Nonna’s Corner: I Wonder by Regina Sparrow

August 8th, 2018 Kimberly Review 11 Comments

8th Aug

Nonna's Corner

Welcome to another edition of Nonna’s Corner where I share books I’ve read with my grandchildren, affectionately known as the Royals here at Caffeinated. Today we are sharing, I Wonder written and illustrated by Regina Sparrow. This silly little story encourages your imagination to soar. Grab a cup of coffee and see what we thought.

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Nonna’s Corner: I Wonder by Regina Sparrow
I Wonder
by Regina Sparrow
Genres: Childrens
Source: Author
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

I Wonder, takes readers on an adventure through the imagination by exploring silly ideas. Have fun building language skills while stretching your vocabulary with delightfully rhyming vowel sounds. Enjoy asking and answering questions that highlight rare and endangered species. Imagine the world as it could be. What is possible?

I Wonder is a silly little story that stretches the imagination with cute rhyming verse that ask questions like, “How would a snake skate and could sloths eat cake?”

Colorful illustrations and silly questions had Princess Sophia going back and forth between laughing and exasperation. She has a vivid imagination and my kitchen chairs frequently sail the high seas as a pirate ship seeking treasure and she performs surgeries daily to extract germs and worms from our ears… but a panda dancing? Preposterous! Hats on bats? Ridiculous. We laughed our way through this story. I admit I chuckled more at Sophia’s disbelief that someone thought hens could talk. The fantasy genre might not be for her. (Nonna’s working on it)

Prince Clayton liked pointing at the animals and it gave me a chance to identify them and ask him to point to the animals. He could point to the worm, giraffe and other familiar animals.  I don’t think he understood what we were laughing at, but he giggled right along with us. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Along with the rhyming verse are colorful photos showing pandas dancing and snakes on skateboards. In the back of the book are fun facts and activities to help stretch the imagination and make this perfect for homeschoolers, the classroom and helping your own little one be creative. A mix of familiar and new vocabulary building words make this great for early readers.


  • Age Range: 3 – 8 years
  • Grade Level: Kindergarten – 4
I Wonder by Regina Sparrow, is a silly little story that stretches the imagination with cute rhyming verse #childrens Share on X
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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

11 Responses to “Nonna’s Corner: I Wonder by Regina Sparrow”

  1. Melanie Simmons

    I love children’s books with animals. I just love the drawings. I just recently saw the cutest book with Baby Fiona the hippo in Cincinnati. It looked so cute.

  2. Stephanie@Fairday's Blog

    I haven’t heard of this one before- but it sounds like a great read. I am always on the lookout for new books to share with my K-2 students when they come to the school library. Thanks for sharing!