The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
Well, March came in like a lamb with temps hitting the high 70°s the first three days of the week, then dipping down slightly. We have had rain and thunderstorms all weekend. Next week doesn’t look as good, but I am counting down the days until Spring. I went a little crazy during Audible’s Sitewide Sale and grabbed books in series I had on my wishlist. I had been slowly picking them up but grabbed titles under $5.00. I spent around $60.00 and thought that was a lot, but saw people that spent hundreds, particularly romance listeners. For the month of February I read/listened to 12 books towards my Goodreads & Audiobook Challenge goals. Oh, and I did my taxes and sent their pymt. Ugh. Elbow hugs! Stay Caffeinated.
Last Week on the Blog
- 🎧 Hunt The Stars By Jessie Mihalik (audio review)
- Red By Kate SeRine (book review, blog tour, giveaway)
- Cover Reveal: The Better To See You By Kate SeRine (spotlight)
- 🎧 Serve ‘N’ Protect By Tee O’Fallon (audio review)
- 🎧 Stuck With You By Ali Hazelwood (audio review)
This Week on the Blog
- Hideout By Louisa Luna (book review)
- 🎧 Crowbones by Anne Bishop (audio review)
- Love, Decoded By Jennifer Yen (book review, guest post)
- 🎧 In My Dreams I Hold A Knife By Ashley Winstead (audio review)
- How To Survive An Undead Honeymoon & How To Rattle An Undead Couple By Hailey Edwards (book review)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe

Learn more:
- The War of Two Queens by Jennifer Armentrout
- Spelunking Through Hell by Seanan McGuire
- Crowbones by Anne Bishop
- Chase Wilde Comes Home by Jennifer Ryan
Special thanks to PRH Audio, Brilliance Audio, Audible & Harper Collins
Around The Blogosphere
- Can you read a series in a Month? March 2022, Join the Challenge hosted by Because Reading Is Fun
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Carole @ Carole's Random Life
Temps have been up and down here but I did notice my tulips popping up so spring is on the way. I spent over $100 on the sale but I always go overboard.
March has been exactly like you described for us as well.. a couple of storms but no rain (which we so desperately need here in Cali)… Maybe will look for the Wyoming Wilde series and do the March series challenge 🙂
Rachel @Waves of Fiction
The discounts for the Audible sale didn’t seem that great compared to the member credit price. I didn’t see any $5 deals. Maybe I just didn’t look carefully. I just started Crowbones. Hope we both love it!
Patricia in New Mexico
Rain….sounds lovely. It sounds like you picked up some good reads at the Audible sale! Looking forward to your thoughts on Hideout! Happy reading!
Sophia Rose
We had a few nice days last week, too. It was a nice spring preview. Way to go scoring some good deals on Audible and super job on getting a big stack read for February.
Have a good week, Kimberly!
You did good on the sale. I went to $75.00.
I am thinking about working on my taxes…
Sounds like you had a good month of reading. I have been running a little behind so I listened to two shorter titles.
I’ve been enjoying books in the Others series. I hope to listen to book 4 soon.
Hope your weather starts to move to Spring.
Have a good week and Happy Reading!
sherry fundin
nice, hope you enjoy them all. we have had awesome weather this week. it clouded up a little this afternoon, but i hope it stays nice for at least a couple more days. have been messing around outside and i would like to finish what i started…at least. i am going to be watching charlie’s angels, with kristen stewart tonight. i am excited about it. i think she is an amazing actress
Anne - Books of My Heart
yes I put things in my cart for the Audible sale and then check to see if I can get them at the library or on KU etc. I started with $160 for 38 titles and whittled it down to $124 for 31 titles. I was happy with that. Some titles may not be at the library forever and some not in audio at all. I hope your weather stays more spring than winter!
Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog)
Glad you had a great week! I need to buy some new audiobooks myself!
Louise Hallett
My son treated me to an Amazon gift card at Christmas, to buy myself books. I keep putting it off though because I only want to buy a book when I have time to read it! I hope you enjoy the audiobooks.
Mary Kirkland
I probably spend too much on books. It’s nice to win giftcards that I can spend on books and win books too. It keeps the costs down. NetGalley has really helped too.
It was 80 here for a day and now it’s cold again. We call this our second Winter.
Samantha The Book Disciple
I went a little crazy with the audible sale as well! Whoops!
Well done on getting your taxes and payment in. Now go and enjoy those new audiobooks – You deserve it! Take care and happy reading. 🙂
Victoria Hamel
We had a gloriously warm 70 degrees yesterday. It was fabulous and now we are back to the 40s. At least it isn’t snowing! I didn’t even know there was an audible sale, which is probably for the best!
Mareli Thalwitzer
Oh no! I’ve missed the Audible sale! Not that I don’t have enough to listen to I guess.
Death and taxes…..
Have a wonderful week Kimberly!
Ooo… temperatures in the 70s! I would LOVE to bask in that kind of sunshine, though later on the year, I’m guessing it gets a lot more ferocious than that. I hope you get a chance to sit outside and enjoy that – and that those thunderstorms go elsewhere. Have a great week, Kimberly.
The thunderstorms roared through here last night with quite a light show and loud thunder. I loved it because I know that means Spring is on the way. I can’t wait!
Have a great week!
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)
We were just saying here how March came in like a lamb as well! lol I also spent more than I wanted/planned on the Audible sale. And I stuck to the ones under $5 too. I’m behind in the series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I need to read the second one in the From Blood and Ash series. Hope you have a good week!
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
A bargain is hard to resist!
Wishing you a great reading week, and warmer weather
Jen at Introverted Reader
We’ve had gorgeous weather for about 2 weeks now, which I am loving. But that also means it’s pollen season. My blue car is green. I’ll take it as long as we keep these warm temps!
Enjoy your week!
The War of Two Queens catches my eye today. Happy reading.
The rainstorms haven’t hit where I am yet, but they are set to arrive this evening or sometime tomorrow. Just means good reading time is coming! 😃
That audio sale was awesome! I will certainly meet my audiobook challenge now!
Ia m so jelly that you got the ARC of The War of Two Queens!!! Enjoy Kimberly!
The weather is so up and down! I seen a lot of people grabbing on the audible sale, I seen some spend lots of money too…lol.
Hope you have a great week and happy reading!
Tanya @ Rantings of a Reading Addict
I didn’t get through all the Audible sale titles. Is that sale over? The weather is playing crazy games with us here too. We’ll have 70s today but Friday we have another freeze! Have a good week!
S. J. Pajonas
Ugh. Taxes. My husband spent several days working on ours last week. We’re getting your warm weather now! I can’t wait for spring.
Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
Taxes! Oh dear. That’s coming up soon.
Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
12 is a good amount. I can only dream of that many 🤣 books are expensive. I rarely buy them, instead getting them as presents. I did buy a book with birthday money last week – £16.99 😱 – it was a signed special edition though …
The library and libby are our friend Emily. ARCs help too.
A Voracious Reader
I saw the sale, but had to pass. Trying to save money right now. Ugh. I still need to do taxes and don’t wanna. lol And double ugh.
Kinda jealous that you’re done with your taxes. I need to prepare mine and work on my Dad’s books.
Have a great week!
Jessica @ a GREAT read
Wow! Your deals are awesome! Sadly I’m not an audio reader, otherwise I would’ve jumped on that sale too! I also got my taxes paid this week and apparently my being out of a job for 2 months meant I owed the state for the first time that I can remember. I’ve been lucky in the past to never owe. Luckily it wasn’t too bad. But yeah, not the best refund this time around.
Nice new reads! I need to get caught up on Jennifer’s series, I’m still a book behind. I need about 4 long holiday weekend to tackle 4 monster reads! I love that they’re super long but with a busy worklife now, it makes it harder to get the reading done in a timely manner! Lol.
Happy Reading!
Here’s my StS
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower 🙂
Melanie Simmons
I was really good and didn’t buy any books in the Audible sale. I looked and was going to come back to it and never did. But I still have several credits to use before my renewal.
We had some great sunny days here and it was lovely, it really feels like spring is almost here. That’s awesome you grabbed some good deals during the audible sale.
Cindy Davis
Yay for getting your taxes done, so sorry you had to pay! That’s great that you were able to get so many audio books! Have a great week!
Tanya @ Girl Plus Books
I think I got only two titles during the Audible sale. It was so tempting but I’m trying to concentrate on what I already own. Ick on the taxes. We’re working on finishing ours up this week.
Emma @ One Readers Thoughts
I wish I could get away with audio books but I just can’t, even though I listen to podcasts all the time. Sounds like I would have gotten some bargains!
Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms
Time is flying so fast I haven’t even done a Sunday Post in over six months… I have no idea how that happened.
I also didn’t know about the audible sale, which is probably a good thing, as I totally would have gone for it, too.
Here, spring has started early, even if it gets cold at night. I had to scrape ice off my windshield three mornings last week, but it was nice and warm during the day. Birds are chirping, and flowers are growing – it’s wonderful.
Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
Glad to see you linking back up!
You only spent $60. That shows restraint to me. I’ve been going a bit crazy buying books recently. Not sure when I will get them all read, either. Just not enough reading time.
Oh my tbr pile is out of control…but 12 audiobooks for $60 …could not pass that up. especially when they were on my wishlist already.
M. Ravenel
It’s been warm here too. Wonderful opportunity to leave the house and enjoy the outdoors! I heard about that Audible sale. Sounds like you scored a bunch of great deals!
Natalie @Natflix&Books
It was beautiful in my neck of the woods today. Definitely ready for spring. I use overdrive and hoopla through my library for audiobooks. It’s awesome. Happy reading!
Great audible haul! I wish I could listen to audio books without completely losing focus. Have a wonderful week ahead!
Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
You did great with the Audible sale. Hope you have a great week!
Laurel-Rain Snow
We have had rainy days, after a few nicer ones last week. I’m enjoying my books and my outings.
Have a great week.
It’s been warm here too (today, anyway) but we didn’t quite hit 70. I’m ready for spring. Hope you’re having a nice weekend. Good to see a new Mihalik book out. 🙂
El @ Exclusory Style
Taxes are the absolute worst! Haha, still have to do mine this week. Hope you have a great week ahead!