How The Heck Did You Do That?!? Contacting an Author or Publisher

February 21st, 2015 Kimberly Blogger Tips and Tricks 44 Comments

21st Feb

Blogger tips and tricks
Contacting and Author or Publisher Do’s and Don’ts

You’ve just read an awesome novel and want to interview the author or a soon to be released novel is one you just have to review. Below are tips and tricks, do’s and don’ts for reaching out.

Caffeinated Do’s

When contacting an author begin by browsing their website.

  • Most will have a contact information. Keep in mind some use a publicist so do your research.

1. Request ARC or interview.

  • Be as specific as possible and add all pertinent information. Date of post, book, format,etc.

2. Show your excitement!

  • Stating why and when you want to post review/interview. Be sure to include stats and samples of previous reviews.

3. Thank them for taking the time to review request and offer to provide additional information if needed.

  • If you do not hear back follow up in about 2- 3 weeks.

When contacting a publisher research to see who to contact.

Let’s use Random House as an example.

1. First go to Random House website.

2. Next look for contact information. For this the page it is located at the bottom with a link: Contact Us

3. Read carefully, you aren’t going to get very far in your request if you contact the wrong department/person. Random House owns several imprints and it is important to direct your request to the appropriate house. Not seeing the imprint listed, than Google the imprint and check their contact information. Not sure who the imprint is. You can check author site, Amazon, B&N and Google search title.

  • Example Book: Symbiont by Mira Grant published by Orbit. Orbit is an imprint of Hachette Books. By Googling the title I was able to find Orbit and than there website. From there I found their contact information.

4. When sending your request be sure to include as much information on the book you are requesting. I like to include ISN number. Be excited and explain why you want to review book or interview author. If possible add previous review links, example of interview and when you plan to post. Be sure links to your blog match. Include address and if eARC is accepted. Always ask to be added to their reviewer list. (it cannot hurt to get future offers from them directly)

5. Thank them for their time and offer to provide additional information. Some folks will reply and others will do nothing. A book may magically appear or it may not. You can follow up once in about 2 weeks.

6. Ask established blogger if they could recommend you to their contact. Let them make contact with their contact recommending you.

7.Once you have made contact keep those names in a little black blogger book!


Caffeinated Don’ts

1. Do not tweet a request.

  • Would you want your twitter feed blown up by review requests?

2. Facebook Messaging is a No-No.

  • We as blogger hate when an author or tour blows up our Facebook page with requests. Give them the same courtesy. Always check to see how they want to be contacted by checking their website. If they say Facebook than go for it..otherwise No. Just No.

3. Don’t send multiple requests.

  • Remember one request and one follow up is enough.

4. You can ask a blogger to recommend you to a publisher/author, but  it isn’t OK to ask for their contact’s direct  information.

  • You put them on the spot and don’t know the relationship dynamics with the contact. The blogger depending on that relationship can than decide whether to give you the contact name or recommend you.

Got it? Congrats!  Now follow through and post around release date.Be sure and send link information to them. By all means tell them you are looking forward to working with them again.

Other sources for finding publisher/author contact

  • Goodreads
  • Sign-up for newsletters
  • NetGalley – some publishers have contact info. Check pre-approved emails from specific publishers they sometimes include email.
  • Already have a contact with one imprint of a publisher? Email them and ask for help getting a particularly title. They can usually recommend a contact or forward your contact. (this is good source if you have already established a dependable relationship with them)
  • Let your Blog speak for you. Accept ARC’s and post reviews on and around due date. Tweet to publisher/author.




Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

44 Responses to “How The Heck Did You Do That?!? Contacting an Author or Publisher”

  1. Olivia

    This was a good and clear post on how to contact publishers and authors! I loved reading it, and I know that I enjoy requesting certain books as well.

  2. Kay

    Thanks for the tips! I don’t request review books often, but this is a nice post to have as a reference for when I do. 🙂

  3. Berls

    Thanks for this Kimba – one of my goals this year is to reach out to some publishers and try to build some relationships. I’m not trying to get tons if ARCs (couldn’t keep up!) but it would be nice to be able to get some now and again. I’m filing this post away 🙂

  4. Lorna

    Great suggestions! I probably won’t personally have to ever do this, but if I did, I am glad to know there’s a good source of information out there-namely you! Thank you for sharing 🙂

  5. Benish

    I always find it so genuine & kind when successful bloggers give out tips to others – very helpful advice.

  6. Michelle

    Love this, I had my first experience with contacting a publisher and they didn’t contact me back just the book just showed up. I was so excited.

    Thank you these tips. I am such a chicken when it comes to contacting but maybe I will try it some more…maybe 🙂

  7. Kathy

    Great tips! I see some bloggers always get ARCs from publishers so it always made me curious on how they do it. Thanks!

  8. Candace

    It’s been so long since I requested anything but this sounds good! I would also make it clear to include your mailing address if requesting a physical book. Often they don’t reply but the book will show up. If there’s no address maybe they’ll ignore it.
    I like that you point out that it’s not polite to ask a blogger for a contacts email. I think when we know people pretty well we sometimes share, depending on the situation. But I think recommending a blogger is a good idea. Quite often I can’t accept something but I could recommend a blogger for them to contact.

  9. fran

    very cool post Kim. i like your “donts” list. its also nice to send a link back to the publicist/author after you post the review too. I’ve forgotten that in the past.
    i love these how to posts of yours!

  10. Sarah

    I always stalk you–er, your blog when needing a little blogging advice. 🙂 This is all needed info I will come back time and again. Thanks for taking the time to throw this post together for us newbs. 🙂

  11. Ramona

    A well research advice that will have many takers, I’m sure. An interesting post, Kimba – but then again I’ve come to expect nothing less from you 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  12. Lola

    Great tips Kimba! I have never requested an ARC directly from an author or publisher, I only have gotten ARC’s through netgalley or when the author approaches me. So posts like these are very helpfull. I hope I eventually get to a point where I can send out requests like this, but for now I still don’t feel comfortable doing that. I am planning to so some more research this year and then when there’s a book I really want to, I migth request it.

  13. Lark

    Great advice, Kimba! After 5 years, I finally got up the courage to request a book directly rather than see if it would show up on NetGalley or Edelweiss (it hasn’t yet.) I did exactly what you suggest – I researched the contact info, emailed a request with information about my blog and why I wanted to review the book (i.e., I really liked the author’s first two, and could link to the reviews) and gave my contact info. And I got it! Yay!

  14. Sophia Rose

    This is very good advice. I was fortunate in that Shari already had an established blog when I joined her three years ago and publishers/authors came to us first. Your advice is sound and jived with what I’ve learned since I got started. Definitely the most important thing is research before you make the first contact so it goes to the right person through the right channels. 😉

  15. Sarah's Book Shelves

    Just this year, I first contacted a publisher directly for an ARC…and I’ve now done it a grand total of 3 times (all successful, thankfully!). These are great tips! My next question is….what happens when you request a book by an author you love, but you end up not liking it? I feel really bad about writing a critical review of a book that I specifically requested from the publisher, but I do feel the need to write about it for my own credibility. For some reason, if I request through Edelweiss or NetGalley, I don’t feel this way. How do you handle these types of situations?

  16. Cynthia

    Great post! I am still a blogging newbie so I don’t feel very comfortable contacting the publisher or author right now. But maybe soon. These tips are great.

  17. Bea

    Sure, NOW you share. Where were you 4.5 years ago when I started, lol? Good advice Kimba 🙂