Red by Kate SeRine

August 1st, 2012 Kimberly Review 31 Comments

1st Aug
Red by Kate SeRine

I love fairy-tale retellings and urban fantasy. When I read Cait’s review @Basia’s Bookshelf I knew I had to read this book. So I grabbed a copy of Red, to share with you. When a spell goes awry characters find themselves in the “here and how.” Filled with humor, beloved characters, suspense and romance this novel grabbed me from the first pages. SeRine has added her own unique twist and created a new series you are going to love.

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Angel Eyes by Shannon Dittemore

July 29th, 2012 Kimberly Review 28 Comments

29th Jul
Angel Eyes by Shannon Dittemore

With a complex protagonist and a battle against evil, Angel Eyes was beautiful written and a delightful addition to this popular genre. While steeped in faith, this novel didn’t overwhelm and I enjoyed the tale, romance and battle of good verse evil.

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Black Moon Awakening by Lina Gardiner

July 27th, 2012 Kimberly Review 17 Comments

27th Jul
Black Moon Awakening by Lina Gardiner

Black Moon Awakening quickly captured my attention from the first page and held it to the last. Sworn enemies work together to protect their races, humankind and stop a twisted plot for supremacy. This tales was action packed, with a romance that left me wanting more..

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Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

July 22nd, 2012 Kimberly Review 23 Comments

22nd Jul
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Throne of Glass is the first in a young adult fantasy by Sarah J. Maas. I became completely immersed in the world this author created. I quickly consumed this brilliant, captivating tale. Filled with fleshed out characters and intrigue this is sure to make my top ten list for 2012.

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Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard

July 18th, 2012 Kimberly Review 17 Comments

18th Jul
Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard

Something Strange and Deadly is the first novel in Susan Dennard’s Something Strange and Deadly series. The tale takes place in Philadelphia, PA in the year 1876. I loved this steampunk zombie novel, featuring the feisty, sleuth protagonist Eleanor Fitt. I easily finished this novel in two evenings and look forward to reading more.

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