A Barricade In Hell by Jaime Lee Moyer

June 20th, 2014 Kimberly Review 56 Comments

20th Jun
A Barricade In Hell by Jaime Lee Moyer
A Barricade In Hell
by Jaime Lee Moyer
Series: Delia Martin #2
Genres: Paranormal
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Delia Martin has been gifted (or some would say cursed) with the ability to peer across to the other side. Since childhood, her constant companions have been ghosts. She used her powers and the help of those ghosts to defeat a twisted serial killer terrorizing her beloved San Francisco. Now it's 1917—the threshold of a modern age—and Delia lives a peaceful life with Police Captain Gabe Ryan. That peace shatters when a strange young girl starts haunting their lives and threatens Gabe. Delia tries to discover what this ghost wants as she becomes entangled in the mystery surrounding a charismatic evangelist who preaches pacifism and an end to war. But as young people begin to disappear, and audiences display a loyalty and fervor not attributable to simple persuasion, that message of peace reveals a hidden dark side. As Delia discovers the truth, she faces a choice—take a terrible risk to save her city, or chance losing everything?

Last year I was impressed with Delia’s Shadow the first book in the Delia Martin series by Jamie Lee Moyer. I was captivated by its 1917 San Francisco setting, paranormal mystery and fleshed out characters. A Barricade in Hell delivered an intense paranormal mystery with dark elements and charismatic characters that quickly drew me back into this world.

Readers note: While each book contains a separate case, I recommend reading them in order due to an overall ARC and the storyline of the characters and their development.

Five reasons to grab a cup of coffee and curl up with A Barricade in Hell:

1. 1917 San Francisco brought to life from solving crimes by the local police department, the buildings, clothing, and political atmosphere. While this is all backdrop to the current situation and characters, Moyer brings it all life giving the reader a panoramic view without slowing the pace.

2. Paranormal woo-woo, ancient rituals, tarot cards, and spirits. Delia and Isadora are both gifted (or cursed) with the sight and able to see and communicate with apparitions. Delia actual sees them, and Isadora can feel them though past objects, séances and tarot cards. It is creep-tastic and adds an element to the mysteries.

3. The characters hold equal footing to the case further notching up my overall enjoyment. Delia once denied her gift and slowly she has been learning how to handle these spirits. She is brave, forward thinking and thinks before she acts. Gabe a straightforward, fact-checking detective has learned to trust Delia and Isadora. He is charming, noble and quite the ace detective. Isadora or Dora to her friends is quite the charming, a bit eccentric and delightful to be around. She is a whiskey sipping, fearless woman who puts herself at risk to help her friends.

4. Moyer’s mystery presents new villains and friends in A Barricade in Hell. We go to Chinatown and are privy to the animosity between cultures. During the murder investigation, Gabe introduces us to Mr. Sung, an influential Chinese man. He is colorful, mysterious, and his interaction and role throughout the case was unusual. We meet a charismatic evangelist who preaches pacifism and wants an end to the war. She is a dark character who surrounds herself with some sinister characters. Moyer allowed me to picture them both vividly in my mind from their mannerisms to that offset feeling you get when there is “more than meets the eye.”

5. Moyer has a talent for taking several cases and weaving them into this brilliant tapestry. The puzzles pieces are intricate but as she slowly reveals clues and her characters make connections, the mystery unravels revealing all. As seasoned as I am with reading mysteries and solving cases, Moyer always manages to surprise me with the motive. The pacing was engaging with moments that will raise the hair on the back of your neck and have you worried about our hero and heroine.

A Barricade in Hell was a strong second book, and since the primary romance was established in the previous novel, allowed Moyer to notched up the suspense and paranormal woo-woo. Moyer has earned herself a spot on my favorite author list, and I cannot wait for the next installment in the Delia Martin series. If you have not yet tried these, I encourage you to do so.

Photo of kimbacaffeinate
About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

56 Responses to “A Barricade In Hell by Jaime Lee Moyer”

  1. Tabitha

    I love that she makes the secondary characters as important as the main but sometimes I felt like Dora overwhelms and takes center stage because of her eccentricity and knowing more than Delia.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      She does give them all almost equal weight and I like Dora.

  2. Stephanie

    Early 1900s San Francisco! Psychics?! I am so going to have to get my hands on this one. 🙂 You are quickly becoming my go to blogger for all great ghosty reads recommendations.

    Thanks girl!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      This series is fantastic from the setting to the characters. Thanks Stephanie 🙂

  3. Kimberly

    I’ve got the first in this series on hold at the library and I’m planning to get to it next month or in August, it sounds like a great mix of paranormal, mystery and HF 🙂

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Ooo enjoy Kimberly..i cannot wait to see what you think!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      This was quite good. I hope you try the series.

  4. Vilia

    I snagged this one as soon as I got paid. Now I just need to wait one week so I can properly enjoy it on my holidays.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Oh perfect read for a holiday Vilia..enjoy my friend!

  5. Berls

    This is a series I’ve been a bit on the fence about – the setting and paranormal elements are calling to me, but I’m so not a straightforward detective, mystery girl. I tend to like those books, but not love them. How much of this would you say is detective work and how much is the other stuff? Because I’m really interested in the series as a whole.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I love the series Berls, and as far as detective work and paranormal woo-woo..they are really tied together in both books. While the characters are strong, overall the mystery is at the center of things. Did you read book one?

      • Berls

        No not yet. I’m interested, so I’ll probably try to find if at the library, just in case it doesn’t work for me.

        • kimbacaffeinate

          Because the woo-woo and mystery go hand in hand I ma confident you will like it.

  6. laura thomas

    It’s always good when the second book lives up to your expectations. This is definitely going on my summer reading list. Sounds too good to miss! Thanks for a new author and series. Enjoy your weekend. May it be sunny and bright:)

  7. Jessica

    The first book in this series is on my I burn, I pine, I perish wishlist. Just so you know how much I want these books 😉 SO glad book 2 wasn’t a let down.

  8. Melliane

    Oh I really liked book 1 and I can’t wait to read this one as well, it sounds so good! I’m glad you had a great time with it, I’m sure it will be the same for me.

  9. Lori

    I’m so adding this to my reading list! I love a good mystery with a little paranormal thrown in and this sounds like a great series.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Enjoy Lori, these books have brought me great pleasure!

  10. Paij Slater

    I have had the first one on my TBR pile for a bit, and just added this one. They sound fantastic. Great review 🙂

  11. Cyn

    I haven’t heard of this series before but you totally got me with the 1917 San Francisco setting, paranormal mystery and fleshed out characters! Glad to hear book two was just as good as book one (: Will have to add to my TBR list! Thanks for the review Kim!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      *blinks* Yes Cyn, these have so many elements I know you enjoy in books!

  12. ShootingStarsMag

    Delia’s Shadow has been on my wishlist for awhile now. I really need to read it soon!! I’m glad to see that you really loved the second book too. Makes me even more excited!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      I hope you do Lauren, I have a feeling you will enjoy these!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      *nods head* yes, this series has been a delight!

  13. Debbie Haupt

    Thanks Kimba for the wonderful review. This one is being added to my pile.
    I was astonished to learn that in this time frame Spritualists were running rampant in the US. If you liked this you might like Katherine Howe’s novel released last year set in the same time frame The House of Velvet and Glass

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Thanks for the rec, and yes it was all the rave here and in London!

  14. Lenore

    I have the first one, but just have not gotten around to it yet. Looks like I need to bump it up on my list 🙂

  15. kindlemom1

    I didn’t buy this one last week because I still haven’t read the first one and darn it! I knew I should have just grabbed it anyways.

    I am off to Amazon to grab this one now too.

  16. Christa

    I can’t believe the second book in this series is here and I still haven’t read the first one. I need to catch up because they sound fantastic.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Ooo yea Christa, I think you will enjoy these from the setting to the woo-woo!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      hahaha, one of my favorite authors Kat Richardson when talking about her urban fantasy said it hand some paranormal woo-woo. I loved it, and it fits perfectly here with ghosts!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Awe, well hopefully you get your hot little hands on it soon!

  17. Nick

    I’m pretty sure I have a copy of the first book lying somewhere in my e-reader. I bought it because it sounded like such an intriguing read. I’m happy to see that you found the second book to be as good. The characters and the mystery sound pretty awesome. I might have to pick up the first book soon!
    Great review, Kim!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      What? Wait..why have you not read it? You my friend will enjoy these!

  18. Shy

    I need to check out this series it sounds like one I would love. I am loving your new review format too. Great job Kim.

  19. Jennifer Bielman

    You find the most interesting paranormal books. I feel like it’s been forever since I read an interesting, unique paranormal read.

    Happy the second book was so good.

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Jennifer, these are awesome. I love the paranormal, setting and characters!

  20. Silvia

    I’ve never tried these, but you definitely encouraged me to give them a go!
    Thanks for the great review, Kimberly!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      These are really good, and if you are a little nervous about historical aspects this is a good one to try!

  21. Red Iza

    I like it when a second book doesn’t disappoint 🙂 OK, I’m marking this series as “next” on my to-read list, thanks for sharing !

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Agreed, and the mystery was strong which I love.