The Craftsman by Sharon J. Bolton

November 8th, 2018 Kimberly Review 20 Comments

8th Nov
The Craftsman by Sharon J. Bolton

I was the mood for a creepy thriller and was drawn to the synopsis of The Craftsman by Sharon J. Bolton. Narrated by Nathalie Buscombe, Bolton offered a dark, gritty thriller with a serial killer who kidnaps and buries young children alive. A twisted thriller with spells and dark magic await you.

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Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett

October 23rd, 2018 Kimberly Review 32 Comments

23rd Oct
Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett

I picked up Foundryside after reading a recommendation from Kevin Hearne, and I couldn’t be happier. I listened to the narration performed by Tara Sands. An action-packed, suspenseful tale with an unlikely heroine set in a dystopian world, Bennett captivated and enthralled me from the opening chapter.

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