I am often surprised when I visit a blog, love their post and go to click on a share icon and find none. At the bottom of every post you should have share buttons to allow others to uplift your posts. Our reach as bloggers goes only as far as our following and allowing others to uplift you can bring attention to you and your blog.
Test It Tuesday- What does my blog look like to visitors?
I am declaring today Test it Tuesday in this month’s edition of How the Heck Do You Do That?!? Blogging Maintenance goes beyond updating your theme, plugins and writing posts. It is important to test links, plugins and more. Today we are going to look at how are blog displays.
Test it Tuesday-How the Heck Did You Do That?!?!
I am declaring today Test it Tuesday in this month’s edition of How the Heck Do You Do That?!? Blogging Maintenance goes beyond updating your theme, plugins and writing posts. It is important to test links, plugins and more. These are things I see on blogs daily and today I am going to help you test one of them.
How The Heck Did You Do That?!? Contacting an Author or Publisher
You’ve just read an awesome novel and want to interview the author or a soon to be released novel is one you just have to review. Below are tips and tricks, do’s and don’ts for reaching out.
How the Heck Did You Do That?!? #21 Let’s clean up and refresh
It’s the start of a new year and the perfect time to look over your blog, update your social media and catch up on any maintenance. We are often busy creating new posts, reading and making sure that are blogs are up and running, that we often forget to clean things up, make sure links are working and updating archives.