Wallbanger by Alice Clayton

March 10th, 2013 Kimberly Review 4 Comments

10th Mar
Wallbanger by Alice Clayton

I picked up Wallbanger after a few bloggers I adore recommended it and decided foolishly to read just a few chapters on Tuesday evening around 11:30 pm. I downloaded this onto my Smartphone, snuggled in next to my hubby and began to read. As he snored I laughed, giggled into my pillow, and read chapter after chapter with a smile on my face. When I finally set this down it was 2:19 am and I had literally consumed the whole thing. Clayton delivered fleshed out, lovable characters and some of the funniest moments. It was smexy, silly, endearing and I abso-friggin-lute-ly loved it!!!

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Uses for Boys by Erica Lorraine Scheidt

January 10th, 2013 Kimberly Review 2 Comments

10th Jan
Uses for Boys by Erica Lorraine Scheidt

Uses for Boys is not a romance, it’s a dark gritty look into a dysfunctional family and the impact it has on the protagonist. This was not an easy book to read with its dark subject matter and unusual writing style. It touches on sex, rape, drugs, lies, loss, and emotional scars. Anna tries to fill the emptiness she feels with boys. (i.e. sex) It is sad and raw and ugly. She is brave and lonely and I cried for the loss of this young woman’s innocence.

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Coffee Pot Reviews:Unravel Me and Ella & Micha

December 29th, 2012 Kimberly Review 26 Comments

29th Dec
Coffee Pot Reviews:Unravel Me and Ella & Micha

Welcome to Coffee Pot Reviews! These are short and sweet reviews done in the length of time it takes my coffee pot to brew! Enjoy all of these New Adult reads I have discovered. New Adult is a genre between YA and Adult that features men and woman around college age and under thirty. They contain mature content and may not be for everyone.

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Big Sky River by Linda Lael Miller

December 20th, 2012 Kimberly Review 24 Comments

20th Dec
Big Sky River by Linda Lael Miller

I am in love with the townsfolk of Parable Montana. Big Sky River is book three in Linda Lael Miller’s Swoon-Worthy Cowboy series and yea-ha it was good to return. Each can be read as a standalone, but if you are like me and want to know all of the side characters and their stories go for book one first. This book focuses on Sheriff Boone Taylor and his city-born neighbor Tara Kendall. Since the first novel Big Sky Country these two have butted heads and it was lovely reading their story. As always once I started reading, I could not put it down and consumed this in a few hours.

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