by Patricia Briggs
Series: Mercy Thompson #11
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate

In this new instalment in the No. 1 New York Times bestselling series, Mercy Thompson must face a deadly enemy to defend all she loves . . .
My name is Mercedes Athena Thompson Hauptman, and I am a car mechanic.
And a coyote shapeshifter . . . And the mate of the Alpha of the Columbia Basin werewolf pack.
Even so, none of that would have gotten me into trouble if, a few months ago, I hadn't stood upon a bridge and taken responsibility for the safety of the citizens who lived in our territory. It seemed like the thing to do at the time. It should have only involved hunting down killer goblins, zombie goats, and an occasional troll. Instead, our home was viewed as neutral ground, a place where humans would feel safe to come and treat with the fae.
The reality is that nothing and no one is safe. As generals and politicians face off with the Gray Lords of the fae, a storm is coming and her name is Death.
But we are pack, and we have given our word. We will die to keep it.
I began this series before my audio addiction began and have stayed with the written format. Storm Cursed is the eleventh book in the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs and she brings witches, zombies, vampires and more to our door.
…a storm is coming and her name is Death.
I love that this series continues to surprise me with new developments, growth and storylines that keep me up reading past my bedtime. If you haven’t begun the Mercy Thompson series or discovered the Alpha & Omega series I beseech you to run, not walk to your nearest bookstore.
Caffeinated Reasons You’ll Devour Storm Cursed
- Briggs stepped up her game and brought an action-packed tale as witches descend on the Tri-Cities. Before all is said and done Mercy will discover another of her abilities.
- The pack is tasked with security during the human and fae negotiations. Mercy is to act as liaison, but first she needs to deal with some odd zombies and deadly witches.
- Action-packed and plot-driven, Storm Cursed by Patricia Briggs grabbed me and never let go.
- I love that we are eleven books in and yet the storyline still feels fresh. Briggs crafted a story that pulled me in. She made me cringe, laugh aloud, swoon and gasp.
- Development and threads regarding secondary characters blew my mind. We see and learn more about Sherwood Post. Zee is present, as is Uncle Mike and Larry the Goblin King. Zee always has Mercy’s back and I enjoyed his presence. Wulfe is a part of our story and oh my! *shivers*
- Trolls, Orgs, and Zombie Goats. This tale had it all as Mercy, the pack and her friends dealt with some nasty witches.
- Briggs delivered as she fleshed out newer characters, shared history on some older ones and scared the bejesus out of me. Dark magic is not to be messed with..lol
- Coyote. Any page time with him is ALWAYS interesting. Some things he said have me eager for more!
Storm Cursed was addictive from begin to end with plenty of development, action and twitchy-witches. My only complaint ..I want more!
Storm Cursed by Patricia Briggs provided another addictive tale in the #MercyThompson #UrbanFantasy series #NewRelease Share on X
Olivia Roach
Patricia Briggs can really do no wrong! I am glad you could enjoy this new book in the series and I am so glad it was all the more intense. The action scenes sound wonderful and I love that it is a plot driven story.
I need to read more of those.
I think my only complaint ever with this series is that I want more! Every installment has been amazing! It seems like the witches might be a reoccurring issue in the coming books! Eeeek! Wonderful review, Kimberly!
Mary @StackingMyBookShelves!
This is one author I haven’t read yet and I really regret it. I want to work on some of her books. Everyone just seems to love them. Great review!
JoLee @ Wickedly Delicious Book Blog
Amazing 11 books and going strong. I was looking to finally start this series the other night as I have seen so many great reviews and has been on my radar for some time but sad to say I did not.
Melanie Simmons
I really loved the zombie goats. LOL This is one of my favorites of the series. I had a great time with this story too. Wonderful story
Sophia Rose
Just finished last night. I loved the whole thing, but yes, a new Mercy gift and the reveal on Elizaveta was something. What would happen if Larry and Coyote went on the town together? LOL
All great points on why to read this one. The side stories, especially Zee, Wulfe, and Sherwood are phenomenal. I also enjoyed learning more about the witches. So much happened and I can’t wait to see what will come about next!
Nise' (Under the Boardwalk)
This and the Dresden series are at the top of my get to soon list!!
Tyler H. Jolley
Sounds really addicting!
Sophia Rose
I’m listening to it now so I’ll stop back by to see your thoughts soon. Yay for a five star!
Mary Kirkland
One of these days I will read her books because everyone seems to be liking them.
Yeah! five stars. This is one of the longest UF series I have been reading. I just got the audiobook for this today. Looking forward to starting this one! I adore Coyote.
Tracy Terry
Loving the cover, very powerful. I had thought I’d tired myself of vampires and the like but this combination of folk and the promise of a story that kept you reading way past your bed time has tempted me.
Anne - Books of My Heart
Outstanding review! I’ll be wanting you to contribute to the Read-along next year with one of these stellar reviews! I can’t wait to re-read as they are all so good and some of those earlier ones I read something like 8 years ago..
Angela - Angel's Guilty Pleasures
Fabulous review. I’m so pumped to read this one. Briggs does an amazing job of keeping each book fresh and new. ^_^
Tanya @ Rantings of a Reading Addict
I was kind of disappointed in the last book when Mercy was kidnapped, but Briggs really made up for it with Storm Cursed. This book was definitely action packed! It was awesome!
Yes, yes YES! I loved this! This whole series really is so easy to get lost in and wrapped up in. I just adore it.
Debbie Haupt
Great review Kim. This author/series is on my wish list. I guess you get a certain voice in your head when you read vs listening so I’m assuming you’re not doing audio because of that.
Thanks for making this go up a bit on my list.
Genesis @ Whispering Chapters
It’s great how an 11th book in a series can still surprise you, feel fresh and have new developments.
This is a series I have wanted to try but feel so overwhelmed. I know it’s a series that I would totally love though, so I just need to get my butt in gear. The audiobooks sound fantastic. I have to check if Hoopla or Overdrive has them! They must! I am glad that they are still phenomenal for you.
This series sounds so intriguing and you have me very curious.
I’m glad you hd such a great time as well with this one!
Ailyn Koay
I read it Carole’s Random reads, she liked it so I am definitely going to read it one day… when I finish Harry Dresden
Again this is another series that my bookie friends rave about but I still haven’t read. I will add it to my ever growing wish list
Lotte Han
Oh I will definitely have to check this out!
Lotte | http://www.lottelauv.blogspot.co.uk
Lindy@ A Bookish Escape
It’s wonderful that this series still manages to be fresh, new, and exciting with so many books in it. That speaks volumes about what a talented author Patricia Briggs is! I’m going to check out this series! I can tell how much you love it! ?