We are back with final installment in the Scorpius Syndrome series. Knight Awakening by Rebecca Zanetti is the sixth novel in this dark, sexy, romantic suspense set in a dystopian world. This continues the overall story arc and shares the romance of Marcus Knight.
On the Trail of Sherlock Holmes by Stephen Browning
Please welcome Sophia Rose to the blog with a traveling, non-fiction biography, On the Trail of Sherlock Holmes by Stephen Browning. Fans of Sherlock will want to check out Sophia’s thoughts on this walking tour…
🎧 Tight-Lipped by Erik Carter
Narrated by Gary Bennett, Tight-Lipped by Erik Carter is the third Silence Jones action thriller series. While each audiobook contains a single mission, each story reveals more about the man known as Silence Jones.
🎧 To Kill a God by C.S. Wilde
To Kill a God by C.S. Wilde brings us the final audiobook in the Hollowcliff Detective series. The ultimate battle with Poseidon is upon us, as our forbidden lovers are separated. Narrated by Chris Dukehart & Tim Paige, you’ll want to grab your earbuds….
Three Debts Paid by Anne Perry
Sophia Rose is back with Three Debts Paid by Anne Perry, the fifth book in the Daniel Pitt mystery series. Grab a glass of iced coffee and check out her review of this gripping historical fiction mystery.