Shadowed Souls by Jim Butcher

June 21st, 2019 Kimberly Review 20 Comments

21st Jun
Shadowed Souls by Jim Butcher

I didn’t even realize this was an anthology when I purchased the Dresden Files on Audible. The anthology features Cold Case, Dresden 14.5 and focuses on Molly. Julia Whelan narrates and holy snowballs it was good. The Shadows Souls collection is a feast for audio and urban fantasy fans. Dark and delicious!

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Storm Cursed by Patricia Briggs

May 7th, 2019 Kimberly Review 26 Comments

7th May
Storm Cursed by Patricia Briggs

I began this series before my audio addiction began and thus have stayed with the written format. Storm Cursed is the eleventh book in the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs and she brings witches, zombies, vampires and more to our door.

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