my wishlist and I do think I’ll add this one onto it as well. I love the sound of this anthology and I also love it when it brings more nuance to a world you love.

  12. Bookworm Brandee

    Reading these little snippets about the stories in the anthology makes me more excited about the series! It’s on my tbr already – I’m pretty sure I saw it here first. 🙂

  13. Ramona

    I really want to try this series, after having read a wonderful piece by the author in which she describes the research involved. I found the information fascinating 🙂 Alas, my struggle against time lives on! Great post, Kimba, thank you.

  14. kindlemom1

    I recently read and really liked this as well. What is there not to like about Jean? 😛
    I need to write a review and get it up soon.

  15. Diane Sallans

    I always loved pirate movies – this sounds like a wonderful Jean Lafitte!

  16. Aubrey Wynne

    I love pirates and enjoyed New Orleans when I visited. That always makes a book so much more fun when you can recognize some of the geography.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I love reading them late night, when it is too soon to start a new book. It helps me avoid the one more chapter up till 4 am business 🙂

  17. Roger Simmons

    Great collection. In the novella Pirateship Down, Jean, DJ, and Rene have quite an adventure. Join the fun.

  18. Kristin

    This sounds like a great way to get back into Johnson’s world – I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed her series. Thanks for the reminder, girlie! Too many books, too little time, indeed 🙁

  19. Melanie Simmons

    I’ve never read a pirate book. I would’ve thought it was a historical romance. This looks great. I’m going to have to give it a try. You’ve convinced me.