A Curse Unbroken by Cecy Robson

March 10th, 2015 Kimberly Review 62 Comments

10th Mar
A Curse Unbroken by Cecy Robson
A Curse Unbroken
by Cecy Robson
Series: Weird Girls #5
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

The preternatural world is changing. After a massive magical throwdown tore apart the established order, the dark elements are rebuilding their ranks unopposed. Celia Wird’s world is changing, too. She’s the mate of the pureblood were Aric, and his Warriors are honor-bound to protect her family as she and her sisters recover from unimaginable horrors. Celia hesitates to reveal the true extent of the Wird sisters’ trauma, but they aren’t the only ones keeping secrets: Aric and the werewolf Elders are tracking a stone that grants limitless power. So is a tough coven of witches. Then Misha, a master vampire with his own plans for the stone, sends Celia after it. Can she and the vamps beat both the weres and the witches to the treasure before it falls into the wrong hands? Fearing for Celia’s safety, Aric begs her to stay out of the hunt. What they don’t realize is that they’re the ones being hunted. But Celia’s ready to prove that she’s not easy prey

A Curse Unbroken by Cecy Robson is the fifth Weird Girls novel and final book about Celia Wird and Aric, at least for now. This urban fantasy romance is intense as evil once again threatens Celia and those she loves. Not quite as dark and gory as it’s predecessor Robson finally delivers what fans have been pining for.

Five reasons to grab A Curse Unbroken and lose yourself within its pages

  • Aric the sexy were warrior and Celia Wird. If you have read the series that you have witnessed the carnage, near death and despair this couple have suffered, and yet through it all the love. The tale pics up right where the last tale ended and our couple will once again be tested. Will they finally get their happy? You will have to grab a copy to find out.
  • Secondary characters,romance trouble and vampire interference- we get it all in typical Robson fashion. Gemini and Taran’s relationship is a mess, and I long for their story. Meanwhile Bren and Emma have this quiet little thing going and I want in. Shayna and Koda are downright adorkable. Misha and his groupies are present adding and causing tension all at the same time.
  • An unseen threat effects them and the mating bond between Celia and Aric. An assignment to retrieve a powerful stone that can wreak havoc if it falls into the wrong hands have the Wird’s, weres and vampires battling other supernatural elements. It was intense, brutal and completely captivating.
  • Robson takes urban fantasy and wraps it inside a paranormal romance that grabs at your heartstrings. Her characters are unique and despite internal bickering and differences, somehow she takes weres, vampires and witches and has them working together towards a common goal.
  • You love holding your breath, screaming at a book and becoming completely wrapped up in the story. A Curse Unbroken demands to be read in one, maybe two sittings, so forget the housework, sleep, and food. When you crack this open, prepare to lose yourself until it ends. I suggest unplugging and having chocolate handy. I laughed, cringed, cried, sighed, but ultimately closed the book satisfied, and spent.

The Weird Girls series is dark, romantic, and intense and one I completely adore.The wait for A Curse Unbroken was worth it and this series should be read in order of release. I totally recommend all of the side novellas; they each added to the storyline and enhanced my love of the characters


Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

62 Responses to “A Curse Unbroken by Cecy Robson”

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I hear you, with the new grandbaby and VA job I have been giving up sleep to squeeze reading in..at least when you start these you can marathon read them

  1. Terri

    Great review! I keep meaning to read this series and can’t believe this is book five already! Guess I need to get busy reading! 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Yes..at least you won’t have to suffer like the rest of us did between books!

  2. Melissa (My World...in words and pages)

    Oh man. There is something about these books that I can’t stop reading them. I so loved this one. 😀

  3. Lauren

    I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed this! I’m hoping for a very satisfying HEA for Celia and Aric, of course, but I’m excited to find out either way. Lovely review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Enjoy this didn’t rip my heart out and leave me bleeding like the last one

  4. Hattie

    I also couldn’t wait for the this book and the twist with the cousin…. I was like… Gaggg!!!!. I am also really ready for the change in POV to any of the sisters, but I think Taran is a good choice to move to next.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I am really excited about their story. I am sure Cecy will give it to us. If not remember Misery? hehehe

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Sweet..I hope you enjoy them as much as I have 🙂 Sharon!

  5. Benish

    I love paranormal romances & this one does sound intriguing – I love books that make you forget about everything else in the world. Lovely review x

    • kimbacaffeinate

      These will do that Benish..it has been one heck of a ride

  6. Heidi

    I enjoyed this one as well, and though I am sorry to see Aric and Celia’s story come to an end, I think they deserve a respite, right?

    • kimbacaffeinate

      My goodness yes they do..and I am ready for the others 🙂

  7. Stormi

    I really need to get on this series, I think I have the first one floating around in my kindle somewhere..lol. 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      A little last minute no? Or do you work better under pressure?

  8. Kristin

    I haven’t heard of this series before but it sounds really interesting. I’ve been looking for a uf pnr.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Buy wine and chocolate..it is addicting and quite the ride!

  9. Sophia Rose

    Ha! Yes, agreed, this one was the payoff for all the trouble these two have endured. I want Taran and Gemini’s story, but that thing with Emme and Bren has me more intrigued and really, Misha needs a romance too.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Oh you too..i am loving the whole Bren and Emme thing..Taran needs her happy to though.that poor child!

  10. Sarah

    Oh my, I STILL have not read these books. I want to, though. Sounds like a great UF series!

  11. Lorna

    I started this series and loved it and then just never got to the next book. I really need to, and your review makes me want to even more. Great review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      The bad news is you will kick yourself for falling behind..the good news is you won’t have to suffer for long between books!

  12. Cecy

    Thank you so much for the review and feature. I’m so happy you enjoyed A Curse Unbroken and are looking forward to the next sister’s journey. Many thanks to everyone who stopped by and for the kind comments!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      It was my pleasure and pain Cecy..love this series and cannot wait for the next!

  13. Ramona

    So, chocolate, yes, but food, no? I like the way your think! 🙂 I have not read this series, but wow… This sure is one emotional review you’ve written, Kimba – enough so that now I’m very curious (while also in the market for a new audiobook…) I’ll check this series out. Love this review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Robson gets you emotionally invested and the action is intense..yes lots of chocolate and wine..wine is your friend 🙂

  14. Jenny

    I know the book before this one was absolutely brutal Kim, so I’ve been waiting to start this series until this last book was out and I knew whether or not things ended well. Glad you were satisfied with how everything wrapped up, and I feel fairly comfortable picking up book one now:)

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Smart Jenny..I barely scrapped my heart up of the floor with the last one..now you can power read them and the suffering won’t be so bad.

  15. kindlemom1

    Wasn’t this fantastic? I loved sparkly Celia. 😛

    I am so excited for the next installment in this world and am so relieved it isn’t completely over. 😉

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Yes it was and oh lord yes I am ready for the next sister 🙂

  16. Nick

    This is on my Nook, just waiting to be read, Kim! I can’t wait to get to it but I’m also a little sad. I’m so happy this was satisfying for you in so many ways!
    Lovely review! 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      This is the type of read you plan for..like getting a supply of chocolate, turning off the phone and telling peeps you are out of town..lol

  17. Red Iza

    I think it’s you who introduced me to this series I’d never heard about then 😉 I’ve got the prequel and will end up reading it while thoroughly cleaning that e-reader !

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Right..I know my heart is going to get tugged and I will be sweatin’ it out!

  18. Melliane

    I’m glad you had a great time with this one, I really enjoyed it as well! It was so much fun. I’m glad it’s not finally really the end and I’m curious to see what will happen to Taran, poor thing… Great review!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Taran has had it bad, I cannot wait for the next one..and yes this was an excellent ride!

  19. Alreem

    Lovely Review, sound like a good series 🙂 I will add it to my TBR, every time I visit your blog, I end up adding some book to my TBR 😀

  20. Renee (

    Oh this sounds so great!!! I love the set up and the characters sounds very intense. Definitely going to top my list for what I need to read ASAP!!! Thanks for sharing.