by Kim Harrison
Series: The Hollows #13
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate

At long last... The final book in the New York Times bestselling Hollows series by Kim Harrison! Rachel Morgan's come a long way from the clutzy runner of Dead Witch Walking. She's faced vampires and werewolves, banshees, witches, and soul-eating demons. She's crossed worlds, channeled gods, and accepted her place as a day-walking demon. She's lost friends and lovers and family, and an old enemy has become something much more. But power demands responsibility, and world-changers must always pay a price. That time is now. To save Ivy's soul and the rest of the living vampires, to keep the demonic ever after and our own world from destruction, Rachel Morgan will risk everything.
My journey with the Hollows series by Kim Harrison has been one of pure joy and maybe a few head-bashing moments. Watching Rachel grow, crying over lost characters and going from loathing an elf to loving him; I took a moment to reminisce over all of the heart-stopping moments and those times where my opinions and affections changed. It has been one hell of a ride, sometimes exhausting, sometimes filled with tears, but always a truly fantastic escape from reality. I was beyond ecstatic when Harper Voyager sent me a finished copy of the final book in the series; Witch With No Name. The hardcover is beautiful and I adored the little butterflies topping each chapter. I was both sad and excited to begin this final novel with Rachel Morgan our beloved day-walking demon and Harrison delivered in spades!
Caffeinated Dates with The Witch With No Name
First Date: Squee! Ok, I need to breathe 512 pages of itchy-witch goodness await me in the Witch With No Name. I need to savor these dates as they will be the last. Right away Harrison throws us into the action, as Rachel finds herself in trouble with the vampires and trying to save Ivy. Trent is by her side and I am loving what he does to her. Things are complicated and sides are being drawn..gads!
Second date: There is so much action and danger I am squealing. We have a few Trent and Rachel moments that melted the pages for me. I am loving the growth in Rachel and her need to save the world. She is tired though, and despite it she wants to make it right for all those she loves. We have the full cast of characters and everyone has page time..I loved it! I love Al, always have and his scenes were delightful. Ivy, Jenks, David, Newt and Elizabeth *I still hate her* all have get wrapped up in this current world-crisis.
Third date: Twists, turns, shuffles for power, the ever-after, ley-lines, danger and spoken moments of tenderness between characters had me flippin’ the pages. I may be crying because the series is ending, but wow was it ever clear that Harrison knew exactly how it was all going to end. Harrison pulled threads together, answered questions and just WoW. Words cannot express how sastifying this final date with the Hollows was. The plot in this tale was clever, and the descriptions delivered in full HD. Fans will delight in how far our itchy-witch has come and I am anxious to re-read the series and experience it all again.
Reunion: Harrison gave us an epilogue of sorts in the final chapter and it left me giddy, full of hope, offered closure and will allow the reader to create a whole imaginary world with the characters in the Hollows. Thank you Kim Harrison for the wonderful journey and fantastic characters. I will miss them, but I cannot wait to see what you bring us next!

Wonderful review, K.! I love your caffeinated dates 🙂 I’m still 3 books behind the end of this series, but I hope to pick the pace up soon.
Enjoy, this series really rocked and I will miss it.
I’m almost done with this and loving every minute. Today hopefully (fingers crossed)! I kinda read slow for the first bit – not that it was slow (it so wasn’t) but I’m dragging my heels a bit. I don’t want it to be over 🙁 Anywho, totally skimmed your review, but I’m glad it earned 5 stars!
No spoilers here, but hope you loved it as much as I did 🙂
Ack. I can’t believe I’ve still not read her. I keep meaning to and then another year has gone by. Goodness. She’s actually coming to my town today. I’m gonna try to get out and see her talk 🙂 Glad to see you loved it Kimberly!
I saw pictures of you at the event..so stinking jelly my friend!
I love that an author can deliver on a final book like this! The whole series seems great. To go out with a bang and be able to wrap it up is just fantastic! Great review Kimberly!
Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
It was fan-friggin-tastic and I miss the characters already 🙂
Sharon - Obsession with Books
Oh my, book 13! I really need to play catch-up. I’m pleased you enjoyed this.
A great review!
Sharon – Obsession with Books
Ooo yes, these are a must read 🙂
love your dates! very clever Kim 😀
I have the first book in this series and hope to get to it sometime in the future. Loved the review!
Thanks Sharonda, this was such a good one 🙂
Barbara Ann
I really like this series and am saddened to see it end. I like how your organized your review by dates with the book, very creative!
Thanks Barbara, I switch up formats based on the book and my feels 🙂
I don’t want it to end! *sobs* But I think it’s the right choice, too. This book’s sitting on my bedside table, waiting for me to get the courage up to read the finale. It’s hard, you know?
I know what you mean, but Harrison proved how talented she is yet again with this one, and as a final book I haven’t read a negative review yet.
Red Iza
Great review, I need to catch up so bad on this series – last book I read, Jenks was a full height man, so you see… 😉
Ooo an adventure awaits you!
Ya know… still can’t bring myself to read this… I am so totally weird… Fantastic review, even though I skimmed it like a mad a woman 😉 UGH…
…yep, not even doing the book signings…. don’t know what my deal is!
Fear of the final book? I have experienced that but usually because I hear people didn’t like it.. if you have read the entire series you need to read this!
Itchy-witch goodness lol and wow 5 stars … thanks for the push to get back to this series, I’ve only read Dead Witch Walking!
The series development is awesome, as is the character growth..hope you start them up again soon.
This is definitely a series I need to get on the bandwagon for!! After 13 books and it still has 5 stars; definitely worth checking out! So this is the last? Glad to see it went out with a bang! Thanks for the review!
Yes, the series is over and it was such a good series Cyn.
Hellz yeah! The journey Rach and Ivy took meant more to me than the with her and Trent. lol.
I love their friendship.
Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf
Maybe now that the series is over it’s time for me to add it to my TBR! lol
I cannot believe you haven’t read these.
Nothing beats an awesome ending to a long standing series like this one. I’m happy she don’t disappoint you
After so many books I am so glad she wrapped things up and nothing was rushed.
13!! But still, I want to try it one day
You so need to read these, by book three you will lock yourself in your room and begin reading night and day.
I need to read this series..everyone is always telling me how good it is and here you are lovin’ it…I actually have the first four book sitting on my shelf..so I really need to try it..lol.
What?!? Go read them..you won’t be sorry 🙂
Melissa (Books and Things)
Oh nice! I have the first book on my tbr and still need to get to it. This is one of the UF series I’ve been itching to catch up on. In a way it is good for me that this is the last book… but I’m sure I’ll feel differently when I finally read this one. Love that the epilogue gave you hopeful closure. What more could you ask of an ending book?
I get what you mean. Ooo and these must be read in order…no skipping around Melissa.
Angela Adams
It’s always sad when a beloved series ends. Thanks for the review.
Yes, I think we die a little.
Blast! Another series I’m going to have to start reading. Glad the final book was strong. I’ll definitely have to start at the beginning.
Yes, in order is a must for this series especially with character development and friendships. You are in for a treat 🙂
I know this whole series was one heck of a ride. I loved it all and yes there were tears of joy and sadness at the end. I am so hoping that Harrison will treat us to something spectacular all over again.
I cannot wait to see what is next Heidi 🙂
I see a lot of bloggers and people on GR mourning the end of this series. I haven’t read them yet, but plan on it soon. Great review, glad the ending was more than satisfying 🙂
You are in for a treat. I am both sad and happy.
I didn’t read your review cause I’m a few books behind and don’t want to get too much info. But I’m so sad it’s all over. But so relieved I’m behind and still have books to read!
No spoilers here, but yeah hurry up and read..LOL
I’ve read multiple reviews for this book this week and every single one of them has been praising. I’m so happy to hear that a cherished series of yours ended positively with lots of hope, Kim. That’s the best kind of feeling. 🙂
Lovely review!
It was wonderful and I still feel all warm and fuzzy and sad too.
Debbie Haupt
Kimba, you know I’ve not read this series (yes I know under the rock where I live is why) and I think the time has come to correct this and what a perfect time because unlike you previous fans I’ll get to have all the books at once. Brwahahahah 😉
Brava on that wonderful review!!
Yep, now you can Book OD on the series my friend.
Jeez, this sounds freakin awesome and I am glad that it was a fantastic read for you.
It is and it was 🙂
It is so gratifying when an author pulls all the loose plot strings together and makes a great finale to a series. I’m happy for you and your reading pleasure. This author has a strong fan base, so I can be assured it is a quality UF if I decide to start the series. Thanks!
Well worth the time and investment Rita..the character growth and friendships alone make these memorable.
Felicia the Geeky Blogger
YEAH! This is on my series to read next year now that they are done 🙂 I am glad the final book delivered!
Enjoy Felicia, it was a wonderful ride from beginning to end 🙂
I need to catch up on this series! SO glad you loved it!
Have fun with them Andrea!
Wow, 13 books, huh? That’s awesome you’ve stuck with it and the final novel was worth reading. That’s awesome.
It was an awesome ride Lauren.
I am so sad that not only is this series over, but that I am so very far behind on it! I need to read all of these ASAP!
Enjoy catching up…all the feels, and adventures await you!
Gosh 13th sequel. As much as I want to read this series I really have no idea when will I have time for it. I really want to read it as I have heard nothing but amazing things about it. I’ll have to though. This one sounds so awesome and I’m so happy you enjoyed it. Great review, Kim 🙂
I hope you get to read them. Maybe one book every 6 months or so. I mean we started this series in 2004.
Glad to hear the epilogue equaled giddiness
Indeed it did 🙂
This book was a total emotional roller coaster, and I loved every single minute of it. It’s sad to say goodbye, but it’s one of the most satisfying series enders I’ve ever read!
Agreed, Harrison took us out well. 🙂
It’s sad to see the end here but it’s great to see that everyone is loving this one. I confess that I’m a little behind because I still need to read the 7th book. yeah, behind. Great review!
Well enjoy Melliane..this series was one I hated to see end.