by Cecy Robson
Series: Weird Girls #6
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate

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Cursed by a spell meant to destroy them, Taran Wird and her sisters instead developed unique magical talents. With the power of fire and lightning literally at her fingertips, Taran doesn’t fear much. Demons, vamps, whatever—bring ’em on! Only one thing terrifies her: commitment. Taran is crazy about her boyfriend, Gemini, a sexy were with the incredible ability to split into two separate wolves. But after watching her sister go through heartbreak with the pack’s Alpha, Taran knows not to count on happily ever after—despite Gemini’s desire to claim her as his mate. Reluctantly, she agrees to meet his very traditional and conservative parents. Taran’s a badass with a mouth to match, and Gemini loves her for it. She’s just not positive these attributes will please Mom and Dad. Unsurprisingly, every attempt by Taran to bond with Gemini’s folks proves disastrous. But in the end, Taran finds that winning them over means unleashing her powers . . . and proving that this foul-mouthed fire-starter is a force to be reckoned with.
Of Flame and Promise is the sixth book in Cecy Robson’s Weird Girls series. This is one of my favorite urban fantasy series . Cecy Robson completely draws me into her world and ends up leaving me spent and well sated. Of Flame and Promise delivered humor, intense battles and growing pains, for our girl Taran Wird.
I was excited to get Taran’s story. I love how feisty, foul-mouthed and outspoken she is. Taran has some seriously badass abilities and the temper to match. This softer, more vulnerable side of Taran surprised me. While, there were moments in Of Flame and Promise that I wanted to bitch slap our girl and snap her out of some things- ultimately I had a blast reading her story.
Gemini or “Tomas” as Taran affectionately refers to him is second in command of the local werewolf pack. His wolf has already chosen Taran as his mate but the idea of marriage or bonds freaks Traran out. I love Gemini and felt his hurt when Taran gets nervous about meeting his parents. The man is a saint in the patience department and I loved how he tried to please everyone. The scenes involving his parents had me laughing. Taran is outrageous and the things that come out of her mouth..oh lord!! The man kept his cool and I loved that he stood by his girl.
The romance is sizzling hot, and we know even if Taran does not that their love is a forever kind. Their interaction were sweet, hot and felt genuine. Taran’s jealously and parental encounters were hilarious. I hid my face, laughed aloud and wanted to crawl into a hole right along with her. It was brilliant and lightened the darker themes of the story.
Of course, this would not be a Weird Girls book without danger, near death experiences and intense action scenes. Robson does such a great job creating balance and skillfully bringing the danger to life as it unfolds. It is creeptastic, and had me holding my breath particularly with the author’s penchant for ripping my heart completely out.
Of Flame and Promise falls between a novella and full length novel but we were given a completely fleshed out story. The timeline for this coincides with the past when Celia and Aric are apart. This took me by surprise, and despite returning to the scene of past crimes, it worked.
Of Flame and Promise delivered a scorching hot romance, with humor and suspense. It was the perfect book to begin the New Year. Now I have to wait patiently for the next book!
“When adoration runs that deep, so does its torment.”

I’ve seen several great reviews for Of Flame and Promise these days, and I am pretty sure I’ll enjoy it as well! I’m both happy and sad this is the sixth book – it means I have several books to indulge in, but I’m also pretty far behind.
Great review, Kim!
And yet another one I need to continue on with. I just can’t seem to get ahead on all the series I want to read and /or finish.
The Bibliophile Babe
This sounds right up my alley! I must try. 😀
Oh heck yes. You need to read this series.
I really need to catch up on this series.
Yes…so much happening!
Oooh urban fantasy! I like the sounds of sizzling romance and how badass Taran is! Are the books in this series standalones? I’ll probably start from the beginning anyway, but I really just want to start with this one, haha! Great review, Kim!
You could probably read this by itself..but I don’t recommend it One of the things I love about this series is how involved Robson gets me.
Angela Adams
“When adoration runs that deep, so does its torment.” — great line!
Right..,I loved it.
Blessie (Mischievous Reads)
I miss reading Paranormal romances especially the funny ones. Have you read Shelly Laurenston? She’s definitely one of my faves!
This is more urban fantasy..but oh so good!
Mary Kirkland
Taran sounds like a great character. Love the cover too.
She really is. Happy Monday Mary
Felicia the Geeky Blogger
I finally got my library to get the first of these for me 🙂 I am hoping they are in by the end of the month 🙂
Wahoo!!! Your library rocks!
Diana Leigh
I can see why you loved it. Sounds great!
It is the kind of series that pulls you in.
I will read it soon
I haven’t read any of the books in this series but you’ve got me wanting to reconsider that. Props to the author for delving into the fact that maybe a heroine could be afraid a commitment too.
Agreed Lily. I hope you try out the series I love it!
Angel Erin
This looks like a great series. I really enjoy urban fantasy, but I had never heard of this one until recently. Great review!!
Ooo I hope you pick them up..never have I been so engaged in a story 🙂
I wished this one was longer because it did feel like a novella. I loved it overall, but I wasn’t a fan of the step back in time.
Yeah…going back to that painful period threw me
This is a series I’ve been wanting to read for ages. So glad you enjoyed this!
Yes…you must read them Candace!
This book sounds awesome! That’s so cool that he splits into 2 wolves, I’ve never seen that. I guess I’d better get on board since this is book 6! I think Christy just read this too? Man, you guys always keep the good stuff a secret!
Bwahaha not a chance- ..we have been preaching this author since book one Liz…
It was a lot of fun reading Taran. I was surprised that we went back in time and it took place during events that happened in Celia’s stories. Good review. Thank you.
I think we all were surprised..I was so not expecting that.
I need to read this series, I think I have book one somewhere on my kindle. 🙂
Oh yes sooner rather than later!
Grace MyBookSnack
Taran sounds like my kind of heroine! Feisty and foul-mouthed! 🙂
hehehe…she was fun!
Debbie Haupt
Great review Kim. I really love the status quo role reversals where the guy is the calm voice of reason and the gal is the rabble rouser.
Thanks I haven’t read this series and fingers crossed if I can get my sh-t together this will be one on my 2016 wish list.
It was a nice change up…Taran is a hoot..I do hope you read this seires
Sophia Rose
Yep, Taran’s story had her stamp on it. I would definitely agree with your assessment. Meet the parents disasters. Poor gal!
That was a surprise to see where it started the timeline. Can’t wait for the next book.
I haven’t read anything in this series! I love the sound of it though. I like when it’s the heroine who is more afraid of commitment than the hero since it’s not done as often.
Taran sounds like a character for sure Kim! Even if I might want to smack her out of her fear of committing to Gemini a time or two, her ridiculous mouth endears her to me and I haven’t even experienced it yet. So looking forward to reading the meet the parents scene!!!
This sounds like a fun series 😀 I’ve been in the mood for fantasy lately (of course, when everything I have to read is a contemporary!) so I’ll have to bump the first one up my TBR into ASAP territory.
I can’t wait to start this series! Wonderful review!
Just read Christy’s review for this one and she thoroughly enjoyed it too. I’m glad to hear that we get to know so much more about Taran and her relationship with Gemini. Taran has always been a hoot! 😀
Lovely review, Kim!
She is a hoot and oh lord Nick this will make you laugh
Kimberly! What a thoughtful and thorough review! Thank you so much for taking the time to read Of Flame and Promise. I’m glad you got a kick out of Taran’s antics while still being able to see into her heart. Yeah . . . when I was writing some of the scenes with the parents, I cringed and wanted to crawl into that hole right with Taran. She really knows how to make an impression. 😉 Many thanks to everyone who stopped by, and for the kind words.
LOL, you made me catch a spelling error. I had a great time reading this and cannot wait for more!
Near-death experiences and action scenes delivered with the kind of humor that makes you laugh out loud – now there’s something you don’t read every day. It sounds like a wonderful series, and one especially interesting if a seasoned reader such as yourself can say that the sixth book is her favorite! I believe it’s quite difficult to maintain the reader’s interest alive throughout so many installments. Excellent review, Kimba! Have a great week 🙂
I love this urban fantasy series..Robson gets me so engaged when reading them.
Lover Of Romance
oh I want to read this author so badly!!! And dang I would pick this book up cause that cover is so sexy….I love it. And I love the mix of romance and intense danger…..adds a more thrill while reading.
Oh my goodness yes you need to read them all!!
Christy LoveOfBooks
Word. Love Taran. She doesn’t give a f–k and will talk crap to anyone. lol.
She cracks me up..honestly I never know what will come out of her mouth..which makes reading about her such fun.
I was surprised to go back in time with this one but it was a lof of fun to follow Taran this time, I really enjoyed it too. I’m curious to see what we’ll have next
Right..it floored me for a minute.
I really love all the sisters but it was so much fun getting inside Taran’s head. glad you liked this Kim!
Agreed…she is one crazy girl!