Red Rising by Pierce Brown

January 21st, 2014 Kimberly Review 92 Comments

21st Jan
Red Rising by Pierce Brown
Red Rising
by Pierce Brown
Series: Red Rising #1
Genres: Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Darrow is a miner and a Red, a member of the lowest caste in the color-coded society of the future. Like his fellow Reds, he digs all day, believing that he and his people are making the surface of the planet livable for future generations. Darrow has never seen the sky. Yet he spends his life willingly, knowing that his blood and sweat will one day result in a better future for his children. But Darrow and his kind have been betrayed. Soon he discovers that humanity already reached the surface generations ago. Vast cities and sprawling parks spread across the planet. Darrow and Reds like him are nothing more than slaves to a decadent ruling class. Inspired by a longing for justice, and driven by the memory of lost love, Darrow joins a resistance group in order to infiltrate the ruling class and destroy society from within. He will stop at nothing to bring down his enemies... even if it means he has to become one of them to do so.

2014 FAV ADDICTIVE fantasy FED-THE-NERD scifi

Red Rising is a brilliant dystopian and the first in the Red Rising Trilogy by Pierce Brown. From the depths below Mars’ surface to the hills of Olympus; Brown melded science-fiction, complex characters and outstanding world-building in this tale that left me spent and begging for more. Mini review: Epic world-building, brutal, and enthralling with whiffs of a darker Hunger Games.

The tale begins beneath Mars’ crust where men and woman are born and die helping to mine minerals needed to prepare Mars’ surface for humans to one day occupy it. Darrow is a red, the lowest caste in this future society. He digs and sacrifices for the greater good of man. He does so for you, for me, for your children’s children. It is all a lie. Humanity has been living on the surface for generations. He and his fellow Reds are nothing more than slaves for the ruling class. Events cause Darrow to join the resistance, where he will infiltrate the ruling class. The tale that unfolds is brutal, spectacular and spellbinding.

Darrow is such a complex hero. We witness the changes in him like the changing of the seasons. We see him adapt and outwit as he works to contain his rage. We feel his emotions; suffer with him when he is betrayed, laugh even as it breaks him, and weep when the loss becomes to great. Brown makes us experience it all. We meet colors from all the castes. Some we loathe, some make us laugh and others freak us out as we slowly shiver and back away. The author does an excellent job of giving them a voice. Even those we wish to hate, we come to understand and admire. While the tale can be brutal, there is humor and pain. The character  Pax au Telemanus is a fine example of the emotions Pierce brings to the reader through his characters. He made me laugh, giggle aloud and even weep. I absolutely loved that the characters wrought all kinds of emotions from me. Each character had depth and I was completely captivated by their stories.

Red Rising is a dark dystopian, with elements of science fiction and high fantasy. With its epic world-building and Mars setting I was caught up in this compelling and complex society. For those who love solid, controlled world-building you will be impressed. From the castes to the leaders the world is fleshed out, leaving me little to question and yet aching for more. Brown takes us through their society as he exposes the flaws, politics, and drive for control. We see the brutal reality of power and its corruption. Even as we hope Darrow succeeds we feel for others, become angered by the political games and feel the chains of the casting system. This is dark, at times violent, and there is very little light. Brown had me rooting for the underdog and hoping for a better society. The tale ended at a good point and gave us a sense of where the second novel will begin. I for one can hardly wait.

Red Rising begins an epic journey that will captivate its audience.  When the dust settles on the Dystopian genre I have no doubt that Red Rising will be standing among the best. At this time, book two has no set release date and remains untitled. Already it is one of my most anticipated books.


Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

92 Responses to “Red Rising by Pierce Brown”

  1. Nicci

    Stopped by to let you know I purchased the book. I read the review here and quickly became excited about the reading the series. The hardback is staring at me as I write. I can’t wait to start this series. I haven’t read a non romantic scifi in a long time.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Eep, enjoy Nicci and I cannot wait to hear your take on it! 🙂

  2. Meg

    Ooo, I am so excited to read this book! I’m even more excited now that I’ve read your review!

  3. Michelle {Book Hangovers}

    I am super freakin excited about this debut!!! I’ve been waiting forever for it’s release!! UUuuuugghhhh! I don’t want to wait anymore. Luckily it’s not that much longer.

    • Michelle {Book Hangovers}

      I’m sorry! I just realized I’ve already read this post and left you a comment! You even replied back to me. WHOOPS! I just saw the post on my page, seen the picture of RED RISING and automatically commented! lol

      • kimbacaffeinate

        :snort: Michelle you can come by and comment everyday till the release if ya want..your excitement makes me smile and I cannot wait to see what you think when you read it!

  4. Candace

    I haven’t been adding too many more dystopians to the TBR unless it’s a series I’m invested in already. This does sound pretty good though and I’d consider reading it once I get caught up on what I have already going on.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I hope that you do, the blend of fantasy would appeal to you my friend 🙂

  5. Stephanie

    Okay- I have to get my hands on this one. Back in the 80s when I was growing up I thought I would live on Mars as and adult (I read an article about how people would live there by 2010). I am sure this is not the Mars of my dreams, but it sounds like a fabulous story with great characters. Loved your review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      This was a fantastic tale not the Mars we may have envisioned but an incredible tale

  6. Michelle

    I’m incredibly excited for this one, so I’m glad to see you enjoyed it so much. This actually reminds of a video game I played years ago, with a similar kind of story.

  7. Heidi

    I saw this on one of those big to watch for lists and I was curious about it. I am always eager for a good, solid dystopian so this is definitely going in the old pile!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      You would be giddy over the world building and I think you tend to like dark like me.

  8. Lupdilup

    OMG Kimba! I love the sound of this one! It sounds like it’s a lot more than a pretty cover.
    Thank you! Another winner for my TBR…I hope is not long for the audio..LOL

  9. Kim { Book Swoon }

    This sounds amazing, Kim! I love that Darrow is a complex hero, and the world-building sounds fantastic. I’m kicking myself for not requesting it! Dang… 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Love Darrow..hope you pick it up. It is shelf space worthy!

  10. Tanja

    First Keertana’s review and now yours. You ladies really know how to make me want a book. I love it how unforgettable this book sounds even though dystopia is such popular genre nowadays. Great review 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Awe, thanks and this may be a dystopian but it is a new breed 🙂

  11. Michele

    I’ve been hearing so much buzz about this one, but it’s this review and your 4.5 cups of coffee that put it on my list. Awesome review, Kimba! You’ve got me excited for this one!

  12. Lauren

    Ooh this one is next on my reading list so I skimmed your review, but I will back and give this a proper read when I’m finished. So happy it’s so highly rated from you though! I’m excited 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Enjoy Lauren and I look forward to your thoughts as well 🙂

  13. Michelle

    A darker hunger games? that sounds really interesting. This is a new book for me but it looks like an intensely awesome read.

    Thanks for bringing it to my attention Kimba!

  14. ShootingStarsMag

    This isn’t a book I would normally pick up, but your review has me very curious! I love that the author allows you to get to know the various characters and personalities so well.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      The characters were amazing, dark, unique, gah…brilliant is what they were..LOL

  15. Kristen

    I was lucky to read this one prior to release date as well. I was blown away with Pierce’s writing and details in this world and society he’s created. I agree this book stands out from the rest and like you I can’t wait to see where it goes next. Beautifully written review.

  16. Melissa (Books and Things)

    The second amazing review of this book I’ve seen today! I am so going to have to get this one. Plus, I think fantasy can be a harder sell, but not with this book. I thought you were going to find books I DIDN’T want. 😉

  17. Andrea

    Wow! Red Rising sounds pretty fantastic. Everyone seems to be loving the story and the author’a writing. Great review, Kim!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I do get passionate from time to time. Dystopians are a personal favorite and when the world building is this excellent and the characters breath within the pages..yeah I begin to drool…LOL

  18. Lindy

    Wow, your review is quite of an endorsement to how spectacular this book is. I love Dystopians, and this one sounds riveting. I’m glad that the world building and voice of the various cast members is so fleshed out and well established! Great Review Kim 🙂

  19. Lexxie

    I completely loved Red Rising, too. Practically all of the characters that were introduced to us were fleshed out, and the world building so well done.
    I can’t wait to read more about Darrow 🙂
    Great review 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I am so glad to hear you loved this as much as I did Lexxie I am ready for more too!

      • Braine Talk Supe

        I saw this in Lexxie’s blog the other day and it does sound like an awesome book. I declined to review this because I felt it’s too sci-fi. I’m glad you both loved it though.

        • kimbacaffeinate

          It has a little science-fiction vibe but it is dystopian at heart.

  20. Ginny

    Oh WOW! This sounds terrific! I can just imagine how pissed I would be to find out I had been working my butt off for nothing. I have to read this one. Going right now to put it on my Amazon Wish List.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Exactly -the world-building was fantastic so glad you plan to read it.

  21. Lily B

    So happy to hear that you liked it! With so much hype surrounding it, I was almost a little scared. But I am in the mood for a good dystopia book!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I totally missed all the hype and went into this one blind, but I am so excited to hear it is being well received.

  22. Christa

    So happy to hear this is good! It’s been getting a lot of hype which always makes me a little nervous (makes it difficult for the book to live up to it) but I’m always game for a book with solid world building

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Yes, hype can be hard. I went into this blind and I am so glad I did.

  23. Maja (The Nocturnal Library)

    I have a soft spot for authors who dare to explore and mix genres, which seems to be the case here. I can never resist excellent worldbuilding, everything else just comes second sometimes. This sounds like the perfect book for me.
    Lovely review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Agreed Maja I can see you enjoying this one and I loved the subtle blend of genres here.

  24. Victoria (aka Zemfirka)

    I think this book has been on and off my to-read list a few times. I do read an occasional sci-fi/dystopian novels though not really big on them, but this review is making me reconsider. Glad you enjoyed it so much.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      thanks Victoria I love this genre but you know me I read everything..LOL

  25. sherry fundin

    I love the cover being so simple, yet intriguing. I have read several dystopian novels and am always looking for more. This sounds like a great one. Thanks for sharing Kimba. ^_^

  26. Jenny

    This is the second stellar review I’ve read for this book today Kim, I can’t wait to get my hands on it! The characters are what intrigue me most, it sounds like they are all beautifully developed and complex, and I want to meet them immediately. I wouldn’t have given this book much thought if not for reviews like this, so THANK YOU!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Jenny this was really well done from the characters to the world-building and I so hope you pick it up.

  27. Jenea

    I think I would really enjoy a darker dystopians. Darrow sounds like an amazing man for sure. Great review.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      This was wonderful Jenea I hope you get the chance to experience it.

  28. Shy

    I have been hearing nothing but great things about this one.I think your amazing review might have moved this one up on my buy list.

  29. Nick

    I have to say, this book didn’t really attract my attention at first, but all these praising reviews are definitely changing my mind. It sounds intense and I already love the sound of Darrow. I’ll be sure to pick up a copy when it releases.
    Great review, Kim!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Enjoy Nick, I have no doubt this is destine for my top ten reads in 2014.

  30. Mary

    Ooh, this sounds REALLY dark. And you know I love it when there’s a solid world to hold on to. Plus, science fiction-y stuff! *tabs to TBR*

    • kimbacaffeinate

      That was sweet, and I hope you enjoy this as much as I did Michelle 🙂

  31. Charlotte

    Wooohoo! I am so glad that you love this book, Kimba. It’s one of the best dystopias I’ve read in my entire reading career. I couldn’t believe that RR is a debut novel, you know.

    The characters really felt real. Darrow’s grief and his badassery really left me shredded into pieces. The plot was also worthy of OMGs.