Seven Nights in a Rogue’s Bed by Anna Campbell

November 1st, 2012 Kimberly Review 3 Comments

1st Nov
Seven Nights in a Rogue’s Bed by Anna Campbell

Eek Gads this was yummy! Seven Nights in a Rogue’s Bed sounded sinfully delicious and I was excited to read it. As Anna Campbell’s first book in the Sons of Sin series she dished up a hot steamy tale with wonderful characters and an engaging plot. Reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast I was quickly ensnared in this wicked tale and lost myself in its pages.

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The King’s Agent by Donna Russo Morin

October 31st, 2012 Kimberly Review 2 Comments

31st Oct
The King’s Agent by Donna Russo Morin

The King’s Agent is a historical fiction set in Renaissance Italy with a fantastic twist. The tale is filled with suspense, secret societies, hidden artifacts, romance and political intrigue. Based loosely on the life of Battista della Palla a patriotic plunder and friend to Michelangelo in the sixteenth century this tale captivated me.

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The Shining by Stephen King

October 30th, 2012 Kimberly Review 19 Comments

30th Oct
The Shining by Stephen King

The first time I read The Shining was back in junior high and it terrified me. I didn’t even have the image of Jack Nicholson’s evil smile yet implanted in my head. The king of horror never ceases to amaze me, even the second time around. This time rereading it in my *coughs * forties *coughs* I got to fully appreciate King’s talent at fleshing out his characters. Filled with subtle horror, madness and a hotel that manifests and takes on a life of its own, this tale gave me all the creepy goodness only King can deliver.

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Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet by Darynda Jones

October 29th, 2012 Kimberly Review 24 Comments

29th Oct
Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet by Darynda Jones

I was tickled pink to receive an advanced copy of Fourth Grave Beneath my Feet. As soon as I receive a new book in the series, I lock myself away and consume it. My family is often startled at my sudden outburst of laughter, giggles and rants about Reyes and Charley. When I finish, I walk around in a state of depression, thinking about how long I have to wait till the next book is released. *sigh* That is until someone flashes a shiny book cover in front of me (I get easily distracted).

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Foretold: 14 Tales of Prophecy and Prediction edited by Carrie Ryan

October 26th, 2012 Kimberly Review 1 Comment

26th Oct
Foretold: 14 Tales of Prophecy and Prediction edited by Carrie Ryan

The collection Foretold: 14 Tales of Prophecy and Prediction offers tales by some of today’s most popular young adult authors. From witches to aliens these short stories are sure to have something for everyone. I love collections like this because it offers me the chance to explore new authors. I found it to be the perfect bedside book and each night I read a different tale.

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