City of Ghosts by J.H. Moncrieff

August 8th, 2017 Kimberly Review 42 Comments

8th Aug
City of Ghosts by J.H. Moncrieff
City of Ghosts
by J.H. Moncrieff
Series: GhostWriters #1
Genres: Paranormal
Source: Purchase
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

On the day the villagers were forced to flee Hensu, not everyone got out alive.

Jackson Stone is touring the abandoned Chinese city when he slips away from the group to spend the night, determined to publish an account of his ghostly experiences there.

Then he meets Yuèhai, a strange, soft-spoken woman who can tell him the city’s secrets—secrets the Chinese government would kill to keep hidden.

As Jackson uncovers the truth about Yuèhai and the ghost city, he’s drawn into a web of conspiracy, betrayal, and murder. He must risk everything to save himself and bring honor back to Yuèhai and her family.

paranormal Free Read SUSPENSE Scary

CITY OF GHOSTS by J.H. Moncrieff is the first novel in the GhostWriters series. This is a paranormal ghost story that takes us to China with a group of tourists to the area surrounding the city of Hensu. Dark entities, a young man with hopes of becoming a writer and cover-ups delivered a chilling tale.

A young man named Jackson Stone slips away from his tour group to spend the night in an abandoned and reportedly haunted town called Hensu. He hopes that by spending the night and recording his experience it will kick-start his writing career. Things don’t go as expected when he meets a young woman named Yuèhai and agrees to share her story. It is one some will stop at nothing to cover up.

Moncrieff delivered a compelling tale with government cover-ups, hauntings and interesting characters. When he is picked up the next day he is curious about the real story of Hensu and that of the strange woman he encountered but things quickly turn weird when the woman begins following him.

While Jackson is the main protagonist another character on the tour named Kate, is a medium. Through her, Jackson discovers he is in trouble. As Yuèhai insistence Jackson questions their tour guide. This places him in danger.

The tale that unfolds is captivating and filled with suspense, intense pursuits, and an urgency to uncover the truth. I easily slipped into the story and while occasionally it slipped into “tell” not “show” moments I was just as anxious as Jackson to learn what happened. Being American and traveling abroad added to the suspense, since the government seemed determined to thwart Jackson’s efforts.

I enjoyed the setting from the descriptions of the tour to the food. I can assure you I will not be booking a similar tour anytime soon.

While this is a ghost story, and some classified it as horror, aside from a few scenes this wasn’t scary and fell more in the realm of paranormal suspense. Fans of the Experiment in Terror series will liken it to the first two books by Karina Halle. It shares the same vibe. I enjoyed the nightmares and Moncrieff’s descriptive voice.

The ending wrapped up nicely and it looks like  THE GIRL WHO TALKS TO GHOSTS, the next book offers a new setting and Kate as the protagonist.

City of Ghosts by J.H. Moncrieff shared a chilling paranormal tale set in Hensu, China. Share on X

Free on Amazon: City of Ghosts

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About Kimberly
Kimberly is a coffee loving book addict who reads and listens to fictional stories in all genres. Whovian, Ravenclaw, Howler and proud Nonna. She owns and manages Caffeinated PR. The coffee is always on and she is ready to chat. BlueSky | Facebook | Instagram

42 Responses to “City of Ghosts by J.H. Moncrieff”

  1. Darlene

    I think one of my reading challenges is to read a book set in China, so I’m grabbing this one! thanks!!

    • kimbacaffeinate

      Hahaha…oh I can see us all exploring these haunted grounds and drinking tequila. Of course, Liz will get arrested and we will have to wait tables to bail her out.

  2. Laura Thomas

    I’m so glad you liked this book. It’s right up my alley and I was on the fence about it. I’ll probably give it a go now:)

  3. Paij

    I love ghost stories, bu the 3 1/2 stars scares me a little. I see that it is a free read so I think I will download it, and take a chance. I like paranormal also, so we shall see. Sounds interesting for sure.

  4. Tracy Terry

    Hmm, love the cover but alas your review only confirms what I was thinking. Concerned this wasn’t so much as a ghost story as a suspense with a paranormal element thrown in.. I was hoping for some ‘ ghosts’ from Chinese folklore in there somewhere.

  5. Ethan

    I’m really intrigued by the political conspiracy aspects of this ghost story. It sounds like a really interesting combination!

  6. Jenea

    I don’t I will be going on this kinda of our anytime soon either. I do like creepy read, so I will see if I can find this one. Great review.

  7. kindlemom1

    Love that we get an unusual setting than the norm and you know how I love a good ghost story. Some of the Chinese lore is downright spooky and creepy!

  8. verushka

    Paranormal suspense I can totally handle, and I like that it’s set in Hensu, China. Wonderful review!

  9. Suzanne

    Government cover-ups in a ghost story? I’m intrigued! I was a little hesitant to keep reading when I saw the horror classification since that’s not usually my genre, but if it’s more suspense than horror, I think this is a book I would enjoy. Great review!