Cut and Run by Annabelle Lewis

February 10th, 2022 Kimberly Review 8 Comments

10th Feb
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Cut and Run by Annabelle Lewis continues the story of Run, Cat Run as our four Boston clairvoyants battle evil and its twisted game. Lewis takes us right back into the action as two innocents are set up and one has been wrongly sentenced. Grab a cup of coffee and see why I find this series so addictive.

Cut and Run by Annabelle Lewis
Cut and Run
by Annabelle Lewis
Series: Dead Cat, Run #2
Genres: Fantasy, Mystery
Source: Purchase, Won
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Their story continues . . .

The four Boston clairvoyants, blessed—or cursed—with special powers, must fight a ruthless enemy and stop injustice. In Dead Cat, Run, the Sisters of Fate drove them together, but at what cost? The God Apollo wasn’t playing around. He’s still dead set on vengeance.

Sinister forces will have a wicked agenda. An energy grab, a mineral rights war, and deadly mercenaries create a mortally serious game. But the psychics’ sibylline abilities aside, they’re only human. At least three of them are. (What’s up with that?)

Can they stop the killers? And who will survive?

An energetic contemporary thriller, Cut and Run will have you on the edge of your seat as the dance between good and evil resumes.

mystery Mythology SUSPENSE thriller

Cut and Run begins about a year after the ending of Run, Cat Run. While each book contains a mystery of sorts, I think it’s important to read this series in the order of release because of the character relationships and the fates.

Max, Sedrah, Jenny and their dog Bones are settling into using their gifts and have made a motley family of sorts, along with their hired protection. Like Sedrah, Max is using his gift to help law enforcement. Their detective friend asks for help with a past case. Something doesn’t add up. A young man who he believed was innocent was railroaded and sentenced.

Meanwhile, a massacre at a mining business is plastered all over the news. Two young people are on the run, and Jenny believes they need to help. Bones agrees. The gods are not done with them and danger is eminent.

Once again, Lewis drew me in. I read until the wee hours. Now that we know the players and series arc, we could dive straight into these cases and watch as Lewis weaved them together and connected threads.

I loved Jenny in this book. She really shines, and was fearless as she faced down the villain. Max, Sedrah, Bones and their close group of allies. We had some intense scenes, and I cheered for our team. The newcomers and their skepticism kept things fresh, and the story moved at a steady clip, keeping me engaged.

Rumor has it the author is working on the third book and I look forward to finding out what happens next.

Fans of contemporary suspense thrillers with a mythological twist will appreciate the characters and storyline regarding the three fates.


Cut and Run by Annabelle Lewis delivered another exciting case with Max, Sedrah, Jenny and their dog bones. #thriller #mystery #mythology #RunCatRun #bookreview Click To Tweet

About Annabelle Lewis

Annabelle Lewis

Annabelle Lewis—a pseudonym for the author—lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Regrettably? Perhaps. She still believes she’s a Texan even though the math no longer supports that. Nor her birthplace. Nor her residence. No offense, Minnesota. You’ve got your good points too, but only about six months of the year.

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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

8 Responses to “Cut and Run by Annabelle Lewis”

  1. Katherine

    Wonderful review! I haven’t come across this series but it sounds like I need to get this one and the first book!

  2. Lover of Romance

    What a great review that you have here. It’s good to know to read these books in order though. I definitely can see why this book worked so well for you. I do adore mythological aspects in stories.

  3. Annabelle Lewis

    Thank you for wonderful review, Kimberly! This group of characters has stolen my heart and it’s so satisfying to hear readers react to the writing with love for them too! I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to review my books across all your fun and professional sites. Warm regards until we meet again, Annabelle Lewis

    Annabelle Lewis recently posted: Reacher . . . My Boy is Back!
  4. Wendy

    This series does sound exciting. I’m glad you’re enjoying it so much that you’re up reading late!

  5. Ailyn Koay

    At least 3? Like what… one of them might be half God, mmm this intrigues me a little more