The Descent by Alma Katsu

January 7th, 2014 Kimberly Review 74 Comments

7th Jan
The Descent by Alma Katsu

Alma Katsu took us on one heck of a ride with the Taker Trilogy and the wait for The Descent the final book in this dark paranormal romance was worth the wait. I consumed this and was left satisfied on so many levels. While not as dark as it’s predecessors we get answers and a strong conclusion. Mini review: Beautifully written with fleshed out characters and an engaging conclusion.

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Cursed By Destiny by Cecy Robson

January 6th, 2014 Kimberly Review 90 Comments

6th Jan
Cursed By Destiny by Cecy Robson

Confession; I have mad love for the Weird Girls series and author Cecy Robson. When I got my hands on an early copy of Cursed by Destiny there may or may not have been a lot of fangirl squealing. Once again, Robson had me in her grips as she took me through this action–packed installment that gave us more of Aric and Celia while having us battle the Tribe. Mini review: My thoughts on closing the book-intense, kick-ass, action-packed and Cecy Robson is evil, evil, evil.

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Before Jamaica Lane by Samantha Young

January 3rd, 2014 Kimberly Review 69 Comments

3rd Jan
Before Jamaica Lane by Samantha Young

I am such a fan of the On Dublin Street series, and this tight, close-knit group of friends and their families. Before Jamaica Lane delivers Olivia and Nate’s story and oh, man I swallowed this one whole, it consumed me with the need to have my HEA. The tale was hot, bittersweet, intense, and so dang sensual I melted on the floor. This was the type of read where I needed total quiet, and a comfy blanket to snuggle with. Mini review: sensual, with witty banter, angst, heart-breaking moments and a love story you cannot help but embrace.

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Freak of Nature by Julia Crane

January 2nd, 2014 Kimberly Review 77 Comments

2nd Jan
Freak of Nature by Julia Crane

Freak of Nature by Julia Crane drew me in with its gorgeous cover and gripping synopsis. The idea of cyborgs and robotic limb replacement fascinates me. As the first book in the IFICS series, Freak of Nature, offered an engaging beginning but left me wishing for more depth. Mini review: a light science fiction read wrapped in a good romance.

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Grave Destinations by Lori Sjoberg

December 28th, 2013 Kimberly Review 38 Comments

28th Dec
Grave Destinations by Lori Sjoberg

Maybe I am creepy, or maybe I should blame Darynda Jones but I have a thing for Reapers. Grave Destinations is the second book in the Grave Series by Lori Sjoberg. Her twist on why these souls are reapers, combined with suspense and romance have made this a fun series. Each can be read as a standalone, but each time we learn a little more about Fate, and the organization running this elite team of Reapers. Mini review: spicy but clean, suspenseful and action packed.

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