In a Fix by Linda Grimes

August 20th, 2012 Kimberly Review 2 Comments

20th Aug
In a Fix by Linda Grimes

When I saw the cover and read the synopsis I knew I had to review In a Fix and was pleased when the publisher agreed to send it to me. I love urban fantasy and Linda Grimes delivered a hilarious, unique tale with a flawed, quirky protagonist. She reminded me of the character, Claudia Donovan, from the television series Warehouse 13. I laughed my way through this and look forward to more books featuring snarky Ceil Halligan and the men in her life.

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Blackwood by Gwenda Bond

August 19th, 2012 Kimberly Review 2 Comments

19th Aug
Blackwood by Gwenda Bond

Blackwood is a dark, witty coming of age story that combines America’s oldest mystery with a thoroughly contemporary romance.I have always be intrigued by the mystery that surrounds the Lost Colony on Roanoke Island and when I saw the cover of Blackwood and read the synopsis I knew I had to read this tale. Author Gwenda Bond offers her unique twist on this mystery. I found this tale to be dark, gritty and creepy! It grabbed me at page one and the mystery kept me turning the pages.

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Skylark by Meagan Spooner

August 8th, 2012 Kimberly Review 34 Comments

8th Aug
Skylark by Meagan Spooner

When I read the synopsis for Skylark I was immediately drawn to this dystopian type fantasy. I am delighted to tell you that it delivered a magical, dark dystopian world with a touch of steampunk. Spooner’s depiction of this world was refreshingly original with fleshed-out characters and a tale that kept me reading through the night.
I will be honest; the beginning however fascinating was a little rough for me. Rather than laying out the world …

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Innocent Darkness by Suzanne Lazear

August 6th, 2012 Kimberly Review 42 Comments

6th Aug
Innocent Darkness by Suzanne Lazear

The cover of Innocent Darkness called to the cover whore inside me and she immediately had to have it. I mean look at it~ in all of its steampunk fineries. As the first book in the Aether Chronicles, I went into this book expecting a steampunk novel with a fantasy twist. What I got was a young adult fantasy with a steampunk mention. I am noticing a trend in YA novels that seem to cross multiple genres and I am personally not happy about it. It waters down the genres and has me as a consumer leery about what I am actually buying. Despite my disappointment, I did enjoy this dark fantasy.

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Burn by Heath Gibson

August 5th, 2012 Kimberly Review 24 Comments

5th Aug
Burn by Heath Gibson

Burn offers us a unique look into a small town and a dysfunctional preacher’s family. It held my attention from page one and touched on some sensitive social subjects. Gibson takes us into the heart of a small Alabama town and the mind of one young man who resides there.

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