Coffee Pot Reviews: How Green This Land, How Blue This Sea by Mira Grant & Keeping Her by Cora Carmack

August 24th, 2013 Kimberly Review 22 Comments

24th Aug

Coffee Pot Reviews Welcome to Coffee Pot Reviews! These are short and sweet reviews done in the length of time it takes my coffee pot to brew! Today I have two novellas from authors and series that I simply love. So grab a cup of cinnamon coffee or tea and some pound cake with chocolate glaze and enjoy!


Coffee Pot Reviews: How Green This Land, How Blue This Sea by Mira Grant & Keeping Her by Cora Carmack
How Green This Land, How Blue This Sea
by Mira Grant
Series: Newsflesh #3.5
Genres: Post-Apocalyptic
Source: Purchase
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

A new Newsflesh novella from the New York Times bestselling author that brought you Feed, Mira Grant. Post-Rising Australia can be a dangerous place, especially if you're a member of the government-sponsored Australia Conservation Corps, a group of people dedicated to preserving their continent's natural wealth until a cure can be found. Between the zombie kangaroos at the fences and the zombie elephant seals turning the penguin rookery at Prince Phillip Island into a slaughterhouse, the work of an animal conservationist is truly never done--and is often done at the end of a sniper rifle.

The Newsflesh Trilogy by Mira Grant is one of my all-time favorites, so I was tickled to see How Green This Land, How Blue this Sea. This Newsflesh novella takes place in Australia. We travel into fenced of areas where they have quarantined elephants, kangaroo and other large animals infected with the virus. They have found a way to separate animals that amplify and allow them to live freely. Mahir is our guide as he journeys across the country as a visiting journalist. I simply adored his dry, witty sense of humor. We learn a little more about the virus and reservoir condition which I found interesting. I think this tale is for die-hard fans, as it didn’t really have a  storyline in the traditional sense, but rather showed us another post-rising community. Having said that, I truly think this novella opens the door to more books for Newsflesh. I will secretly hope that happens. 🙂

Coffee Pot Reviews: How Green This Land, How Blue This Sea by Mira Grant & Keeping Her by Cora Carmack
Keeping Her
by Cora Carmack
Series: Losing It #1.5
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Source: Purchase
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Garrick Taylor and Bliss Edwards managed to find their happily-ever-after despite a rather . . . ahem . . . complicated start. By comparison, meeting the parents should be an absolute breeze, right? But from the moment the pair lands in London, new snags just keep cropping up: a disapproving mother-in-law-to-be, more than one (mostly) minor mishap, and the realization that perhaps they aren't quite as ready for their future as they thought.As it turns out, the only thing harder than finding love is keeping it.

It’s no secret that I adore Cora Carmack and her Losing It series. I was delighted to pick up Keeping Her a novella featuring more of Bliss and Garrick. I adore Garrick and his smexy accent. *swoons* He is wonderful and every woman’s dream guy. They travel to London to meet Garrick’s parents which presented us with a delightful tale and offered us a chance to spend more time with characters. It was nice seeing them face challenges, love each other and lift each other up. We get some humor, some hot scenes and lots and lots of Garrick *swoons* Fans of Losing It will enjoy getting their fix while we wait for Finding It due out in October 2013.

Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

22 Responses to “Coffee Pot Reviews: How Green This Land, How Blue This Sea by Mira Grant & Keeping Her by Cora Carmack”

  1. Lauren

    Ooh I had no idea there was a Newsflesh novella! It sucks that it didn’t blow you away, but yay Mahir! I love him, and he is very dry and witty. Hopefully I’ll like it because I consider myself a die hard fan 🙂 Awesome reviews, and I hope you’re right about this opening up future stories.

    • kimbacaffeinate wasn’t as good as San Diego 2014..but Mahir is the yeah it was totally worth the read.

  2. Naomi

    Great coffeepot reviews!! Glad you liked Keeping Her and seeing more of Garrett…. he is just yummy!! I enjoyed that Novella…. in-laws are just scary sometimes 😉

  3. Michelle

    I really need to start both of these series. The Newsflash series has been on my tbr for a while now. I’m glad you enjoyed them both!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Ooo Grant is wonderful..hmm make you could read one for the Frater-fest read-a-thon?

  4. Christy

    I still need to read both of these series. ESPECIALLY the Newsflesh trilogy. I’ve been catching up on series that I’m already invested in, but that will be a new one I start.

  5. Berls

    I keep hearing about Cora Carmack – I need to get to her series, I just need more time! I’m glad you enjoyed it!

  6. Andrea

    I read Keeping Her last week and I really enjoyed it. I forgot how sweet Garrick and Bliss are and how funny the writing is.
    I’m glad you enjoyed it too, Kim!

  7. Maida

    I don’t know if How Green This Land, How Blue This Sea is really for me. You know I’m picky with this kind of genre, and I don’t know if I would really enjoy the world-bruilding or the concept even with a fun character. But, I’m glad you enjoyed it and hopefully you like the next book in the series. And I REALLY need to read a Cora Cormack book! I am well over due, and I just love the sound of her series. I can’t wait to pick them up and meet Garrick! Glad you enjoyed this overall, Kim!

    Great reviews! 😀

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

  8. Sarah

    Keeping Her sounds so great. I’m going to try to pick up a copy of the first book in the series someday soon. I’m wondering, did you review the first book? I’d love to see the review. Also, thanks for all the great blog tips! I will point fellow bloggers in your direction if/when the come to me for questions! 🙂

  9. Jenea

    You know I haven’t read anything by Grant, but I think I should really change that. How Green This Land, How Blue This Sea sounds good. I can’t wait to continue the Losing It series too. Great reviews.

  10. Chene Sterckx

    Keeping her sounding more catching to me than How green this land, how blue this sea. Thanks for the quick sweet reviews 🙂

  11. Tanja

    I have heard of that Mira Grant’s trilogy and I really can’t wait to read it. I haven’t heard of this book but it seems really interesting. Mahir sounds like a great character too.
    About that Losing It series I’ll probably be the last person to read it. I mean I have heard only great things about it but I’m still not sure. I’ll try to gain some courage with other NA books and then start this one.
    Great reviews 🙂

  12. kindlemom1

    You are the second person I have seen that didn’t love Keeping Her and that makes me sad! I was so hoping it would be fabulous. I am glad even if it wasn’t mind blowing it was still a nice read.