Cut and Run by Annabelle Lewis continues the story of Run, Cat Run as our four Boston clairvoyants battle evil and its twisted game. Lewis takes us right back into the action as two innocents are set up and one has been wrongly sentenced. Grab a cup of coffee and see why I find this series so addictive.
Dead Cat, Run by Annabelle Lewis
I read a review of Dead Cat, Run by Annabelle Lewis and grabbed the kindle version, but later discovered I had won signed paperback copies of the first two books in this series. I quickly devoured both books. Dead Cat, Run is a delightful, suspenseful tale surrounds the fates. Grab a cup of coffee and see why I recommend Dead Cat, Run.
Child of Gilead by Douglas S. Reed
Please welcome Sophia Rose back to the blog with a review of Child of Gilead by Douglas S. Reed. You’ll want to add this to your bookshelf. Enjoy!
I’m Glad You’re Dead by Hunter Blain
Are you looking for a dark vampire urban fantasy? Do you love references to pop culture, snark, and fast-paced action? Then grab, I’m Glad You’re Dead by Hunter Blain, the first audiobook in the Preternatural Chronicles.
The Golden Spider by Anne Renwick
The Golden Spider by Anne Renwick is a romantic steampunk filled with mystery, murder and a hero and heroine you’ll root for.