I began this series before my audio addiction began and thus have stayed with the written format. Storm Cursed is the eleventh book in the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs and she brings witches, zombies, vampires and more to our door.
Wolfhunter River by Rachel Caine
Wolfhunter River by Rachel Caine was one of my most anticipated audiobooks for 2018 and Caine delivered a chilling, heart pounding over the top tale that actually ended on a high note.
PERfunctory AfFECTION by Kim Harrison
Kim Harrison shares a twisted tale where the reader will need to determine what is real and what isn’t in PERfunctory AfFECTION.
My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing
I was in the mood for an unreliable, suspenseful thriller and grabbed My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing. This twisty tale will grab you! Even if you figure things out along the way, the story will trap you!
Changes by Jim Butcher
I took off my headphones and screamed, “Holy Shit!” or a slightly more colored variation, but people, Changes by Jim Butcher, the twelfth novel in the Harry Dresden Files was intense, mind-blowing, hilarious, heartbreaking and full of twisted fu@kery. Yeah ok, I liked it.