Nonna’s Corner is a special feature where I share books I’ve reviewed with my grandchildren, affectionately referred to as the “Royals” here at Caffeinated.
Today the Royals and I are sharing our thoughts on The Sparkly Bun by Keith Stoeckeler, an illustrated book about a young girl who wants to fit in with the “in crowd.”

by Keith Stoeckeler
Illustrator: Lana Lee
Genres: Childrens
Pages: 30
Source: Author
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate

"The Sparkly Bun" is a captivating children's book that encourages imagination, self-esteem, self-expression, and self-discovery. It tells the story of Emme, a girl who loves fashion and has a passion for her favorite item, her sparkly bun.
However, when Emme wears her favorite clothing to school two days in a row, her classmates make fun of her. This causes Emme to question if being different is a good thing. Throughout the book, Emme learns that it takes courage. Still, it's essential to be true to oneself, express one's individuality, and that being different makes us all special and gives us our own identity.
This children's book emphasizes the difference between fitting in and being true to oneself and how creativity and imagination can help children embrace their uniqueness, all through a creative and unique approach -- food.
With its charming illustrations and heartwarming story about empowerment and confidence, "The Sparkly Bun" is a must-have for any child's library. It encourages children to embrace their identity, pursue self-expression, and celebrate self-discovery.
Illustrated by Lana Lee and geared towards children five and up, the Royals immediately were drawn to the colorful pictures and the burger bun outfits.
The story introduces us to Emme, her mother, dad and brother. In their world, folks wear hamburger bun outfits. Emme wears her sparkly bun to school, but the next day wears it again and is pleased when she matches another girl.
When she returns home, she wants several new bun outfits that match other friends. Mom and Dad assure her she has plenty of bun outfits. Dad spends some time talking about not needing what everyone else has and being uniquely you.
This story was perfect for Sophia, my eight-year-old granddaughter. As a soon to be third grader, she has experienced wanting to fit in and wanting what others have. She related to Emme, but also convey similar messages to Emme’s father.
It presented a perfect opportunity for a conversation where I asked her if she ever felt that way and how to handle those feelings. I loved Emme’s brother, who made his buns unique to him.
I loved the message of being you and not needed to be exactly the same to be special. That your friends like you for being you, not copying them. Emme forged her own path, and we all loved the results.
The story has a positive message about self-esteem and self-expression. The colorful illustrations added to the overall tale. After I read the story, Sophia read it to me, then took it home to read to her mom.
Perfect for your family bookshelf, classroom or club. You could have the children draw their own bun designs and dialogue about Emme and her feelings.
*kindle unlimited

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Keith Stoeckeler
It’s National Cheeseburger Day!
If you haven’t already picked up the book, today is a great day to do it! It’s available on Amazon, Target, Walmart, Barnes & Noble, and through your local bookstore.
On this National Cheeseburger Day, I’m just 2 reviews away from reaching 40 Amazon reviews for my book.
Could you help me exceed this goal and aim for an even higher 50 reviews after today?
Your support by leaving a review is greatly appreciated!
Keith Stoeckeler
Thank you for your wonderful and thoughtful review. I really appreciate you checking out the book.
Thanks Keith. We loved it.
La La in the Library
Thanks for the heads up on this one! I’m adding it to Goodreads. ☺
Yay. Enjoy!
sherry fundin
I love it. The title immediately put a smile on my face.
Thanks Sherry!