Suzy Spitfire Kills Everybody by Joe Canzano

April 15th, 2020 Kimberly Guest Post, Review 19 Comments

15th Apr
Suzy Spitfire Kills Everybody by Joe Canzano
Suzy Spitfire Kills Everybody
by Joe Canzano
Genres: Science Fiction
Source: Author
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

When outlaw Suzy Spitfire discovers her father was murdered after creating a super-duper artificial intelligence, she races across the solar system in search of the brain he built—but it’s a rough ride, and she’s soon forced to tangle with pirates, predators, and her father’s killer—as well as a man she thinks she can love.

Suzy Spitfire Kills Everybody is a smash-bang science fiction adventure filled with action, intrigue, and a dose of dark humor.

Humor Kick Ass Heroine scifi SUSPENSE

It’s time once again to welcome Sophia Rose to the blog! Today she is sharing a science fiction action adventure, Suzy Spitfire Kills Everybody by Joe Canzano. Grab an iced mocha and enjoy!

Sophia Rose’s Review

A gutsy gal on a futuristic sci-fi adventure to revenge her family, trust in a charmer who may be lying to her, and stay ahead of a power-mad man who wants her dad’s magnificent invention.  Sounded like just the thing, and I leaped right in at Suzy Spitfire’s side for the ride of my life.

Suzy Spitfire Kills Everybody jumps right in by introducing the reader to a red-headed, short-tempered, quick-witted spitfire outlaw woman who goes in guns blazing each and every time.  The futuristic world, governments out and around the other planets and moons in the system, the other characters, and the plot are all dropped in concisely and swiftly.  The tone and plot of the story allows for this and I enjoyed getting to know it all as we went on the run with Suzy.

She really is a fun, larger than life heroine.  She could come straight out of a comic strip though she is no superhero though her compass does point generally north in spite of her police rap sheet.  She has shades of gray acquaintances who may or may not be on her side when all is said and done and there is a great supervillain who smiles as he tortures people for kicks and giggles.

There are some great fight scenes from individual fights, car chases, manhunts, to ship fights up in space.  Suzy and her peeps get into some tight corners and it was fun seeing them find interesting ways out.

There is a romance as a secondary plot with Ricardo, a flirty charm who has lived on the streets and by his wits as much as Suzy.  Suzy struggles with trust after her sad past and she wants to trust Ricardo, but he’s tough to pin down and there are moments…  Still, the sizzle of attraction is there and they do catch a break now and then between capture and narrow escapes while trying to get to the AI Brain.

All in all this was exactly what I was looking for in a light, sci-fi adventure and Suzy was an easy to like prickly, but basically good person trying to do the right thing and always finding trouble.  Other light sci-fi fans would be the target group and I can recommend it.

Buckle up and join #SuzySpitfire in Suzy Spitfire Kills Everybody by Joe Canzano #GuestPost #SophiaRoseReviews #SciFi #Fantasy #SpaceOpera Share on X
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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

19 Responses to “Suzy Spitfire Kills Everybody by Joe Canzano”

  1. Carole

    What a fantastic title! This book just sounds like a ton of fun. I will have to add it to my wishlist.

    • Sophia Rose

      Haha, yes, she’s everywhere! 😉

      Yeesh, I know what you mean. I have been behind since last fall and I still don’t have that pile under control.

  2. Ailyn Koay

    so is she a real outlaw or just a girl who likes to test boundaries?

    • Sophia Rose

      She broke the law, but it was more vigilante justice, but then she broke the law more as a fugitive. Not a pristine white heroine. 🙂