Narrated by the talented Nicole Poole, Quicksilver by Dannika Dark was a suspenseful, action-packed story as an invitation to a formal winter ball turns into a nightmare for Keystone. As this series nears its end, Dark delivers one of the best stories yet!
When She Dreams by Amanda Quick
When She Dreams by Amanda Quick was a suspenseful and fun installment in the Buring Cove historical mystery series. I adored the interaction between lucid dreamer, Maggie Lodge and Sam Sage,Β the private investigator she hires to look into a blackmailing. You’ll want to grab a cup of tea and snuggle up with their story.
π§ The Dragon of Sedona by Genevieve Jack
The Dragon of Sedona by Genevieve Jack is the fourth audiobook in the Treasure of Paragon series. We meet another sibling and enjoy their romance while the overall story arc continues bringing danger, suspense and updates on the other couples. If you love dragons, you’ll want to grab this series on audio!
π§ A Treacherous Trade by Kerrigan Byrne
Narrated by Sarah Mollo-Christensen & John Hartley, A Treacherous Trade by Kerrigan Byrne is the second audio in the Fiona Mahoney Mysteries. This historical fiction mystery has Fiona once again chasing down evil. Grab your earbuds and see why I love this series.
Knight Awakening by Rebecca Zanetti
We are back with final installment in the Scorpius Syndrome series. Knight Awakening by Rebecca Zanetti is the sixth novel in this dark, sexy, romantic suspense set in a dystopian world. This continues the overall story arc and shares the romance of Marcus Knight.